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Lesson 2a.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots

What Is It
Quadratic Equations that can be written in the form x2 = r, where r could
be any real number, can be solved by the method called Extracting Square Roots.
This method is used with the following properties as a guide:

Property 1. If r > 0, then x2 = r has two real solutions or roots: x = .

Example 1: Find the solutions of the equation x2 – 36 = 0 by extracting square roots.

x2 – 36 = 0 x2 – 36 + 36
Solutions: Rewrite x2 – 36 = 0 in the form x2 = r by adding
both sides of the equation by 36. = 0 +36 x2 = 36

Since r = 36 which is greater than 0 (r > 0), we need to use x2 = 36 x2 = 36

Property 1 which states “ If r > 0, then x2 = r has two real x=
solutions or roots: x = ” to find the values of x that will make
the equation x2 – 36 = 0 true.
x = 6 or x = - 6
To check if the values we obtained is correct, we just substitute the values of
x in the original equation.
For x = 6: For x = - 6
x2 – 36 ≟ 0 x2 – 36 ≟ 0
( 6 )2 – 36 ≟ 0 (- 6 )2 – 36 ≟ 0
36 – 36 ≟0 36 – 36 ≟ 0

0 = 0 
0 = 0
Both values of x satisfy the given equation.
Thus x2 – 36 = 0 is true when x = 6 and x = -6.
Answer: The equation x2 – 36 = 0 has two solutions: x = 6 and x = -6.
Note: A quadratic equation can have two or only one real solution(s).
In some cases, it can also have no real solutions.

Property 2. If r = 0, then x2 = r has one real solution or root: x = 0.

Example 2: Solve the equation m2 = 0.

Solutions: The equation m2 = 0 is already in the form x2 = r.

Since r = 0, we need to use the second Property 2 which states “If r =

0, then x2 = r has one real solution or root: x = 0.” That is, m = 0.
To check, we substitute the value of m in the original equation.
For m = 0:
m2 ≟ 0
(0)2 ≟ 0
0 0

Answer: The equation m 2 = 0 has only one solution which is x = 0.

Property 3. If r < 0, then x2 = r has no real solutions or roots.

Example 3: Find the roots of the equation x2 + 9 = 0.

x2 + 9 = 0 x2 + 9 – 9 = 0 – 9
Rewrite x + 9 = 0 in the form
x2 = - 9
x = r by adding both sides of the equation by -9.

Since r = - 9 which is less than 0 (r < 0), we

need to use Property 3 which states “If r < 0, then x2 = r Answer: The equation x2 + 9 = 0
has no real solutions or roots”. Because there is no real has no real solutions or roots.
number that gives - 9 when squared.
In the next example, other mathematical concepts you previously learned are
used along with the property needed to solve the quadratic equation by extracting
square roots. Study the steps to help you with the activities that follow.

Example 4: Find the solutions of the equation (x – 3)2 – 81 = 0.

(x – 3)2 – 81 + 81 = 0 + 81
Solutions: To solve (x – 3)2 – 81 = 0, add
81 to both sides of the (x – 3)2 = 81
equation and simplify.

Extract the square roots of both sides of the

equation. (x – 3) =

The result gives us two equations:

x–3= 9 , x–3=-9
x – 3 = 9 and x – 3 = - 9
Solve each equation to find the solutions. For x – 3 = 9 For x – 3 = - 9,
x–3+3=9+3 x – 3 + 3 = -9 + 3
x = 12 x = -6

To check, substitute the values of x in the original equation.
For x = 12 For x = - 6
(x – 3)2 – 81 ≟ 0 (x – 3)2 – 81 ≟ 0
(12 - 3)2 – 81 ≟ 0 (-6 - 3)2 – 81 ≟ 0
(9)2 – 81 ≟ 0 (-9)2 – 81 ≟ 0
81 – 81 ≟ 0 81 – 81 ≟ 0
0  = 0 0 
= 0
Both values of x satisfy the given equation.
The equation (x – 3)2 – 81 = 0 is true when x = 12 and x = -6.
Therefore, the equation (x – 3)2 – 81 = 0 has two solutions: x = 12 and x = - 6.

Activity 4: Label and Dig Me Out!

Directions: Solve each of the following quadratic equations by extracting square
roots. Label every steps of your solution with the steps of solving by
extracting square roots as presented previously in the examples.
1. x2 – 100 = 0 3. 2x2 = 50 5. (x – 2)2 – 4 = 0
2. x2 = 121 4. x2 =

Activity 5: You Can Do It!

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully to answer. Provide solutions if
needed and write your answer in your Mathematics S
1. Write a quadratic equation that represents the area of each
square. Then find the length of its side using the equation
formulated. Answer the questions that follow. S
Area = 225 cm2 S

2. Gather square objects of different sizes. Using these square

objects, formulate quadratic equations that can be solved by
extracting square roots. Find the solutions or roots of these
equations. S


2b Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Some quadratic equations can be solved easily by factoring. These type of

quadratic equations is said to be factorable. To solve such quadratic equations, the
following steps can be followed:
1. Transform the quadratic equation into standard form if necessary.
2. Factor the quadratic expression.
3. Apply the zero product property by setting each factor of the quadratic
expression equal to 0.
Zero Property Property
If the product of two real numbers is zero, then either of the two is equal to zero
or both numbers are equal to zero

1. Solve each resulting equation to get the value of the variable.

2. Check the values of the variable obtained by substituting each in the
original equation.
Example 1: Find the solutions of x2 + 7x = - 6 by factoring.

Steps Solutions
1. Transform the equation into
x2 + 7x = - 6 x2 + 7x +6 = 0
standard form ax +bx +c = 0.

2. Factor the quadratic expression. x2 + 7x + 6 = 0 (x + 6) (x +1) = 0

Recall: A quadratic trinomial is a product of two

binomials. Thus, we can check if the factor (x + 6)
(x +1) is the right factor. If it is, we should get x2 +
7x + 6 after applying FOIL method.

