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1st Picture refers to my working out journey

- I start working out myself in July. Because I realized to myself that I'm
not confident enough of my physical attributes and I struggle with my
breathing sometimes. So I said to myself that I will try it and see the results
after. In the first week, I struggle a lot and I think my bones are going to
break and came to the situation as if I was about to give up. But I was
persevered by my neighborhood friend. He inspires me by saying the result
if you get physically fit. Sometimes I join him jog and get effective tips in
working out. So after then exercising becomes my routine. I stick to my plan
that 3 days’ exercise 1-day rest, and eat healthy foods. (fewer carbs more
protein). And after 1 month of enduring, I see the better result of myself. I
feel so light, I can move very well, I feel that my shoulders, arms, and thighs
are broadened, and I feel that I don't get easily tired and my mentality also
improved. I keep a motto that if you want one thing to achieve don't give
up on it.

2nd Picture refers to my family

- I became more close to my family. And I realized to myself that I will
cherished every moment of my life together with them. This quarantine I
enjoyed listening some life experience of my mother. Bonding with them
while working in our sari-sari store, sharing my perspective about life with
them and asking some sorts of advice of becoming successful individual

3rd Picture refers to Self-love

- This quarantine I realized more things in my life. I try to know myself better
by reflecting each night before I sleep and asking my parents what factors
of my attitude they didn’t like on me. I discover that I’m a sensitive person
and not matured enough because I’m easily get mad when others correct
me, and got pity in my own self. I’d become aware of my jokes and the tone
of my saying that can offend other people. I also discover that I was longing
for a love of my crush but in reality I can’t love my own self. So I prefer now
to focus more in the things that can help me grow as a person and fix my
bad habits to be a productive man.

4th picture refers to driving

- This is my favorite achievement during quarantine I learn how to drive car

by the help of my father. At first, I can’t control the engine of car but
practice little by little every day and watch tips in Youtube on how to be a
driver on beginners. So then I drove my mother onto our store.

5th picture refers to money

- I learn how to manage money and being matipid that my parents thought
me, and experience everyday how hard to earn money. It requires patience
and positive thinking to be a successful vendor.

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