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Sensation: is gather information and send it to the brain

2. Sensory receptor: is a specialized cell that respond to a particular type of
3. Types of thresholds?
a. Absolute threshold
b. Diffrence threshold
4. Absolute threshold : is the point where something become noticeable to
our senses.
5. Diffrence threshold (example) : If you can carry 10 kg, if I add extra 100g
you will not notice it because it is only 1%.
6. Sensory adaption ‫ التكيف‬: balance with the surrounding and respond to
7. Sensory adaption (example) : if you stay a while in the dark your eyes
adapt and can you can see.
8. Perception: process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to
produce a meaningful experience
9. Characteristics of perception?
a. complex mental process
b. influenced by past experience
c. sometimes accompanied by feeling
d. accompanied and followed by actions
e. determined by a set
f. requires attention
g. determined by habitual set due to past training
h. determined by a context
i. single unitary experience
j. perceive an object as a figure in ground
k. always selective
l. subjective
m. organizing activity
10.Characteristics of perception (examples)

Characteristic example
A child sees a fruit, touches it, smell it, tastes it and then combine
complex the different sensations and perceives the fruit to be mango
mental process

influenced by Suppose you are given two apples one green and the other is red,
past if you already tasted a green apple and experienced the bitter
experience taste, you will definitely choose the red apple.

We experience a flower and feel pleasure,

by feeling

When a bell rang in school the students leave their seats

and followed
by actions

A doctor hears the sound of a telephone while he is sleep at

determined by night because he is set to hear it , but his wife may not be able
a set to hear it so she is not set to hear it.


determined by A chemist perceives much more in common objects which are

habitual set chemical substance
due to past
The same man is perceived taller by the side of short man,
determined by and shorter by the side of a tall man
a context

We precive a chair as a chair not as seat, legs, back and arms.

single unitary

perceive an We precive the moon in the sky

object as a
figure in

11.How Sensation and perception work together?

a. Sensation occurs
i. Sensory organs – energy from environment
ii. Sensory receptors – organs- brain
b. Perception follows
i. brain - information to something meaningful
ii. select attention- important- relevant
iii. reaction- perceive world- past experiences- culture

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