3. Apply the zero product property by

(x + 6) (x +1) = 0
setting each factor of the quadratic
x + 6 = 0 , x +1 = 0
expression equal to 0.
4. Solve each resulting equation to get x+6=0 x +1 = 0
the value of the variable x+-6=0–6 x+1–1=0–1
x=-6 x=-1
5. Check to determine if the values are Checking:
For x = -6: For x = -1:
correct by substituting it from the
original equation. x2 + 7x ≟ -6 x2 + 7x ≟ -6
(-6)2 + 7(-6) ≟ -6 (-1)2 + 7(-1) ≟ -6
36 – 42 ≟ -6 1 – 7 ≟ -6

- 6 = -6 -6= -6
Both values of x satisfy the given equation.
Thus x2 + 7x = - 6 is true when x = -6 and x = -1.
Answer: The equation x2 + 7x = - 6 has two solutions: x = - 6 and x = -1.
Example 2: Factor 4x2 – 9 = 0 and solve for x.

Steps Solutions
1. Transform the equation into 4x2 – 9 = 0
In this case, the quadratic equation is
standard form ax2 +bx +c = 0. already in standard form.
2. Factor the quadratic expression. 4x2 – 9 = 0 (2x – 3)(2x + 3) = 0
Recall: The expression x – y2 is a Difference of

Two Squares and its factor is the expression ( x –

y ) ( x + y ).
In this case, we can rewrite 4x2 – 9 to
(2x)2 – 32 which is an example of a difference of
two squares. Hence, its factor is (2x – 3)(2x + 3).
3. Apply the zero product property by (2x – 3) (2x + 3) = 0
setting each factor of the quadratic 2x – 3 = 0 , 2x + 3 = 0
expression equal to 0.
4. Solve each resulting equation to get 2x – 3 = 0 2x + 3 = 0
the value of the variable 2x – 3 + 3 = 0 + 3 2x + 3 - 3 = 0 - 3
2x = 3 2x = - 3

= =

x= x=

5. Check to determine if the values are Checking:

correct by substituting it from the For x = : For x = :
original equation.
4x2 – 9 ≟ 0 4x2 – 9 ≟ 0

4 –9≟0 4 –9≟0

4 –9≟0 4 –9≟0

9–9≟0 9–9≟0

0 
= 0 0 
= 0

Both values of x satisfy the given equation.

Thus 4x2 – 9 = 0 is true when x = and x = .

Answer: The equation 4x2 – 9 = 0 has two solutions: x = and x = .

Example 3: Solve 4y2 +36 = - 24y.
Steps Solutions
1. Transform the equation into
4y2 +36 = - 24y 4y2 + 24y + 36 = 0
standard form ax +bx +c = 0.

2. Factor the quadratic 4y2 + 24y + 36 = 0 (2y + 6) (2y + 6) = 0

expression. (2y + 6) 2 = 0
In this case, the quadratic expression 4y2 + 24y +
36 is a Perfect Square Trinomial, therefore its factors
are repeated.
Recall: A Perfect Square Trinomial
x2 ± 2xy + y2 has a factor in the form
(x ± y) (x ± y) or (x ± y)2.
Since 4y2 + 24y + 36 is a Perfect Square Trinomial,
we can rewrite it to (2y)2 + 2(2y)(6) + 62 and its factor
is the expression (2y + 6) (2y + 6) or (2y + 6) 2
3. Apply the zero product property (2y + 6) (2y + 6) = 0
by setting each factor of the 2y + 6 = 0 , 2y + 6 = 0
quadratic expression equal to 0. Note: We can apply extracting square roots method if
we choose to use the factor (2y – 6) 2.
4. Solve each resulting equation 2y + 6 = 0 2y + 6 = 0
to get the value of the variable. 2y + 6 – 6 = 0 – 6 2y + 6 – 6 = 0 – 6
2y = - 6 2y = - 6

y=-3 y=-3

In this case, we can say that the quadratic

equation has only one real solution since the two
equations obtained the same value which is y = - 3.
5. Check to determine if the value Checking: 4y2 +36 = - 24y
4( - 3 )2 +36 = - 24( - 3 )
is correct by substituting it from
4(9) +36 = 72
the original equation.
36 +36 = 72
72 = 72

The value of y satisfies the given equation.
Thus 4y2 +36 = - 24y is true when y = - 3.
Answer: The equation 4y2 +36 = - 24y has one solution: x = - 3.
Activity 6: Factor Me and Know My Value!
Directions: Solve the following quadratic equations by factoring method. Present
your solution in a step-by-step manner. Make sure to label each step as
you solve. Write your answer in your Mathematics notebook.
1. x2 + 6x = 16 3. x2 +121 = 22x 5. n2 – 81 = 0
2. x2 - 49 = 0 4. 4x2 + 12x – 16 = 0
Activity 7: How Much Do I Know?
Directions: Read carefully and answer each of the following items. Provide your
solutions if needed.
1. Which of the following quadratic equations may be solved more appropriately
by factoring? Explain your answer.
a. 3x2 = 108 c. x2 – 169 = 0
b. x + 18x + 81 = 0
d. 2x2 - 2x - 12 = 0
2. Were the steps of solving quadratic equations by factoring helpful to you? Why?
3. Do you agree that x2 + 5x – 14 = 0 and 14 – 5x – x2 = 0 have the same
solutions? Justify your answer by providing the solution.

