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Sam Quilang

*M3 L1 Part 2 Check-in Activity: Specialized Connective Tissue

Structure Of Bone Tissue - Bone Structure Anatomy - Components Of Bones

In watching the video concerning the structure and functions of the different parts of the
bones, whereas, tackle from the very basic to the depth understanding of the bone
tissue, wherein, the bones in the body are made up of connective tissues which match
its structure to its function. Our bones are composed of cells, fibers, and extracellular
material. Thus, there are two types of bone tissue, which are the compact bone and the
spongy/cancellous bone. The compact bone surrounds the spongy bone, which appears
to have a cylinder shape, named osteon. In the middle of the osteon, there is a central
canal, thus, the cylinder shape layers of the osteons have concentric lamellae, which
are composed of a calcified matrix, which comprises of inorganic and organic material.
Furthermore, the bones also have circumferential lamellae which can be found along
the periosteum that covers the outside of the bone and along the endosteum which lines
the inner spongy bone tissue. Meanwhile, the interstitial lamellae are located between
osteons. Thus, the small spaces in the bone tissue are called the lacuna, wherein, the
mature bone cells called osteocytes are confined, while canaliculi are the small canals.
There are also transverse or Volkmann canals. Meanwhile, the spongy bone tissue has
no osteons due to the trabeculae, which are comprised of the endosteum surrounding
the parallel lamellae, comprising osteocytes in lacunae and canaliculi.

Blood Cells Identification Quiz (Check Your WBC Identification Ability)

I only scored nineteen (19) on the blood cells identification quiz. In this virtual quiz, it
represents several identification pictures comprising the blood cells such as the
neutrophil, lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophils, and monocytes. Each photo is tricky to
determine because they almost look the same, however, I was able to manage and be
familiarized with the structure at some point. Thus, the several pictures that are
introduced showcase combined blood cells in a photo, and if it's activated or whether if
it's the normal structure of the cells or it contains toxic granules, which insightfully
provided me a new laming income in identifying the differences between the types of
blood cells, more importantly, whether if it's the normal structure of a cell or the
abnormal structure of the cell.

Anatomy Virtual Practical Exam Practice White Blood Cell Slide Histology Review

I scored forty-nine (49) in the virtual practical exam in white blood cells. Before taking
the practical exam, the video presented a guide in identifying the leukocytes, which
made a big help in understanding the structure of each cell thus, also gave functions of
the different cells such as neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte.
Additionally, red blood cells and the platelet also appeared in the flashcards of the
virtual practice exam, which provided me with a new cell structure to recognize.

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