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Use this form to plan drills, critique, identify and assign corrective actions for improvements.

written instructions to area operator to start as per Drill Initiation Reporting Procedure.

Drill Location Water Treatment Plant –Tank 925 V6(Fire Water) Area # 24 Drill Date: May 25,2022

Employee experienced Oxygen Deficiency in Confined Space during coating Activity in progress.
Reference: Based on a credible scenario mentioned in Arabian Fal ERP (AFC-HSE-ERP / RRD-01).
• All Employees aware of the Emergency Response Procedures during a Confined Space Incident.
• The drill will be exercised only in Tank 925 V6(Fire Water) Area # 24
• Saudi Aramco personnel in WTP Permit Shelter will be informed prior to the commencement of

On May 25,2022, at Tank 925 V6(Fire Water) of WTP. Confined Space Permit and Hot WorkPermit was
taken to perform coating activities on the Bottom Plate welding joints.

Four employees were assigned to perform this activity. Gas Test was conducted prior to entry. Once
the activity commenced, employees began to feel uneasiness in breathing. At that moment, one of
the employee fell unconscious.
Rest of the employees evacuated the Confined Space safely. Confined Space Stand by Man
immediately blow the air horn (3 times for emergency evacuation) and informed the Work Permit
Receiver & Confined Space Entry Supervisor about the employee in danger inside the Tank.

This information was immediately passed on to the Work Permit Issuer in WTP permit shelter.

Emergency Rescue Procedures were initiated as per the Emergency Rescue Plan.

Drill objectives:

• To check the readiness of all parties for the incident or such case.

• To evaluate the communication during emergency.

Objectives • To train and practice the employees with Emergency Rescue Procedures and Protocols for be
followed during an emergency.

• Evaluate the Credible Scenario to manage Response Time in case of emergencey.

• Identify gaps and resolve challenges.

Scenario by MUHAMMAD WASEEM Reviewed by: Mohith Mohandas Approved by:

- Copy the rows from the Incident Action Plan of the specific scenario chosen and paste in the space below.
- Add steps specific to area/equipment/unit using the procedures developed in the Operational Emergency scenarios.
- The steps for Incident Command Procedures do not need to be repeated below but must be demonstrated during the drill.
- Do not injure people, damage equipment and cause shutdowns during drills.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Incident Command Actions Hrs
Assume/announce command, establish Incident Command Post
• Work Permit Receiver informs Work Permit Issuer & Arabian Fal Site In-Charge about the
Confined Space Emergency.
• Work Permit Issuer along with Saudi Aramco certified Gas Tester identified the Oxygen deficiency
in Tank 925 V6(Confined Space) and reported to their respective Supervisor.
• Emergency reporting initiated through 011-285-0911 to report the incident.
Rapidly evaluate the situation (size-up)
• Arabian Fal Site In-Charge arrives the scene and assumes the Role of Incident Commander (IC)
after being briefed by the Work Permit Receiver.
• Incident Commander (IC) ensures that the affected area is evacuated (Local Drill – Local
Evacuation). 08:03
• Incident Commander (IC) assigns an employee as Flag Man to direct the Emergency Responders.
• Incident Commander (IC) instructs for a Headcount all the employees.
• Barricade the site, close the roads and downwind movement.
• Incident Commander (IC) arranges vehicle for response.
Transfer Incident Command as necessary
• Incident Commander (IC) communicates to Arabian Fal Management for Medical Facility required.
• Arabian Fal Management arranges with a JHAH approved Medical Facility for required medical
Expand Incident Command as necessary
Incident Commander (IC) instructs and supports.
• Work Permit Receiver to provide one crew to support the Rescue Team. 08:10
• To provide a vehicle for complete co-ordination of events.
• Fire Crew and Medical Attendants.
Evacuate/Control Site
• Remove personal equipment and keep area clear for Emergency Crews to access the site with 08:12
Account for people
• Work Permit Receiver takes a Head Account and takes the CSE Log sheet and TBT Attendance for 08:14
Initiate, maintain and control notifications and communications
• Ensure adequate means of communication is available for the co-ordination of this Joint Rescue 08:16

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Identify strategy
• Set –up a continuous Gas Monitoring as needed.

Assign/execute tactical objectives

o Call 011-285-0911 for aid and assistance.
o Call WTP (Saudi Aramco) Officials for aid and assistance.
o Call Arabian Fal Site Management for aid and assistance.
o Be available to co-ordinate the Rescue Operation and convey all necessary information to
aid the process.

Terminate command.
• Continuous Area Gas Monitoring was conducted of Tank 925 V6(WTP – Fire Water) and its
surrounding area to ensure the H2S and LEL reading are 0. The Oxygen level must be in-between
20.0% to 23.5%.
• Ensure all the Rescue responders have dispersed from the site with their vehicles and rescue 08:28
• Account for all the Arabian Fal employees.
• Incident Commander (IC) informs Control Centre and declare the Drill situation is completed and
all clear to resume normal activities
Recover and restore affected areas/operations.
• Area is barricaded and Housekeeping is performed.
• Drill Critique meeting is performed to identify the areas of improvement. 08:30
• Emergency Contact No. (011-285-0911) is explained to all employees.
• Additional Hazards of Confined Space is explained all employees.
Step# Explain the negative (-) observations associated with the steps above:

Specify corrective actions and follow up their completion. Assign to: Complete by

Save completed drill forms at RRD SMS Element-8 (E Cabinet) folder and hyperlink on Drill Planning and CritiqueReports,

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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