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Closure of the central square in Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities at
Item Name Description t,'nit otv
I I " l he contrae tor strall subm it a proposal attached to th;tlansltrat d;;fth-c add-itionai- l,us 1

spcccs that will bt, incluJcd within the canopy and which rvill bc connectcd to the
entrance ofthe oaravan adjacent lo the center square, and indicate the locations ofthe
stluctural iron structLtrcs such as columns, bridges, supports Joints ,roofing shgets,
walls, fasteners and other structures that will bc used for this purpose, general technical
spccifications, as shorvn in the attachcd diagrams, Note that these schemes are not linal
and reprcscnt as a preliminary guide to the requiremcnts the diminutivc must study and
match the proposed and sitc requiremcnts in tcrms ofdimensions and final sites ofthe
lbundatiors and supporls, il1 ooordinalion and approval ofthc supcrvising crrgineel aml
thc contractor to obtain ol'ficial approvals I'rom the relcvant authorities and related to thc
irnplcmentation of lhe wails should be ofthe type ofheat-insulated pancls with a
thickness of50 mm and the inner and outer sheets ofaluminum tvith a thickncss of 0.6
mm ( Aluminum sandwich panel out&inside 0.6 mm pE insulation 5Omm) and these
walls are mounted on a block wall with a height ol 1.5 meters and a thickness of200
mm. 'lhe lloor rvill be reinforced concrete with a thickness of 150 mm and a layer of
r" r'. r,,i l,,r . I',0r.rrC r

'Ihe main and secondary ironjoists and awning sheets

to be suppjicd by the conhaotor
shall be the same speci{ications lbr the existingjoists and sheets.

2 2 Supply and installation of suspended ceiling@ Lus I

inclusivc gypsum board dimensions 600 X 600 rnm with all the rcquirecl accossorics autl
fixtues ofGl type and that after the approval ofthe supervising engineer ofmaterials
and working method.
3 l Suppll ancl inslrllxtion ollighring LID pa[r.l Ll,pc (600XOOO,n11 inrritt"Alrlt,I-- Nos '75
suspcndcd ceiling \1,ith all wires and switchcs and the lighting intensity sholrld not be
less than 800 lLrx, and be divided into three cuttcrs and be multi-kcys, in aclclition to
lighting and accessories ire installed sockets for electrical connection wilh switches and
a number of l5 distributors inside the canopy, and thc \\,ork shall be according to the
general technical specillcations and at'ter the approval ofthe supervising cngineer of
materials ancl work.

4 4 Supply and installation of Hall distribution buud lOEj*itl.,130; k"fiind inGtt"d in Lus I
the wall accol.ling to tccltnical specilications and aller the engineer approved the
5 5 Supply and installation ofelectrical cable size 150 mmy lbur facets, whic.h is connected Lus l
from the distribution board to the main board olthe center, and irrcludes work on
drilling, backfiliing and connecting with thc provision ol all nccessary sLtpplics after the
enginccr approved the samples and take oare ofall fees requircd by mezoon electricity
company and all related transactions.

6 6 Supply and installation ofaluminum doors (single doors number / 2 100012100 rn. unrl Lus I
DoLLblc Drt[ NLrrrrbcr'.1 I 11300x2100 |rIr) \1 ith r]lacccssoIjcs. ljLLingsl(l K,\s lllcr
thc approval ofthc supervising engineer lbr materials and *ork.

7 Supply and installation ofaluminum windows t,ith reinlb.ced giirs anJiiihouiii'ii. Nos 3
schemes (rne oflhem is double). under gcncral technical spcciilcations ancl approval of
the supervising enginecr 1br matcrials and work
8 8 Supply and installation olair conditioners ( split Unit) Sizc 2 ton with all accessories, Nos 18
fittings and drainage pipes and compressor is installed on the roofofthe adjaccnt
building.Additional loads shall be calculatcd and aiigned with the capacity ofthe main
distribution panel, and sllall be allocated a secondary distribution panel installed inside
the canopy, according to thc generaltechnical specifications and the approval olthe
supervising enginecr on materjals and work.

9 9 The floor ofthe yard and the iron columns ( 1.5 m high ) are covered with pU ( Sqm 450
polyuthe.ine) material or its equivalent for shock suppression. The rvork shall bc in
accordance with the gcncml technical specifications and the instructions ofthe factory
or the equipment ofthe matcrial and thc approval ofthe ongineer supcrvising the \york
and matcrials.

l0 t0 Closing the openings suroLtnding the existing carlopy betwccn the brrilding surlhce and LLrs l
the roof sheets ofthe canopy by transpafent panels of GRP material and a thickness of
not less than 3 mm to allow natural light to pass through , the work includcs the supply
ofall llxtures and accessories such as liamcs and stabilizers and all work rcquirements
to show it in an aoccptable architectural ibrm and without leakage ofair and water, and
the work is undcr the general technical specifications and the approval ofthe
supervising enginccr lor rnatcrials aud work.


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