Lesson Solving Quadratic Equations

2c by Completing the Square
What Is It
Extracting square roots and factoring are two methods commonly used to
solve quadratic equations of the form ax2 - c = 0 . If the factors of the quadratic
expression of ax2 + bx + c = 0 are determined, then it is more convenient to use
factoring to solve it.
Another method of solving quadratic equations is by completing the square.
This method involves transforming the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. into the
form (x – h)2 = k, where k ≥ 0. The value of k should be positive to obtain a real
number solution.
To solve the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 by completing the square, the
following steps can be followed:
1. Divide both sides of the equation by a then simplify.
2. Write the equation such that the terms with variables are on the left side of the
equation and the constant term is on the right side.
3. Add the square of one-half of the coefficient of x on both sides of the resulting
equation. The left side of the equation becomes a perfect square trinomial.
4. Express the perfect square trinomial on the left side of the equation as a
square of a binomial.
5. Solve the resulting quadratic equation by extracting the square root.
6. Solve the resulting linear equations.
7. Check the solutions obtained against the original equation.
Example 1: Find the solutions of 2x2 + 12x – 14 = 0 by completing the square.
Steps Solution
1. Divide both sides of the equation by the 2x + 12x – 14 = 0

coefficient a then simplify.

In the given equation, 2x2 + 12x – 14 = 0, a = 2. =

x2 + 6x – 7 = 0

2. Write the equation such that the terms with

x2 + 6x – 7 = 0 x2 + 6x – 7 + 7 = 0 + 7
variables are on the left side of the equation and
x2 + 6x = 7
the constant term is on the right side.

3. Add the square of one-half the coefficient b

on both sides of the resulting equation. Then, x2 + 6x = 7 x2 + 6x + 9 = 7 + 9
the left side of the equation becomes a perfect x2 + 6x + 9 = 16
square trinomial.
x2 + 6x = 7

Since b = 6,
(b) (6)=3 32 = 9

Thus, 9 will be added on both sides of the

4. Express the perfect square trinomial on the
left side of the equation as a square of a

x2 + 6x + 9 perfect square trinomial Thus,

x2 + 6x + 9 = 16 (x + 3)2 = 16

( x + 3)2 square of a binomial

5. Solve the resulting quadratic equation by (x + 3)2 = 16 x+3=
extracting the square
x+3= 4
6. Solve the resulting linear equations.
x+3=4 x+3=-4
x+3–3=4–3 x + 3 – 3 = -4 – 3
x=1 x=-7
7. Check the solutions obtained against the Checking:

original equation. For x = 1:

2x2 + 12x – 14 ≟ 0

2(1)2 + 12(1) – 14 ≟ 0

2(1) + 12 – 14 ≟ 0

2 + 12 – 14 ≟ 0

0 
= 0
For x = -7:

2x2 + 12x – 14 ≟ 0

2(-7)2 + 12(-7) – 14 ≟ 0

2(49) – 84 – 14 ≟ 0

98 – 84 – 14 ≟ 0

0 
= 0

Both values of x satisfy the given equation.

Thus 2x2 + 12x – 14 = 0 is true when x = 1 and x = -7.
Answer: The equation 2x2 + 12x – 14 = 0 has two solutions: x = 1 and x = - 7.
Example 2: Find the solutions of x2 - 8x - 9 = 0.
Steps Solution

1. Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient

a then simplify.
In the given equation, x2 - 8x - 9 = 0, a = 1.
x2 - 8x - 9 = 0
Since a = 1, we don’t need to divide both sides of
the equations by 1 because the equation will stay as
it is.
2. Write the equation such that the terms with
variables are on the left side of the equation and the x2 - 8x - 9 = 0 x2 - 8x – 9 + 9 = 0 + 9
constant term is on the right side. x2 - 8x = 9
3. Add the square of one-half the coefficient b on
both sides of the resulting equation. Then, the left
side of the equation becomes a perfect square

x2 - 8x - 9 = 0 x2 - 8x = 9 x2 - 8x + 16 = 9 + 16
x2 - 8x + 16 = 25
Since b = 8,

(b) (8)=4 42 = 16

Thus, 16 will be added on both sides of the equation

4. Express the perfect square trinomial on the
left side of the equation as a square of a
x2 - 8x + 16 perfect square trinomial Thus,

x2 - 8x + 16 = 25 (x - 4)2 = 25

( x – 4 )2 square of a binomial
5. Solve the resulting quadratic equation by (x - 4)2 = 25 x–4=
extracting the square x–4= 5
6. Solve the resulting linear equations. x–4=5 x–4=-5
x–4+4=5+4 x–4+4=-5+4
x=9 x=-1
7. Check the solutions obtained against the Checking:
original equation. For x = 9:
x2 - 8x - 9 ≟ 0
(9)2 – 8(9) – 9 ≟ 0
81 – 72 – 9 ≟ 0
0  0
For x = -1: =
x2 – 8x – 9 ≟ 0
(-1)2 – 8(-1) – 9 ≟ 0
0  0
Both values of x satisfy the given equation.
Thus x2 - 8x – 9 = 0 is true when x = 9 and x = -1.
Answer: The equation x2 - 8x – 9 = 0 has two solutions: x = 9 and x = -1.

Activity 8: Complete Me!

Directions: Find the solutions of each of the following quadratic equations by completing the square.
1. x2 – 2x = 7 3. m2 + 10m + 9 = 0
2. s2 + 4s – 60 = 0 4. w2 + 3w = 3
Activity 9: What Does The Equation Means To Me?
Directions: Answer the following problems completely.
1. Do you agree that any quadratic equation can be solved by completing the
square? Explain your answer.
2. If you are going to choose between completing the square and factoring in finding the
solutions in each of the following equations, which would you chose? Explained and
answer the given equation using your preferred method.
a. 4x2 -16x+ 12 = 0 b. x2 - 8x + 15 = 0
3. Meg wants to use completing the square in solving the quadratic equation
x2 – 25 = 0. Can she use it in finding the solutions of the equation? Explain why or why not?

