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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Keep improving my learning skills - Writing Task

Curso Inglés A2

Andrea Hernandez Pallares


Grupo: 900002_213

Angie Lorena Ramirez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


(25 de septiembre de 2022)

Step 1:
Los módulos de inglés.
Módulo 1- Ejercicio 5.

Módulo 2- Ejercicio 4.
Módulo 3- Ejercicio 2.
Step 2: Carry out the activities.
Ruth’s routine
When I go to bed, I usually brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock after dinner, but sometimes I
forget it and then I must get up in the middle of the night to do so. Occasionally, when I'm
too lazy, I set up an alarm just for that. On the other hand, there is one thing I'll never be
able to do, and it is washing my face before bed, because that always wakes me up. In the
morning, I always wake up and immediately take a shower, I usually put on shorts and a t-
shirt, sometimes I wear a formal dress when I have to go to work. I often have eggs for
breakfast, but always I must drink a delicious coffee.
a. Answer the questions about Ruth’s Routine. Write complete sentences:

Does she often have eggs for breakfast?

A/: Yes, Ruth often has egg for breakfast.

Sí, Ruth a menudo desayuna huevo.

If Ruth goes to bed without brushing her teeth, what does she do?

A/: Ruth gets up in the middle of the night to do it.

Ruth se levanta en medio de la noche para hacerlo.

What does Ruth never do before bed? Why?

A/: Ruth never washes her face before going to bed because that wakes her up.

Ruth nunca se lava la cara antes de acostarse porque eso la despierta.

What does Ruth must always drink in the morning?

A/: Ruth always drinks coffee in the morning.

Ruth siempre bebe café por las mañanas.

What time does Ruth usually brush her teeth?

A/: Ruth usually brushes her teeth at 8:00

Ruth suele cepillarse los dientes a las 8:00
What does Ruth always do in the morning?

A/: Ruth always takes a shower in the morning.

Ruht siempre se ducha por la mañana.

What does she sometimes wear?

A/: Ruth sometimes wears a formal dress when she has to go to work.

Ruth a veces usa un vestido formal cuando tiene que ir a trabajar.

What does Ruth occasionally do to remember to brush her teeth?

A/: Ruth sometimes sets an alarm.

Ruth a veces configura una alarma.

b. Write sentences with frequency adverbs (always, sometimes, usually, never) and
correct verb use, also, write a complement to the sentence.

• Sophia and Joseph / go

Sophia and Joseph sometimes go to the mall

• The dog / bark

The dog barks whenever he sees a stranger.
El perro ladra siempre que ve a un extraño.

• My father and I / drink

My father and I sometimes drink beer on weekends.
Mi padre y yo a veces bebemos cervezas los fines de semana.

• She / eat
She never eats fast food because it contains a lot of fat and is harmful to her health.
Ella nunca come comida rápida porque contiene mucha grasa y es perjudicial para su salud.

• Liliana and Santiago / speak

Liliana and Santiago usually talk about the climatic problems that exist in the world.
Liliana y Santiago usualmente hablan sobre los problemas climáticos que existen en el

Step 3: The Recipe

• Having in mind the sequence adverbs, organize the recipe in the correct order.
• Take the ingredients out of the recipe and write the list down.
• Organize the récipe

• Topics: ✓ Countable and uncountable nouns. ✓ Sequence adverbs

• We suggest you check again the Module 2 Activities 8, 9 y 18.

• Uncover and add the frozen papa criolla and reduce heat for 15 minutes, add salt and
pepper to your taste.
• Add the water and boil, then reduce heat to medium and cook for 30 to 35 minutes, until
chicken is cooked and tender.
• Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and return to the pot. Serve the Ajiaco with capers
and heavy cream on the side.
• Continue cooking the corn for about 15 more minutes. Put away the onions and then add
red potatoes, white potatoes, and the guascas. Cook for 15 more minutes.
• In a large pot, place the chicken, corn, chicken broth, cilantro, onions, garlic, salt and
• Remove the chicken and place in another plate.
Organize the Recipe:
To start with, Second, After that, Meanwhile, Afterwards, At the end,

To start with: Uncover and add the frozen papa criolla and reduce heat for 15 minutes, add
salt and pepper to your taste.
Second: Add the water and boil, then reduce heat to medium and cook for 30 to 35
minutes, until chicken is cooked and tender.
After that: Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and return to the pot. Serve the Ajiaco
with capers and heavy cream on the side.
Meanwhile: Continue cooking the corn for about 15 more minutes. Put away the onions
and then add red potatoes, white potatoes, and the guascas. Cook for 15 more minutes.
Afterwards: In a large pot, place the chicken, corn, chicken broth, cilantro, onions, garlic,
salt and pepper.
At the end: Remove the chicken and place in another plate

Ingredients List:
Papa criolla Onions
Salt Red potatoes
Pepper White potatoes
Water Guascas
Chicken Corn
Capers Chicken Broth
Heavy cream Cilantro
Corn Garlic

• Temas:
✓ Sustantivos contables e incontables.

