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I. General framework: ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

II. The first day of class, Monday 5th September ................................................................................................................ 2
a. Pupils from P2 to P5:................................................................................................................................................... 2
b. P1 students: ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
c. M2 students: ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
d. M1 students: ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
e. End of the day ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
III. General Organization as from Tuesday 6th of September .......................................................................................... 3
a. The arrival of students at school: ............................................................................................................................... 3
1. Primary:................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Kindergarten: .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
b. The exit of the pupils: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Primary.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Kindergarten. .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
c. The school day ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. The canteen ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
IV. The infirmary............................................................................................................................................................... 5
V. Various ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
a. Parent-teacher meetings ............................................................................................................................................ 5
b. Meetings with teachers .............................................................................................................................................. 5
c. The Secretary .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
d. Sports and swimming lessons ..................................................................................................................................... 5
VI. Appendix / Parents evenings ...................................................................................................................................... 6

In this brochure, you will find the main organizational information concerning the school start for September 2022.

This information will if needed be completed in the coming days.

I. General framework:

All levels from M2 to P5 include starts lessons on Monday 5 September. It will be a short day, ending at 13.00.

The school day schedules are following:

➢ Primary:

- Monday and Wednesday: 8.40 - 16.30.

- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8.40-13.00

➢ Nursery:

- Monday: 8.35-16.30

- Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 8.35-13.00

Pupils attendance at school is compulsory.

II. The first day of class, Monday 5th September

a. Pupils from P2 to P5:

P2 to P5 pupils enter through portal 2 (gate located between the Primary building and the Nursery building) which is open
from 8.15 and join the assembly points dedicated to each class in the playground; staff is present to guide them if
necessary. Teachers will be present at their meeting point at 8.15 am in order to welcome students. For this first day,
parents are authorized to accompany their child to the meeting point.

From 8.40, groups can join their classroom in a defined order.

b. P1 students:
P1 students will be welcomed from 9.30. They will enter through gate 2 (gate between the Primary building and the
Nursery building).

Parents are authorized to accompany their child to the teacher who will be at the dedicated meeting point.

c. M2 students:
M2 pupils enter the school premises through gate 3 (gate between the Nursery building and the administrative building)

d. M1 students:
The re-entry of M1 students is staggered according to a schedule (from Tuesday 06/09 to Friday 09/09) that has been
communicated to the families concerned; the same conditions as for M2 students apply.

e. End of the day

This first day will be a short day. It will end at 13.00.


- Pupils leaving with their parents leave through gate 3 (the gate between the administration building and the nursery
building) from 12.45.

- Pupils who take the buses are accompanied to the platforms by school staff.

- Pupils going to the CPE are collected from the classrooms directly by the teachers.

- Pupils going to crèches/foyers are collected by the relevant responsibles.


The exit of pupils will be staggered:

- P1 and P2: 12.50

- P3 and P4: 12.55
- P5: 13.00

Different possibilities:

- Students who have a permission slip (see specific communication) exit through the main entrance of the
primary building.
- Students leaving with their parents exit through gate 3 (gate between the Administrative building and the
Nursery building).
- Pupils who take the buses leave through gate 3 (gate between the Administrative building and the Nursery
- Students going to the CPE are met by their educators accompanied by the teachers.
- Pupils leaving with a crèche/foyer join the relevant responsibles in a dedicated area.

III. General Organization as from Tuesday 6th of September

a. The arrival of students at school:

1. Primary:
All pupils enter through gate 2 (gate between the Primary building and the Nursery building). This opens at 8.15.

Once the portal has been crossed, pupils go to their recreation area where supervisory staff is present. At 8.40 they must
line up at the meeting point dedicated to them and join their classroom accompanied by their teacher.

Access to the building is defined according to a precise plan for each class.

Parents are not allowed to cross gate 2.

NB: Parents of P1 pupils may accompany their child in the playground until Friday 9 September.

2. Kindergarten:
Pupils access the Kindergarten playground through a dedicated access at portal level 3(gate between the Administrative
building and the Nursery building). Supervisory staff is present. At 8.35, students must line up in front of their teacher
who accompanies them to classroom.

Gate 3 will close at 8.40.