Solving Quadratic Equations
2d by Quadratic Formula
What Is It
The equation we obtained in activity 3 is what we call the Quadratic
Formula for solving any quadratic equations in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0.
To use it, you must follow these steps:
1. Write the equation to its standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0. If it is already
written in standard form, proceed to the next step.
2. Determine the values of the coefficients a, b, and c.
3. Substitute these values in the Quadratic Formula:

4. Evaluate and simplify the result.
5. Check the solutions obtained using the original equation.
Study the example that follows to help you understand more.
Example 1: Find the solutions of the equation 2x2 + 3x = 27 using the quadratic
Steps Solution
1. Write the equation to its standard
2x2 + 3x = 27 2x2 + 3x – 27 = 0
form ax2 + bx + c = 0

2x2 + 3x – 27 = 0
2. Determine the values of the
coefficients a, b, and c.
a = 2, b = 3, and c = - 27

3. Substitute these values in the
Quadratic Formula:

4. Evaluate and simplify the result.

We obtained
two equations

5. Check the solutions obtained using Checking:
For x = 3:
the original equation.
2x2 + 3x ≟ 27
2(3)2 + 3(3) ≟ 27
2(9) + 9 ≟ 27
18 + 9 ≟ 27
27 27

For x = :

2x2 + 3x ≟ 27

2( )2 + 3( ) ≟ 27

2( ) - ≟ 27
- ≟ 27
27 
= 27
Both values of x satisfy the given equation.

Thus 2x2 + 3x = 27 is true when x = 3 and x = .
Answer: The equation 2x2 + 3x = 27 has two solutions: x = 3 and x = .
Activity 10: Use the Formula!
Directions: Find the solutions of the following quadratic equations using the
quadratic formula. Answer the questions that follow.
1. x2 + 5x = 14 3. 9x2 - 63 = 0 5. x2 + 4x + 4 = 0
2. x2 + 5x + 4 = 0 4. 2x2 + 7x = -9
Process Questions:
a. Base on your answers, what is the maximum number of solutions a quadratic
equation can have?
b. Which equation has only one solution? Describe this equation.
c. Which equation has no real solution? Describe this equation.
d. How did the use of the quadratic formula in finding the solution/s of each
equation helped you?
Activity 11: The Best That It Has!
Directions: Analyze what is asked in each item. Answer all the questions carefully
and write your answer in your Mathematics notebook.
1. The values of a, b, and c of a quadratic equation written in standard form are 3, - 8,
and 2, respectively. Another quadratic equation has a = 3, b = 8, and
c = - 2. Will the two equations have the same solutions? Justify your answer.
2. How are you going to use the quadratic formula in determining whether a quadratic
equation has no real solutions? Formulate one example of quadratic equation with no
real solution.
3. Can the quadratic formula be used to solve any quadratic equation? Why or why not?
4. If you are to solve each of the following quadratic equations, which method will you
use (you can choose among the 4 methods)? Explain why you choose this method/s
for solving the specific equation. You can have as many answers as you can in each
item and answers can be repeated.
a. x2 = 36 c. 3x2 + 13x + 9 = 0
b. x + 8x +15 = 0
d. x2 + 4x – 13 = 0

The Nature of Roots of Quadratic Equations

What Is It
We have already studied the quadratic formula,

The binomial inside the radical sign is called the discriminant. It is used to
determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. We can also determine the
number of real roots for a quadratic equation with this number. The following table will give
us the relation between the discriminant and the nature of the roots.
Number of real
Discriminant Nature of the Roots
b2 – 4ac = 0 Real and Equal 1
b2 – 4ac > 0 and a perfect square Rational and Unequal 2
b2 – 4ac < 0 but not a perfect square Irrational and Unequal 2
Imaginary/No Real
b2- 4ac < 0 None

We will discuss here about the different cases of discriminant to understand the
nature of the roots of a quadratic equation.

We know that x1 and x2 are the roots of the general form of the quadratic equation
where (a ≠ 0) then we get

Here a, b and c are real and rational.

Then, the nature of the roots x1 and x2 of equation depends on the

quantity or expression i.e., b2 – 4ac under the radical sign.
Thus, the expression b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant of

the quadratic equation .

Generally we denote discriminant of the quadratic equation by ‘∆‘ or ‘D’. Therefore,

Discriminant ∆ = b2 4ac.
Depending on the discriminant we shall discuss the following cases about the nature

of roots x1 and x2 of the quadratic equation .

When a, b and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0
Case I: b2 – 4ac = 0
When a, b and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and discriminant is zero (i.e., b2 - 4ac = 0),
then the roots x1 and x2 of the quadratic equation are real and equal.

Example 1:
Find the discriminant value of x2 –12x + 36 = 0 and determine the number of real roots.

Step 1: Identify the values of a, b and c.
The given equation is x2 – 12x + 36 = 0. The equation is in the
form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where, a = 1 b = -12 and c = 36

Step 2: Substitute the values of a, b and c to the Discriminant = b2 - 4ac

Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (-12)2 - 4(1)(36)
= 144 144
Step 3: Describe the nature of the roots.
Since the discriminant value of the equation is zero then the equation
x2 – 12x + 36 = 0 has a double root and the roots are real and are equal.

This can be checked by determining the roots of x2 – 12x + 36 = 0 using any

of the methods of solving quadratic equations.

If factoring is used, the roots that can be obtained are the following:
x2 – 12x + 36 = 0
(x – 6) (x – 6) = 0
x–6=0 x–6=0
x=6 x=6
(a double root)
The roots of the quadratic equation x2 – 12x + 36 = 0 are real numbers and
are equal.

Example 2:
Find the nature of the roots of the equation x2 – 18x + 81 = 0.
Solution: The coefficients of the equation x2 – 18x + 81 = 0 are rational.
The discriminant of the given equation is
Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (-18)2 - 4(1)(81)
= 324 – 324
Clearly, the discriminant of the given quadratic equation is zero and coefficient of
x2 and x are rational.

Therefore, the roots of the given quadratic equation are real and equal.

