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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. enumerate the different human sense organs;
2. r e l a t e d i f f e r e n t h u m a n s e n s e o r g a n s t o d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s ; and
3. justify the different organs involved through different sensations.


Topic: Human Sense Organs (Grade 3)

Reference: Human Senses. Human Biology Christine Miller (2020). Human Senses. CK-12 Foundation,

• Chalk
• Board
• Printed cut out pictures
• Printed cut out words
• Chart of Human sense organs
• Backpack with different objects
• Test paper
• Timer


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Classroom and mood setting
4. Checking of attendance
5. Review past lesson

B. Lesson Proper


Find Me!

The teacher brought cut out pictures and labels with scrambled letters of different
human sense organs for the students. Pictures are posted on the board. All students will
pick one label and paste it beside the picture of human sense organ. Then construct the
scrambled letters into the proper name of selected human sense organ. The students shall
complete the task within 5 minutes.

While the student’s answers are posted on the board, the teacher will check the
students output if they have labeled all the names beside the pictures properly and
completely constructed the scrambled letters of human sense organ. Then the teacher
will ask the students of the following questions:

1. Did everyone’s answers correct?

2. How did you find this picture as Eyes? Nose? Ears? Tongue? and Skin?

3. What are the different functions of this human sense organs in our daily life?


The teacher started the discussion and activated the students previous learning
about the human sense organs. As the teacher discuss the lesson the chart of different
human sense organs and functions are posted on the board.


Sense organs are the specialized organs composed of sensory neurons, which help us to perceive and
respond to our surroundings. There are five sense organs – eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin. But what are
the significance of having these organs in our daily life? Is it useful of having these sense organs?

Sense organs play an important role in a variety of functions and help in perceiving our surroundings. These
are an integral part of our bodies that enable us to sense the environment around us. Sense organs and their
receptors trigger numerous stimuli that are then transmitted to the brain. A network of nerves and sense
organs is associated with interpreting data in response to a special physical phenomenon. This is the way that
decides our interaction and response to the environment.
A. The Eye

Human eye is specialized sense organ capable of receiving

visual images, which are then carried to the brain. The eye is
the sense organ that allows one to see. It has receptors that
receive light as stimulus from our surroundings. Light enters
the cornea of the eye. Behind the cornea is a ring of muscle,
the iris which expands or contracts in response to light. The
pupil changes its size to control the amount of light that
enters the eye.

When would a pupil become wide? Light passes the pupil into the lens. Here, the muscles of the lens
change in shape and direct light into the retina. There are two kinds of receptor in the retina; the rods
that detect the presence or absence of light and the cones that detect color of objects that you see.

Your pupils get bigger or smaller, depending on the amount of light around you. In low light, your
pupils open up, or dilate, to let in more light. When it's bright, they get smaller, or constrict, to let in less
light. Sometimes your pupils can dilate without any change in the light.

What receptors are active at night?

How do you identify images of objects around you?
The rods and cones are parts of the sensory neuron that form the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects
to the brain. When light stimulates the retina, the message is sent to the brain by the optic nerve. The
brain interprets and forms an image that you see

How can we take care of our eye? Eyes should be used and taken cares of properly. Here
are some ways.

 Refrain washing your eyes after being exposed on computer or any devices for more than 4 hours
 Do not use any gadgets in the dark, turn on the lights instead
 Consume foods high in vitamin A to maintain eye health.
 Set time limits for using devices like televisions, tablets, and mobile phones that strain the eyes.
 Wear eyeglasses to prevent current dust from getting in your eyes and to lessen glare.
 Avoid rubbing your eyes.
 If your vision becomes foggy, went to a doctor.
 When it's vital to identify eye conditions like nearsightedness, and astigmatism go went for checkup.
 If you are given corrective lenses, use these as directed by an ophthalmologist, or eye specialist.

B. The Nose

The nose is the organ that allows us to smell. It is the part of

the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that
contains the nostrils and the organs of smell There are
receptors in the nose that are stimulated by perfume, coffee
brew, decaying trash, burning paper, or chicken stew. The
nose is the passageway for air in respiration.
C. The Ear

The ear makes us hear and identify sounds around us. The
human ear consists of the outer, middle, and inner ear.
Each section performs a different role in transmitting sound
waves to the brain. The outer ear used is to collect sound
waves and guide them to the tympanic membrane. The
middle ear is a narrow air-filled cavity in the temporal bone.
It is spanned by a chain of three tiny bones—the malleus
(hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), collectively
called the auditory ossicles.

What are the better ways that we can take care of our ears?
Being deaf can be inherited but some people become deaf because of diseases and poor ways of taking
care of the ear. We can prevent some forms of deafness by taking care of our ears such as:
 Use hearing protection for loud music
 Don't listen to your personal music player at a high volume
 Keep the sound as low as possible on the TV and radio
 Rail against workplace noise
 Reduce loud music in the car
 Don't use cotton buds
 Have regular hearing tests

D. The Tongue

Taste is the sense by which the flavor or savor of things is

TASTE AREAS ON perceived when they are brought into contact with the
tongue. Taste is usually associated with smell. When you
have stuffy nose, you say that the food is of bad taste. The
taste receptors can detect chemicals in substances just like
the smell receptors. The receptors are located in the taste
buds of the tongue. There are four primary types of tastes:
sweet, bitter, sour and salty. Some are combinations of
several primary tastes.

E. The Skin

The skin is the body's largest organ. It covers the entire

Gas to Solid = Depositionbody. It serves as a protective shield against heat, light,
injury, and infection. The skin enables us to detect sensation,
temperature, pressure, and pain. There are receptors in the
skin that detect stimuli. For example, when you are wounded
by a knife due to your careless act. Then you feel pain as the
pain receptors of the skin react to the injury and feeling the
pain in your wound will tell you that something has to be
done with the wound. Hot and cold air or water can be
detected by temperature receptors.
Dora’s Backpack

The teacher prepared backpack with different objects inside such as bell, chocolates,
frame, perfume, cold water. The class is divided into small groups of 5 members. The activity
shall be done in 10 minutes for students to collaborate, brainstorm and decide what senses
organ is involve on the item presented by the teacher inside the backpack. The teacher reminds
the class about the 5 human sense organs. In a 1/2 sheet of paper, the students will identify
and write their answers if which human sense organ is involved on the object
presented inside the backpack. The game starts as the students have ready their group
and the teacher begin to present the objects inside the backpack. The teacher will check the
collaboration of each group to ensure that no one is cheating, and everyone is participating on
the group quiz activity.
After presenting all the items inside the backpack, in 5 seconds countdown
finish or unfinish the teacher will gather the papers from each group and provide
scores with criteria as follows:


Each correct answer of the group will have 3 points x 10 30 points

Teamwork 10 points
Organization 10 points
Total: 50 points

Part I.
Identification: The students will choose the correct answer inside the box and write it on
the space provided. They will use the test paper provided. The students shall complete
this activity in 5 minutes.

Instructions: Choose the correct answer and write it on the space provided.

The teacher instructed the students to bring at least three pictures of human
major body organs for the next lesson. Students shall paste the picture together with
their names on a 1 whole sheet of paper in this homework.

The class reviewed the lesson on human sense organs, its functions and the
proper taking care of each sense organs.

• Short review about the topic.

• Ask the students for any questions or clarifications regarding the lesson.
• Classroom management.
• Closing prayer.
• Bid goodbye.

_______________________________________Class dismissed_______________________________________
Prepared by: Fernandez, Michael Y.

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