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1. How can these steps be used in meaningful decision making?

_Making decision is not always easy to do, there is a need to think carefully and thoroughly.
Through the steps provided it is easy to organize your thoughts and come up with a solution
when making decisions.

Activity Worksheet

Name: _Nikka Abawag_________________________________ Date: _01/27/2021_________

Grade and Section: _11-St. Thomas Aquinas________________

Decision Making Process

Read the given situation. Use the decision-making process steps to make a decision.

Situation 1. Work through a problem, which college should i attend and what course should I

Step#1:_The problem I encounter is which college should I attend and what course should I take
and pursue._____________________________________________________________________

Step#2:_Gather information about the colleges you are interested, read anything that has to do
with the schools you are interested, assess properly the given information and pick after you’re
done assessing. Pick the school that best meets your interest and preferences, and can help you
with your chosen course. Speaking of course, it is important to choose your course wisely as it
serves as your future career. Think about your interest, talent, goals and dreams because I
believe that those thing will be a big help in choosing a course. __________________________

Step#3:_Every problem has a solution so come up with solutions you can think of.__________

Step#4:_A decision always come with a consequence, it is best if you are ready with all of the
consequence of all your decision be it a positive or a negative one._______________________

Step#5:_After making a solution then it is time to pick. Pick one of all the solutions you made,
pick wisely the best solution that can give you positive outcome.__________________________

Step#6:_After finishing all those step the the time for you to plan has come. Make a plan on how
are you going to take action with your decision. Plan how to bring your decisions into life._____


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

1. How have your decisions affect your life?

_I don’t why but making decision is always hard for me., I can’t even make a decision purely by myself, I
always look for the opinion of other people. I make my decision based on the decision made by other
people. Honestly I hate the idea of making a decision since you are going to loose one if you are going to
choose the other one. But it is not good to be selfish so I am trying to develop my skills in decision
making, I am trying to reflect from my old decisions and I realized I made a lot of mistakes and wrong
decision because those mistake are slowly taunting me and making me regret my wrong decisions
however it remind me not to repeat the same mistake again, to not feel any regret after making decisions
in the future.

Activity Worksheet


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Name: _Nikka Abawag_______________________________ Date: _01/27/2020
11-St.Thomas Aquinas


Instruction: Write your answer on the given template below.

1. How can a decision impact oneself and others?

Every decision we make can affect our life positively or negatively. It can give a person
a series of emotions that are hard to control, a single decision can be a tragedy to a person’s
life or a beautiful memory that can be treasured for a lifetime. The environment of a person is
not exempted from the impact of his decisions, they will always be affected though they
will not experience a major effect they will still suffer and feel some of its consequences.


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

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