To check, solve for the roots of x2 – 18x + 81 = 0.

x2 – 12x + 36 = 0
(x – 9) (x – 9) = 0
x–9=0 x–9=0
x=9 x=9

Case II: b2 - 4ac > 0 and perfect square

When a, b and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and discriminant is positive and perfect
square, then the roots x1 and x2 of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are real, rational,
Example 3:
Find the discriminant value for the equation x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 and determine the
number of real roots.
Step 1: Identify the values of a, b and c.
The given equation is x2 + 5x + 6 = 0. The equation is in the
form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where, a=1 b = 5 and c=6
Step 2: Substitute the values of a, b and c to the Discriminant ∆ = b2 - 4ac
Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (5)2 - 4(1)(6)
= 25 24
Step 3: Describe the nature of the roots.
Since the discriminant value of the equation is greater than 0 and a perfect
square, then there are two real roots of the equation x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 and the
roots are rational numbers but not equal.
This can be checked by determining the roots x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 using any of the
methods of solving quadratic equations.
If factoring is used, the roots that can be obtained are the following:
x2 + 5x + 6 = 0
(x + 3) (x + 2) = 0
x+3=0 x+2=0
x = -3 x = -2

The roots of the quadratic equation x2 +5x + 6 = 0 are -3 and -2.
Example 4:
Find the nature of the roots of the equation 3x2 – 10x + 3 = 0 without actually solving them.
The coefficients of the equation 3x2 – 10x + 3 = 0 are rational.
The discriminant of the given equation is
Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (-10)2 - 4(3)(3)
= 100 – 36
= 64
Clearly, the discriminant of the given quadratic equation is positive and a
perfect square.

Therefore, the roots of the given quadratic equation are rational and unequal.

To check, solve for the roots of 3x2 – 10x + 3 = 0.

3x2 – 10x + 3 = 0
(3x – 1) (x – 3) = 0
3x – 1 = 0 x – 3 = 0
3x = 1 x = 3

Case III: b2 – 4ac > 0 and not perfect square

When a, b and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and discriminant is positive (i.e., b 2 – 4ac>0)
but not a perfect square then the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are real,
irrational and unequal. Here the roots x1 and x2 form a pair of irrational conjugates.

Example 5: Describe the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 – 8x + 3 = 0.
The coefficients of the equation 2x2 – 8x + 3 = 0 are rational.
The discriminant of the given equation is
Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (-8)2 - 4(2)(3)
= 64 – 24
= 40
Clearly, the discriminant of the given quadratic equation is positive but not a perfect
square.Therefore, the roots of the given quadratic equation are irrational and unequal.
To check, solve for the roots of 2x2 – 8x + 3 = 0 using the quadratic equation.

Case IV: b2 - 4ac < 0
When a, b and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and discriminant is negative
(b2 - 4ac < 0), then the roots x1 and x2 of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are
unequal and imaginary. Here the roots x1 and x2 are a pair of the complex conjugates.

Example 6:
Find the discriminant value 2x2 + x + 3 = 0 and determine the number of real roots.

Step 1: Identify the values of a, b and c.
The given equation is 2x2 + x + 3 = 0. The equation is in the
form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where,
a=2 b=1 and c=3
Step 2: Substitute the values of a, b and c to the Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
Discriminant = b2- 4ac
= (1)2 - 4(2)(3)
= 1 24
= 23
Step 3: Describe the nature of the roots.
Since the discriminant value of the equation is less than zero then the
equation 2x2 + x + 3 = 0 has no real roots or imaginary. Also, the graph of this
equation does not touch the x-axis.

To check, solve for the roots of 2x2 + x + 3 = 0 using the quadratic formula.

Example 7: Describe the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 + x + 1 = 0.

The coefficients of the equation x2 + x + 1 = 0 are rational.
The discriminant of the given equation is
Discriminant = b2 - 4ac
= (1)2 - 4(1)(1)
= -3
Clearly, the discriminant of the given quadratic equation is negative.

Therefore, the roots of the given quadratic equation are imaginary and
unequal. Thus, the roots of the given equation are a pair of complex

To check, solve for the roots of x2 + x + 1 = 0 using the quadratic equation.

Activity 12: Find My Nature

Directions: Describe the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation using its discriminant.
Answer the questions that follow.
3x2 – 2x – 5 = 0 Discriminant 64
Nature of Roots rational and unequal

1. Discriminant ______ Nature of Roots __________

2. Discriminant ______ Nature of Roots __________
3. Discriminant ______ Nature of Roots __________
4. Discriminant ______ Nature of Roots __________
5. Discriminant ______ Nature of Roots __________
Process Questions:
1. How did you solve for the discriminant of the quadratic equations?
2. Where you able to describe the nature of the roots? Explain.
3. In what way does your knowledge on discriminant help you in describing the
nature of the roots?

Lesson 2: The Sum and Product of Roots of Quadratic Equations

What I Know

Activity 1: Relate Me to My Roots!

Direction: Consider and carefully analyze the table below.
Sum of the Product of
Values of a, b and c
Quadratic Equation Roots Roots the Roots
(r1, r2) r1 + r2 r1 ● r2 a b c

x2 + 7x + 12 = 0 (-3, -4) -7 12 1 7 12

2x2 – 3x – 20 = 0 (4, -5/2) 3/2 -10 2 -3 -20

Process Questions:
1. What do you observe about the sum and the product of the roots of each quadratic
equation in relation to the values of a, b, and c?
2. Do you think a quadratic equation can be determined given its roots or solutions?
Justify your answer by giving 3 examples.
3. Do you think a quadratic equation can be determined given the sum and product of
its roots? Justify your answer by giving 3 examples.

Activity 13: Are We Related?

Directions: Given the following quadratic equation, complete the table below, then answer
the following questions. You may work in groups of 4. The first one is done for
Coefficients Roots Sum of Product of
Quadratic Equation Roots Roots
a b c
1 8 -12 6 -2 4 -12

Process Questions:

1. What do you observe about the sum and product of the roots of each quadratic
equation in relation to the values of the coefficients a, b, and c?
2. Can you solve for the quadratic equation given its roots? Explain.
3. How about if the sum and product of the roots are given? Can you determine the
quadratic equation? Justify your answer. Give at least 3 examples.

