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- Describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of the body.
- Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense organs
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: (60 minutes)
1. Identify the different sense organ
2. Enumerate healthful habits to protect the human sense organs
3. Illustrate the different human sense organs and it function through drawing.


A. Topic: Human Sense Organ
B. Reference: Grade 3 Module
C. Materials: Instructional Materials, Powerpoint,
D. Values: Cooperation, Self- reliance, Cleanliness of body
Prayer (1 min)
 Good afternoon my grade 3  Good afternoon, Teacher
Before we start, we will have a
prayer first so kindly stand up.

 Before you take your sets, please

check your chairs if it is arranged
correctly and take a look If there’s
any trash under or besides your
 You may now take your seats.  Thank you Ma’am

Checking of Attendance (2 mins)

 For our attendance, if you are here
saying “I am happy “and if you’re
classmates is not here say” He/She
is sad”. Do you understand class?  Yes, teacher
Engage (5 mins)
 “Put me in a Sense”
Instruction: Teacher will be provide 5
categories which is the part of human
body. Each student has pictures that they
need to paste in appropriate category with
the use of table.

 What did you notice in the activity  Teacher, I notice they are
in the you did? things that needs different
body parts.
Explore (21mins)
 “ Connect the way”
Instructions : Match the body parts from  1. d
column A to its function in to column B. 2. e
3. b
4. c
5. a

 Now do you have any idea on what  Teacher it may about the
is our topic for today? different parts of our body.
 Thank you for your answer.Let’s
see if all you’re ideas are correct.
 For you to have a wider knowledge,
we will start to know what is
connection of the activities you do
to our topic.
 The sensory organs allow humans
to be aware of their surroundings.
 And we 5 senses which is the Eyes,
Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin.
 Eye is the part of the body that
allows us to see.
(Teacher will show an instructional
materials that has different
examples of function on human
sense organ)  Flowers
 So now can you give another Trees
example that we use our eyes? Animals
 That is correct

 So class, can you give me healthful  We must eat a healthy foods

habits in protecting our eyes. and maintain nutritious diet
 We mus avoid straining your
 We mus wear sunglasses for
light sensitivity
 We need to have an annual
ophthalmological visit
 Okay now we are done in eyes so
let’s proceed to our ears
 It is the organ of the body that
allows us to hear.  Ringing smartphone
 Who can give me an example using  Alarm clock
our ears?  Tricycle

 Wow! Very good class  We must protect the ears

 Can you give me healthful habits in from loud noises
protecting our ears?  Let’s stay away from the
loud noise
 When we are cleaning our
ears,stop using cotton
 Let’s proceed to Nose.
 It is the organ of the body that
allows us to smell.

 Can you give me another example  Tinola

that we use our nose? Spaghetti
 Okay. Very good children

 Next is the Tongue.

 Tongue enable us to taste
 The taste buds of the tongue
include the receptors. Sweet, bitter,
sour, and salty are the four basic

 Now give me another example  Chocolate

using a tongue? Bread
Ice cream
 Wow! Brilliant

 Can you give me healthful habits in  To have healthy tongue and

protecting our nose and tongue? nose we must maintain
proper oral hygiene
 Avoid foods that can cause
Allergies and tonsillitis

 So last sense organ is the skin

 The human body is covered in skin.
We can perceive sensation, warmth,
pressure, and pain through our skin

 Can you give an example that using  When we touch a water

our skin? When we got hurt.
 That’s correct!
 Can you give me healthful habits in  We must maintain healthy
protecting skin? skin hygiene
 Eating healthy foods can
prevent skin diseasez
 We need to drink a lot of
 Now that you all know the different water
sense organ we will have a just
have a simple activity.

Explain (15 mins) Group 1 – Eyes for sight

 “Where you gonna put me, kid? “ Nose for smell
Instructions: Teacher will divide the class Skin for touch
into 5 groups.Each group must illustrate Tounge for taste
the body parts that has been used in thing
that given by teacher through drawing.And
after that there is 1 representative per
group that will present their work.

Group 1 – Chocolate
Group 2 – Biscuit Group 2 – Eyes for sight
Group 3- Alarm clock Nose for smell
Group 4 – Salt Tongue for taste
Group 5 - Glue Skin for touch
Group 3 – Eyes for sight
Skin for touch
Ears for hearing
Group 4 – Tounge for taste
Eyes for sight
Skin for touch
Group 5 – Eyes for sight
Nose for smell
Tongue for taste
Skin for touch

Elaborate (5 mins)
Situational Questions
• Nico and his family go to a beach because  No teacher because applying
of excitement Nico forgotten to apply sunscreen lotion can help
sunscreen lotion and wear sunglasses. our skin protected from the
Along the way while he is playing under heat.
the heat of sun he notice that his skin  It is very important that we
became red and he feel his eyes hurts. If always wear sunglasses
you are Nico , will you do the same? when we go out especially
when the sun is steep.
 That’s correct.
What are the healthful habits in  •Eat a healthy, nutritious
protecting our human sense organ? diet
•Avoid straining your eyes

 • Stop Using Cotton Swabs.

• Protect the ears from loud
 Maintain proper oral
Drink a lot of water

 Very good grade 3 students

 I am happy that you can tell me
how we can take our sense organ.
Evaluate(10 mins)
1. b
2. a
3. e
4. c
5. d
1. eyes, nose, skin
2. eyes , nose, touch
3. eyes, nose, tounge, skin
4. eye, skin
5. ears


List another examples that need to used the five human senses organ.
Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin

Prepared by: Niebla, Hazel Cassandra B.

Lluveras, Monica

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