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Secundaria Cambridge School

Planeación Didáctica
“Saber con claridad los objetivos, es conducir el proceso de aprendizaje”

Asignatura English Docente Claudia Estela Collazo Isunza Fecha Sept. 26th - 30rd
: : :
Eje Temático /Ámbito: Grado: Adv. No. De alumnos:
Propósito/ Competencias que favorece a su Review some of the grammar topics students must have full
contexto: knowledge of before finishing the welcome unit.
Aprendizajes Evaluate students' knowledge in grammar.
Aspectos a evaluar: Students’ participation is what the teachers will focus most on but there will also be reading,
listening, writing and speaking activities involved.
Metodología utilizada Students respond to questions in full English.
para evaluar:
Adecuaciones Pending
Secuencia Didáctica:
Día de la semana Tiempo Actividad a realizar.
15 Minutes: We will go outside and play human tic tac toe. Ss will get divided in two teams
and the teacher will set up the hula hoops and give them the balls. The teams that win 3
Monday 11:40 -
rounds will be the winner and will choose what game we will play on fun thursday.
Secundaria Cambridge School
Planeación Didáctica
“Saber con claridad los objetivos, es conducir el proceso de aprendizaje”

15 Minutes: Teacher will write an explanation about a quick explanation about the past
perfect and the past perfect continuous on the board. Ss must write the explanations in
their notebooks.

20 Minutes: Teacher will give Ss a worksheet for them to answer individually related to the
grammar we just saw. They will receive one worksheet per grammar topic. When Ss are
finished we will check the answers together.

15 Minutes: Teacher will write a list of extreme adjectives worked last week. Ss will have to
make sentences with each adjective. Teacher will check all students’ sentences.
12:45 -
20 Minutes: Students will get in pairs and create a mini-dialogue which they will act out in
front of the class using the extreme adjectives.

10 Minutes: Ss will pass to the front and act out their dialogues in front of the rest of the

15 Minutes: T will ask students about their behavior, how it is in school, at home, with
friends, with family members, etc.
Secundaria Cambridge School
Planeación Didáctica
“Saber con claridad los objetivos, es conducir el proceso de aprendizaje”

11:40 -
20 Minutes: Ss will work in pairs and choose six of the adjectives listed on page 8. For
each one they must think of something that someone could say or do to show quality. Ss
will talk about situations in which they think they were or could be described with one of the

15 Minutes: We will have a dictation about the adjectives. We will check them at the end.

15 Minutes: Teacher will mention some situations and Ss must answer what they would
say in those situations using should and a personality adjective.

12:45 - 15 Minutes: Ss will get in teams of three and do a scavenger hunt. T will explain the rules
1:35 for them to go out and do the activity. The first team to find all objects wins.

20 Minutes: We will read the article on page 9 and find which of the jobs they mention. Ss
will answer exercises on page 9 related to the article. Teacher will help when necessary.
15 Minutes: T will ask Ss if they could, how would they change their lifestyle and why.

20 Minutes: We will read and listen to a conversation and answer questions on exercise 1,
Secundaria Cambridge School
Planeación Didáctica
“Saber con claridad los objetivos, es conducir el proceso de aprendizaje”

page 10. We will listen again and complete the conversation on exercise 2.
11:40 -
Wednesday 10 Minutes: Lastly we will answer some questions related to it.

15 Minutes: Teacher will give this time for Ss to create a section on their notebooks
specifically for reading.

30 Minutes: Ss will receive a worksheet which contains a reading about a history person.
Each student will receive a different one but they shouldn’t mention who they got. Once Ss
12:45 -
are done, the teacher will project pictures of each character and Ss will pass one by one
and present themselves as if they were the character they got, Ss must guess who each
student is.
15 Minutes: I will give students a quick review about what we saw on unit 1. Students will
have this time to ask questions.

60 Minutes: Ss will have this time to do their exams.

35 Minutes: We will read the chapters we didn’t read last week and Ss will have this time
10:40 -
Secundaria Cambridge School
Planeación Didáctica
“Saber con claridad los objetivos, es conducir el proceso de aprendizaje”

12:30 to answer their reading log on the reading section they created in their notebooks.
Fun thursday - For this week we will go to the computer lab and play some blooket with
surprises and punishments.

12:45 -
Anexos/ materiales Videos, material extra, hojas que necesitan ser impresas por coordinación

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