We will now discuss on how the sum and product of roots of the quadratic equation
can be determined using the coefficients a, b, and c.
We have seen that the b2 – 4ac is the radicand of the quadratic formula, called
the discriminant, can tell us the type of roots of a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula
can also give us information about the relationship between the roots and the coefficient of
the second term and the constant of the equation itself. Consider the following:

Given a quadratic equation: . By the quadratic formulas, the

two roots can be represented as

Sum of the Roots, r1 + r2:

Product of the Roots, r1 • r2:

The sum of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the inverse of the
coefficient of the second term, divided by the leading coefficient.

The product of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the constant term,
divided by the leading coefficient.

Example 1: Find the sum and product of roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 5x + 6 = 0.

Solutions: Given the equation x2 - 5x + 6 = 0, we get a = 1, b = -5 and c = 6.

The roots of the equation x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 are 3 and 2 (using factoring or any

method). To check, find the sum and product of these roots.

Therefore, the sum and product of roots of x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 are 5 and 6,

Example 2: Given the values . What is the quadratic equation?
Solve for the sum and product of roots.
Since thus the equation is .

By inspection, the two numbers that give a sum of -4 and a product of -21 are -7 and 3.

Therefore, the quadratic equation is and its sum
and product of roots of are -4 and -21, respectively.

Activity 14: Find My Roots

Direction: Using the values of a, b, and c of each of the following quadratic equation solve
for the sum and product of roots. Check your answer by using the roots of the
quadratic equation. Then answer the question below.

Quadratic Product of the

Sum of the Roots Roots
Equation Roots

Process Questions:

1. How did you solve for the sum and product of roots?
2. Are the values of a, b, and c helpful in determining the roots of the quadratic equation?
Why? Why Not?
3. What do you think is the importance of knowing the sum and product of roots of the
quadratic equation?

Activity 15: Find My Match

Directions: Match column A (roots) with column B (Quadratic Equation).

Column A Column B

1. 5 and -14

2. 3 and 4

3. and 1
4. 7 and - 2

5. and

Process Questions:
1. How did you determine the quadratic equation given its roots?
2. Which roots did you find it difficult to determine the quadratic equation? Why?
3. Compare your answer with your classmate. Did you have the same answer? If NOT,
why? What are the differences in your solutions?
4. Where you able to solve the problem using other methods? Explain then give

Solving Problems involving Quadratic Equations

What Is It
The concept of quadratic equations is illustrated in many real-life situations.
Problems that arise from these situations, such as those involving area, work, profits, and
many others, can be solved by applying the different mathematics concepts and principles
previously studied including quadratic equations and the different ways in solving them. Let
us study and understand these examples.

Example 1: The top of a rectangular table has an area of 27 ft.2 and a perimeter of 24 ft.
What is the length of the top of the table? What is its width?

Solution 1:
a.) The sum of twice the length and twice the width of the rectangular table gives
the perimeter. Hence, 2l + 2w = 24.
b.) If we divide both sides of the equation 2l + 2w = 24 by 2, then l + w =12.
c.) The product of the length and the width of the rectangular table gives the
area. Hence, l ● w = 27.
We can think of l ● w = 27 and l + w =12 as the equations representing the
product and sum of roots, respectively, of a quadratic equation.

Remember that if the sum and the product of the roots of a quadratic equation
are given, the roots can be determined. This can be done by inspection or by
using the equation where is the sum of the roots and is the

d.) By inspection, the numbers whose product is 27 and whose sum is 12 are 3
and 9.
3 ● 9 = 27 3 + 9 = 12

The roots of the quadratic equation then are 3 and 9. This implies that the width
of the table is 3 ft. and the length is 9 ft.

Solution 2:
Another method of finding the roots is to use the equation
Let = 12 and = 27. Then substitute these values in
the equation.

x2 + (-12)x + 27 = 0

x2 – 12x + 27 = 0
Solve the resulting equation x2 – 12x + 27 = 0 using any of the methods of
solving quadratic equation. Try factoring.

x2 – 12x + 27 = 0
(x – 3) (x – 9) = 0
x–3=0 x–9=0
x=3 x=9

With the obtained roots of the quadratic equation, the dimensions of the table
then are 3 ft. and 9 ft., respectively.

Example 2. The Local Government of Iligan City wants to place a new rectangular
billboard to inform and give awareness to the Iliganons on how to protect themselves
from the spread of COVID19. Suppose the length of the billboard to be placed is 4 m
longer than its width and the area is 96 m2. What will be the length and the width of
the billboard?

If we represent the width, in meters, of the billboard by x, then its length is
x + 4. Since the area of the billboard is 96 m2, then (x)(x+4) = 96.

The equation (x)(x+4) = 96 is a quadratic equation that can be written in the form
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
x2 + 4x = 96
x + 4x – 96 = 0

Solve the resulting

equation (by x2 + 4x – 96 = 0 factoring)
(x – 8) (x + 12) = 0
x – 8 = 0 x + 12 = 0
x = 8 x = -12
The equation x + 4x – 96 = 0 has two solutions: x = 8 or x = -12.

However, we only consider the positive value of x since the situation involves
measure of length. Hence, the width of the billboard is 8m and its length is 12m.
Example 3. Jane is selling face mask around the city. If he charges 30 pesos for each face
mask, he will sell 50 face masks. If Jane decreases her price for each face mask,
5 more face masks would be sold. What is the price that will maximize her
Let n denotes the decrease in price.
Revenue R = price no. of face masks sold
R = (50 + 5n) (30 – n)
R = 1500 – 50n + 150n – 5n2
R = -5n2 + 100n + 1500
Now we have to maximize R.
Above is a quadratic equation in n with coefficient of n2, its maximum value will be

