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Тема: «London»

Мета уроку: Закріплення і вдосконалення знань по темі «London».

Завдання: Удосконалювати комунікативні здібності учнів, учити

застосовувати отримані знання в конкретній ситуації. Практикувати
мовну діяльність: аудірованіє і монологічне мовлення.
Активізувати лексику по темі, розширювати словарний запас.
Розвивати уміння порівнювати і узагальнювати матеріал, висловити
свою думку англійською мовою. Розвивати кругозір учнів,
стимулювати учнів до самостійного пошуку додаткової інформації
по темі. Виховувати пошану і інтерес до культури країни та її мови.

Форма уроку: Урок - подорож

Форми роботи: Індивідуальна, колективна, в парах, письмова

Засоби: Презентації: « Лондон» « Тауер»; тексти про пам'ятки Лондона (travel leaflets), картки для
роботи з презентацією « Тауер», оглядовий тест по темі « Лондон» для самоконтролю.

Хід уроку:

1. Вступна бесіда.

Teacher: Dear friends, we have spoken much about the UK and its people and today we shall travel to one of
the most beautiful cities of this country - London. We shall know a lot of interesting information about its
history, traditions and sights. But first, I want to ask you some questions about this city and see what you know
about it:
• What is London?
• Where is it situated?
• On what river does London stand?
• What is the symbol of London?
• What sights of London do you know?

2. Основна частина. Введення нового матеріалу.

Закріплення нового матеріалу в мовних вправах.

Teacher: And now I want you to know more about this city. You have travel leaflets on your desks where you
can read some information about London. Read this information attentively. You will need it some minutes

Тексти для читання:

Travel leaflet - 1.
What kind of London would you like to see? Rich and beautiful? Go to the West End! This part of London is
the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, theatres are situated there. Here are the
historical places (Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, etc.) as well as the
famous parks such as Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.
If you want to see the busiest part of London - you should visit the City. It's the heart of London, its financial
and business center where a lot of banks offices and firms are situated. Few people live there, but over a million
people come to the City to work here is situated the Tower of London.
If you want to see an industrial London - go to the East End. It was once the poorest district of London - with
lots of factories, docks, narrow streets and unimpressive buildings. But the district is changing very fast.
Travel leaflet - 2.
If you are in London - start you sightseeing with the Houses of Parliament. Once a royal palace they are now
the seat of the Government. It contains 500 apartments. Among them are the Clock Tower, the House of Lords
and the House of Commons. When the House is in session a Union Jack (the flag of the UK) flies from the
tower by day and a light burns in the Clock Tower by night.
There is another famous sight there - Big Ben. Big Ben is actually the biggest bell on the Clock Tower that
rings, but everybody thinks it's a tower. The man in charge of the building of the tower was Sir Benjamin Hall.
He was very tall and workers called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too.

Travel leaflet -3.

Piccadilly Circus. It is a well-known place where some famous streets of London meet. This place is also well
known for its brightly lit neon advertisements and for its nightlife.
Trafalgar Square. It is where Nelson's Column stands. It is also known for the large number of pigeons which
come there and are fed by tourists.

Travel leaflet - 4.
Have you ever heard about Westminster Abbey? If you haven't - visit it immediately! It is a symbol of English
tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror, royal
weddings and funerals have taken place there. Here you can see the graves of statesmen, philosophers and other
distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Chaucer and Dickens

Teacher: Now, my dear friends, let's make an excursion around London. You will see this city and its sights.
Your task is: look at the screen, see the sights and read some information about them. If you have known more
information about this sight from your travel leaflet add it.

Вчитель представляє учням презентацію “ London”. Під час перегляду презентації учні доповнюють
запропонований ним матеріал, використовуючи інформацію, прочитану в текстах (Travel leaflets ).

Презентація «London».

Перший слайд:

London is the capital of Britain and the United Kingdom. It is one of the
world's largest cities with a population of 6,700,000.

London was established by the Romans shortly after their invasion of

Britain in 43 AD. The Romans built a city a square mile in size,
surrounded it with a wall and called it “Londinium” This original site of London is now called the City of
London and is only a very small part of it.

Другий слайд:

London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames.

It consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East
Третій слайд:

The Tower .

It was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror.
It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison.
Now it's a museum.

Четвертий слайд:

The Houses of Parliament

The buildings in which the British parliament sits.
The present Houses of Parliament were built between 1840-1867

П`ятий слайд:

Big Ben.
The Clock Tower is the symbol of London, known as “Big Ben” .

Шостий слайд:

Westminster Abbey.

Is the crowning and burial place of British monarchs. It has its world famed Poet's Corner
with memorials to Chaucer, Shakespeare, Kipling and other leading writers. Many
outstanding people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens and others.

Сьомий слайд:

The Tower Bridge. One of London's best-known landmarks.

It is over the River Thames near the Tower of London and the last bridge
before the sea.
Восьмий слайд:

Buckingham Palace.

The Palace is the official home of the British royal family.

When the flag is flying on the top the Queen is at home.
This palace contains almost 600 rooms.

Дев`ятий слайд:

Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is so named in commemoration of Nelson's great victory.
In the middle stands the famous Nelson Column with the statue of Nelson 170
feet high so as to allow him a view of the sea.
The column stands in the geographical center of London.

Десятий слайд:

The British Museum.

It's the national museum of Britain, founded in 1753.
It has one of the world's best collections of art and archaeological

Одинадцятий слайд:

Piccadilly Circus .
This square is a well-known road junction in central London.
It's such a focal point on special occasions, such as a Coronation or on New
Year's E

Дванадцятий слайд:

Famous streets.
Downing street,10 - the London residence of Prime Minister.
Fleet street is the area where most of the important newspaper offices used to be.
Тринадцятий слайд:

Modern London.
Barbican Arts Centre is a large cultural centre in London opened in 1982.It
contains a conference hall, a theatre, cinemas, an art gallery, a library and some
bars and restaurants

Teacher: Would you like to visit London? What would you like to see there and why?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя и дают развернутые ответы, используя схему :

First, I would like to see … .
I think, it is … .
I can see… there.
Besides I want to visit …
It is interesting for me to …
I want to know about …

Teacher : Now, I want you to know more about the most famous sight of London - the Tower. Look at the
pictures and photos on the screen, read some information about them and then complete the chart with the
information you have got.
Учні самостійно дивляться презентацію “ The Tower” і заповнюють таблицю на картці :
The Tower was founded …

The Tower has been …

A lot of people were … ...

… … live in the Tower and they are carefully guarded.

The Raven Master is …

The Tower is guarded by …

… takes place every night at 10 p.m.

Teacher : What have you known about the Tower ?

Використовуючи таблицю, учні розповідають про Тауер.

3. Самоконтроль вивченого матеріалу. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Учні виконують тест “ London” на комп'ютері і самостійно перевіряють його.

4. Домашнє завдання ( диференційоване ):

Середній рівень - скласти рекламний проспект про одну з пам'яток Лондона ( можна використовувати
тексти підручника, заповнену на уроці таблицю);
Достатній рівень - розповісти про пам'ятки Лондона;
Високій рівень - потрібно скласти свій аркуш - путівник по Лондону ( розказати в нім про історію міста
і його пам'ятки) і зробити повідомлення по ньому

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