Sustantivos contables Sustantivos incontables.

Papa criolla Salt

Chicken Pepper

Red potatoes Cilantro

Corn Guascas

Onions Capers

White potatoes Garlic

Corn Heavy cream

Chicken Broth Water

Step 4: The letter

Read the following letter to my mom and complete the activities below.

Dear Mom.
I am really happy to write to you, last week I was in la Guajira, it is a magical place. I
enjoyed every moment there. On Wednesday, I was landing in Riohacha’s airport at 1:00
pm, I had lunch there in Riohacha and I spent the whole day around. At 3:00 pm I was
eating friche in the main park, it is delicious. Then around 3:30 pm I was walking
around to know the place and buying some souvenirs, at almost 7:00 pm that day I was
doing the check-in in the hotel, it is a wonderful hotel, with a swimming pool and
excellent service. On Thursday I was waking up really early, I was very excited because
I was going to travel to Cabo de la Vela, it is around 3 hours from Riohacha by bus.
There in Cabo de la Vela, the landscapes are really beautiful, I stopped for a minute and I
was drinking a delicious juice in a Rancheria in front of the sea. Then I continued
walking and I stopped again in the Arcoiris beach, an amazing place full of sand colors and
very calm. Finally, I went to Ojo del Agua beach, where I was enjoying of calm and
cristal waters to swim, after that, I went to sleep in a Rancheria, it is a real and a
marvelous experience. On Friday the last day of my traveling, I was visiting El Faro, the
most tourist place in Cabo de la Vela and I was running because I also wanted to visit
Punta Gallinas, before coming back and I did it. There in Punta Gallinas I was visiting
The Taroa Dunes where is amazing to see the sand mountains and at the end of those
mountains, there is the gorgeous sea. On Saturday I was coming back to Cali, were 3
amazing days full of moments and experiences very hard to forget.

I can’t wait to take you there with me, dear mom. Hugs.

a. Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple Past and
Past progressive)
Past progressive sentences Simple past sentences

- I was landing in Riohacha’s airport - I was in la Guajira

- I was eating friche in the main park - I had lunch there in Riohacha
- I was doing the check-in in the hotel - I was walking around to know the place
- I was waking up really early and buying some souvenirs
- I was going to travel to Cabo de la Vela - I went to Ojo del Agua beach
- I was drinking a delicious juice in a - I went to sleep in a Rancheria
Rancheria in front of the sea - I was running because I also wanted to
- I was enjoying of calm and cristal waters visit Punta Gallinas
to swim - I was coming back to Cali
- I was visiting El Faro
- I was visiting The Taroa Dunes

b. Write down sentences in simple past with the following information, also write a
complement for each sentence.

They / become (Affirmative) They became artists last year.

We / run (negative sentence)

We don’t run because we fractured our right ankle.
Nosotros no corremos porque nos fracturamos el tobillo derecho.
She / call (Interrogative sentence)
Will she need to call the coolege to find out if she was approved.
¿Ella necesitará llamar a la Universidad para saber si fue aprobada?
He / make (Affirmative sentence)
He made his songs the most listened on the radio for several months.
El hace que sus canciones se convirtieran en las más escuchadas en la radio por varios
I / sing (Interrogative sentence)
If I sango n the x factor television show would I win the show’s award?
¿Si yo canto en el programa de televisión del Factor x ganaría el premio del programa?
You / work (negative sentence)
You are not good with work obligations therefore you will be substituted.
Tú no eres bueno con las obligaciones del trabajo por lo tanto serás sustituido.
We / write (Affirmative sentence)
We write a book during the summer and that’s why we become well-known and famous
people in the writers guild.
Nosotros escribimos un libro durante el verano y por esos nos convertimos en personas
reconocidas y famosas en el gremio de los escritores.

c. Write down sentences in past progressive with the following information, also write
a complement for each sentence.

We / fold (Negative sentence)

We weren’t folding the t-shirts.