Question :

What are the late students doing?

Late students must go to the main entrance of their respective building in order to be able to join their classroom.

NB: in the event of a bus delay, the school will be notified and will therefore leave gates open until the buses arrive.

b. The exit of the pupils:

1. Primary
Pupils leave their classroom on a staggered basis from 12.45 a.m. to 1 p.m. for short days and from 4.15 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
for long days.

- P1 and P2: 12.50 or 16.20

- P3 and P4: 12.55 or 16.25
- P5: 13.00 or 16.30

o Pupils who leave school unaccompanied leave the classroom on the instruction of their teacher and go to the
main door of the building through which they can exit after presenting their “exit card” to the security guard at
the entrance of the building.

Supervision staff are present in the corridors.

Students cannot leave the building if they do not have this card. (see specific communication concerning this

o Pupils who leave with a crèche, day care center, etc., leave the classroom on the indication of their teacher and
join the reception area on the ground floor where the responsibles of the organizations concerned await them.
They leave the building through the main door.
o Pupils who go to the CPE leave the class with their teacher. Once in the playground, they join their educator at
the meeting point communicated by the CPE.
o Pupils who leave by bus leave the class with their teacher, join gate 3 with their teacher then go alone to the bus
platform where supervisory staff is present to guide them if necessary.
o Pupils who leave school with their parents leave the classroom with their teacher, join gate 3 and go alone to the
assembly area. When they have identified their parents, they can go through the security barriers. Supervision
staff is present in the assembly area.

2. Kindergarten.
NB: Kindergarten pupils are not allowed to leave school alone.

- Pupils who leave school with their parents are brought into the kindergarten playground by their teacher and
handed over to their parents who must wait for them on the other side of the gate.
- The pupils who go to the daycare of the institutions are collected by the educators directly in the classes and join
the CPE.
- Pupils who leave by bus are collected directly from the classes by the nursery assistants who accompany them to
the platforms and put them on their bus.
- Pupils who leave with a crèche, day care center are collected directly by the responsibles of the organizations

Questions :

➢ What happens if a child misses the bus?

The supervisory staff take him to the Pedagogical Secretariat, who will take care of contacting his parents.

➢ What happens if parents are late?

Beyond a certain time, the supervisory staff accompanies the pupils concerned to the Pedagogical Secretariat, which will
contact the parents.

c. The school day

1. The canteen

➢ Kindergarten

Pupils take their lunch in the classrooms, supervised by the teachers and the nursery assistants.

➢ Primary

Each class will have their meal in the canteen which is in the administrative building.

“Tartinistes” pupils will have to bring their own lunch.

IV. The infirmary

Students' visits to the infirmary should be limited to emergencies. Sick pupils can of course not be sent to school.

V. Various

a. Parent-teacher meetings
The parents-teacher meetings will be held in September in the classrooms.

b. Meetings with teachers

Parents can only be received by teachers by appointment.

c. The Secretary
Priority contact with the Secretariat should be by e-mail or telephone.

d. Sports and swimming lessons

Specific information will be given in due course on this subject.

August 2022 Philippe Richard

Deputy Director Nursery and Primary

VI. Appendix / Parents evenings

Septembre 2022


MAR 6 > 18,00 - 19,00 Réunion Parents P1

MER 7 > 18.00 - 19.00 Réunions Parents MAT
> 18,00 - 18,30 Réunions Parents LII P2
JEU 8 > 18,30-19,30 Réunions Parents P2


SAM 10

DIM 11
> 18.00-18,30 Réunions Parents LII P3
LUN 12
> 18,30-19,30 Réunions Parents P3
MAR 13
> 18.00 - 18.30 Réunions Parents LII P4
MER 14
> 18,30-19,30 Réunions Parents P4
JEU 15
VEN 16

SAM 17

DIM 18
> 18.00 - 18,30 Réunions parents LII P5
LUN 19
>18,30 -19,30 Réunions Parents P5
MAR 20
MER 21 > 18.30 - 19.00 réunion parents SWALS
JEU 22
VEN 23

SAM 24

DIM 25
LUN 26
MAR 27 > 18.00 - 18,30 réunion parents LII-P1
MER 28
JEU 29
VEN 30

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