Thus, 10 pesos is the decrease in price. At n = 10,

R = -5n2 + 100n + 1500
= -5(10)2 + 100(10) + 1500
= -5(100) + 1000 + 1500
= -500 + 1000 + 1500
R = 2000
Therefore, the price that will maximize her revenue is 2000 pesos.
Example 4. The Rural Bus Inc. travels around the Island of Mindanao. Last December, Jose
visited Siargao Island. He observes that the speed of the bus decreased by 10
kmph, it took 2 hours more than what it usually takes to cover a distance of 1800
km. Find the time it usually takes the bus to travel from Iligan City to Surigao City.
The data is tabulated below:
Speed Time Distance
u t u ● t =1800
u – 10 t+2 1800
Hence, u ● t = (u – 10) (t + 2)
= ut + 2u–10t – 20
Since, u ● t = 1800 and t = 1800/u
So, 2u - 10(1800/u) = 20,
u2 - 10u - 9000 = 0
(u -100) (u+90) = 0, that is u =100
And t =1800/100 = 18 hrs
Therefore, the bus will usually take 18 hours to travel from Iligan City to Surigao City.
Example 5: Juan has a rectangular garden in their backyard. One day, obeying the “stay at
home” policy of the government, he plans to replant the vegetables in his garden
since it was not replanted after the fruitful harvest last year because of his new
work. The length of the rectangular garden is 6 more than the width. The area is
27 sq. units. Find the dimensions of the rectangular garden.
Solution: Quadratic Equation: x (x + 6) = 27
x2 + 6x = 27
x2 + 6x – 27 = 0
Solving the quadratic equation by factoring, we get
x2 + 6x – 27 = 0
(x – 3) (x + 9) = 0
x–3=0 x+9=0
x = 3 x = -9

Consider the positive value of x since the situation involves measurement. By

substituting x = 3 to the given equation x (x + 6) =27, the dimension of the
rectangle garden is 9 units by 3 units.

What’s More
Activity 16: Let’s Do the Solving
Directions: Answer each of the following.

1. To signal the start of a 10-km race, an official fired a blank bullet vertically up into the
air. The initial velocity of the bullet is 120 ft. per second and the distance(s) covered
above the ground after t seconds is represented by the equation s = 120t – 16t2.
a. How many seconds would it take for the bullet to reach 216 feet?
b. Would the bullet reach a stationary kite 900 feet above? Why or why not?
2. Pedro lives in Iligan City where it is known as the City of Waterfalls. With its
abundance of water, Pedro wants to build a swimming pool for his family. His
planned rectangular swimming pool has a perimeter of 86 m and its area is 450 m2.
a. How would you represent the length and the width of the swimming pool?
b. What equation represents the perimeter of the swimming pool? How about
the equation that represents its area?
c. What is the length of the swimming pool? How about its width?
3. The Cruz Family went to Robinsons Mall for a family
weekend treat. Engr. Robin Cruz, the father, observed
that the length of a rectangular parking lot at Robinsons
Mall is 36 m longer than its width. If the area of the
parking lot is 5,152 m2.
a. how would you represent the width and
the length of the parking lot? How about
its length?
b. what equation represents the area of the
parking lot?
c. what is the length of the parking lot?
How about its width?

3. Mindanao Island is the second largest island in the Philippines. To easily access the
provinces and tourist spots of Mindanao, the Department of Transportation plans to
design and construct train stations and railways on selected provinces of Mindanao.
They decided to place trains that travels at a certain average speed for a distance of
63 km and then travels a distance of 72 km at an average speed of 6 km/h more than
its original speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete the total journey of the train, what is
its original average speed?
4. Jack, the carpenter, decided to design a rectangular cabinet for his wife’s as his 25th
anniversary gift. He plans to build a cabinet that has an area of 36 m2 and a length of
9m. What would be the width and perimeter of his rectangular cabinet?

Assessment: (Post-Test) # 1
Directions: Find out how much you already know about this module. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which equation has irrational and unequal roots?

A. x2 – 4x + 5=0 C. x2 + 16x + 15= 0
B. x + 10x + 25=0
D. x2 + 12x – 7= 0
2. The coefficients of a quadratic equation are all integers. The discriminant is 0. Which
statement best describes its roots?
A. Two irrational roots C. One rational root
B. No Real roots D. Two rational roots
3. How many roots are there if the discriminant of a quadratic equation is greater than zero?
A. 1 real root C. 3 real roots
B. 2 real roots D. No Solutions
4. Find the value of the discriminant. How will you describe the number and type of
roots for
A. Since the discriminant is greater than 0 and is perfect square, the roots are
real and irrational.
B. Since the discriminant is greater than 0 and is not a perfect square, the roots
are real and irrational.
C. Since the discriminant is less than 0, the roots are non-real
D. Since the discriminant is equal to 0, the roots are equal and real.
5. How many real roots does the quadratic equation x2 + 5x + 7 = 0 have?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
6. The roots of a quadratic equation are -5 and 3. Which of the following quadratic
equations has these roots?
A. C.
B. D.
7. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
A. C.
B. D.
8. What is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation if the value of its
discriminant is zero?
A. The roots are not real C. The roots are rational and not equal.
B. The roots are irrational and not equal. D. The roots are rational and equal.
9. One of the roots of is 4. What is the other root?
A. B. C. D.
10. What are the roots of the quadratic equation

A. 12 and -1 B. 12 and 1 C. -12 and 1 D. -12 and -1
11. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation ?
A. -7 B. -6 C. 6 D. 14
12. The length of a garden is 5m longer than its width and the area is 14m2. How long is the garden?
A. 9m B. 7m C. 5m D. 2m
13. What is the sum and product of roots for this equation:
A. Sum of Roots = 2 , Product of Roots = 3 C. Sum of Roots = -2 , Product of Roots = 3
B. Sum of Roots = -2 , Product of Roots = 1/3 D.Sum of Roots = -2 , Product of Roots = -1/3
14. For the equation , what is the product of the roots?
A. B. C. D.
15. The quadratic equation has only one root. Use the discriminant
to determine the value of d.
A. -2 B. 2 C. 3 D.4
16. The sum of the roots of quadratic equation is:
A. B. C. D.
17. The product of the roots of quadratic equation is:
A. B. C. D.
18. What is an equation whose roots are ?
A. C.