You / blow (Interrogative sentence)

Were you angry about the hit your partner gave you in the soccer game?
¿Tú estabas enojado por el golpe que te dio tu compañero en el partido de futbol?
She / hide (Affirmative sentence)
She was hiding from her parents how well she spends weekends with her friends.
Ella estaba ocultado a sus padres lo bien que se la pasa los fines de semana con sus amigos.
He / sleep (Negative sentence)
He was partying so he doesn’t sleep which causes him to be tired all day.
Él estaba de fiesta por eso no se duerme lo que le causa que esté cansado todo el día.
It / bite (Interrogative sentence)
Was that being bitten by the cat so I wouldn’t eat it?
¿Eso lo estaba mordiendo el gato para yo no comérmelo?
They / drive (Affirmative sentence)
They were singing and enjoying themselves while driving to the beach.
Ellas estaban cantando y disfrutando mientras conducen hacía la playa.
I / forget (Negative sentence)
I wasn’t forgetting anything about work but my friends say yes and that makes me sad.
Yo no estaba olvidando nada del trabajo, pero mis amigos dicen que sí y eso me pone triste.

Step 5: Reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde usted como
estudiante debe realizar una autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a los
siguientes interrogantes:
• ¿Estudié y aprendí los temas sugeridos del e-Book?
Sí, estudié y aprendí los temas sugeridos del e- Book, sus actividades son muy dinámicas e
interactivas, permitiendo que como estudiantes realicemos cada una de las actividades
requeridas en los módulos para una mejor interpretación de la actividad. Obtuve muchos
aprendizajes gracias a esta herramienta que facilita mejor la comprensión de la actividad.
• ¿Participé en el foro dentro de los tiempos indicados?
Sí, participé en el foro dentro del tiempo indicado, permitiéndome realizar una adecuada
actividad porque tuve el acompañamiento del tutor, el cual me ayudo a cumplir con lo
• ¿En cuáles de los siguientes espacios de interacción y aprendizaje participé: Foro de
esta tarea, CIPAS, Webconferencias, grupo de WhatsApp, ¿grupo de telegram?
Participé en los espacios del foro de esta tarea y en el grupo de Skype.

• ¿Qué aprendí de esta tarea?

Esta actividad me permitió obtener muchos conocimientos, tales como realizar las distintas
actividades que trae el e- Book en los distintos módulos, actividades que nos permiten
afianzar los aprendizajes e implementarlos en lo requerido por la guía. También se me
permitió desenvolverme a lo largo de la actividad logrando realizar cada uno de los pasos
que conforman esta actividad, fue una actividad muy completa tanto en las participaciones
con los compañeros como el hecho de trabajar en una herramienta digital como Wix que es
muy dinámica y chévere por los contenidos visuales que tiene. En realidad, fue una
actividad que me transmitió muchos aprendizajes y estoy orgullosa de haber logrado
concluir un buen trabajo.
• ¿Es importante lo que estoy aprendiendo? ¿por qué?
Sí, es muy importante porque todos estos aprendizajes puedo implementarlos y utilizarlo
para mi formación como futuro profesional, y siendo específicos como futura psicóloga. Es
una actividad que te permite desenvolverte en los distintos medios y hasta utilizando
herramientas digitales nuevas, lo cual es muy importante porque yo estudio en una
modalidad virtual y entre más herramientas y conocimientos obtenga hará que tenga una
formación más satisfactoria. Todo lo que voy obteniendo a lo largo de este curso es de
suma importancia porque lo puedo implementar en los distintos ámbitos de mi vida, no solo
en la parte académica, sino en la parte social, personal o familiar.
• ¿Cómo aporta este aprendizaje a mi vida personal y profesional?
Aporta de una manera muy significativa, en mi parte personal me ayuda a superarme como
persona, es decir que siga afianzados conocimientos que me harán crecer y madurar, estas
actividades te permiten mantener una disciplina y crecer en la parte crítica y analítica que
tenemos como seres humanos, en la parte profesional me ayuda porque los conocimientos
que obtengo en este curso los puedo implementar en otros lo que es muy bueno porque me
está ayudando a formarme como futuro profesional.
Califique su trabajo de 1 a 10 puntos. En caso de que usted no realice la
autoevaluación y/o no responda a las preguntas de reflexión, su calificación será cero
La calificación que yo le doy a mi trabajo es de 10 puntos porque realicé lo requerido y
participé en los tiempos indicados establecidos por la guía de actividades.

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