19. If p > 0, and x2 - 11x + p = 0 has integer roots, how many integer values can 'p' take?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 10 D. 11
20. The sum of two numbers is 12 and their product is 35. What are the two numbers?
A. 5 and 7 B. -5 and -7 C. -5 and 7 D. 5 and -7

Key to Answer:
Pre - Assessment # 1
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A

Activity 1: Am I Quadratic or Not?

1. N 2. N 3. Q 4. N 5. Q 6. N 7. Q 8. Q 9. Q 10. N
Activity 2: Set Me to My Standard!
Directions: Write each quadratic equation in standard form, ax2 + bx + c = 0 then identify the values of a, b, and c.
1. x2 – 6x – 7 = 0 x2 – 6x – 7 = 0 ; a = 1; b = -6; c = 7
2. x2 – 64 = 0 x2 – 64 = 0 ; a = 1; b = 0; c = -641
3. -2x +8 = -9x2 9x2 - 2x + 8 = 0 ; a = 9; b = -2; c = 8
or -9x2 + 2x - 8 = 0 ; a = -9; b = 2; c = -8
4. x2 = 3x + 10 x2 - 3x – 10 = 0 ; a = 1; b = -3; c = -10
or -x2 + 3x + 10 = 0 ; a = -1; b = 3; c = 10
5. 4x2 – 2 = 0 4x2 – 2 = 0 ; a = 4; b = 0; c = -2
6. 2x(x + 1) = 0 2x2 + 2x = 0 ; a = 2; b = 2; c = 0
7. (x + 4)2 = 5 x2 + 8x + 11 = 0 ; a = 1; b = 8; c = 11
or -x2 - 8x - 11 = 0 ; a = -1; b = -8; c = -11
8. (x + 3)(x – 3) = x(4x + 5) -3x2 – 5x – 9 = 0 ; a = -3; b = -5; c = -9
or 3x2 + 5x + 9 = 0 ; a = 3; b = 5; c = 9
9. (x + 5)(x - 9) = 21 x2 – 4x – 66 = 0 ; a = 1; b = -4; c = -66
or -x2 + 4x + 66 = 0 ; a = -1; b = 4; c = 66
10. x(2x – 4) = (x – 2)(x – 2) x2 – 4 = 0 ; a = 1; b = 0; c = -4
or -x2 + 4 = 0 ; a = -1; b = 0; c = 4

Activity 3: Does It Illustrate Me?

Directions: Tell whether or not each of the following situations illustrates quadratic equations. Justify your answer by
representing each situation by a mathematical sentence.

1. The square of a number is added to two times the number and the sum is 24.

Answer: Quadratic; x2 + 2x = 24 x2 + 2x – 24 = 0
2. The width of a rectangle card is 2cm less than the length and the area is 35cm2.
Answer: Quadratic; (x)(x – 2) = 35 x2 - 2x – 35 = 0
3. A flowerbed is to be 3m longer than its width. The flowerbed will have an area of 70m2.
Answer: Quadratic ; (x + 3)(x) = 70 x2 + 3x – 70 = 0
4. Angela is 4 years younger than Genesis. Four years later, Genesis will be twice as old as Angela.
Answer: Not Quadratic; x + 4 = 2(x) x–4=0
5. A rectangular bahay-kubo with the dimension of 11m more than its width built in a rectangular backyard. The area of
the bahay-kubo is 85m2.
Answer: Quadratic; (x + 11)(x) = 85 x2 + 11x – 85 = 0
Activity 4

1. x = ± 10 2. x= ± 3. x = ± 4. x = ± 5. x = 0 , x = 4

Activity 5
1. s x s = 225 s2 = 225 2. Answers may vary
Activity 6
1. (x + 8) (x – 2 ) = 0 , x = -8 and x = 2 2. x = ±7 3. (x – 11) (x – 11) =0 , x = 11 and x = 11
4. (x + 4)(x – 1 ) = 0 , x = - 4 and x = 1 5. n = ±9
Activity 7
1. b and d 2. Answers may vary 3. Yes
Activity 8

1.x = 1+ and x = 1- 2. s = 6 and s = -10 3. m = -1 and m = -9 4. w = -3/2 + and w = -3/2 -

Activity 9
1.Yes 2. Methods may vary a. x = 3 and x = 1 b. x = 5 and x = 3 3. No
Activity 10
1. x = 2 and x = -7 2. x = -1 and x = - 4 3. x = ±
4.No real solution 5. x = - 2
Activity 11 Activity 13: ARE WE RELATED?
1. Yes 2. Answers may vary 3. Yes
4. a) Extracting square roots, Factoring and Completing the square
b) Factoring, Completing the square and Quadratic Formula
c) Completing the square and Quadratic Formula
d) Completing the square and Quadratic Formula
Activity 12: Find My Roots Activity 14: FIND MY ROOTS
1. Discriminant= 121 Nature of the roots: Real, Rational, Unequal
2. Discriminant = -63 Nature of the roots: Non Real, Imaginary
3. Discriminant: 0 Nature of the roots: Real, Rational, equal
4. Discriminant = 57 Nature of the roots: Real, Irrational, Unequal
5. Discriminant= 0 Nature of the roots: Real, Rational, equal

Activity 15: Find My Match!

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B

Activity 16: Let’s Do the Solving

1. a. 3 seconds or 4.5 seconds b. No. The discriminant of the resulting equation is negative.
2. a.) let W = the width of the pool L = the length of the pool
b.) Perimeter: 2L + 2W = 86 Area: (L) (W) = 450 c.)Length = 25 m and width = 18 m
3. a. let x be the width and (x+36) be the length b. x (x + 36) = 5,152 c. Length = 92 m and Width = 56 m
4. x = 42 and -3, but x ≠ -3 as speed cannot be negative. Hence, original speed of train = 42 km/h
5. Width = 4 m Perimeter = 26 m

Post Assessment #1
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D 10.A
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. A


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