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Activity 2.

1. The Id, Ego, and Super Ego of Freud

The theory about Id, Ego, and Superego of Freud have influenced and affected the
society’s life and outlook by having psychology to be part of science. The theory of it
has shaped the beliefs in societies. The view of the people changes as it was given
correct information through years and years of research just to provide accurate data
of understanding such theories.
Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest.
Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest have influenced and affected the
society’s life and outlook by understanding that eliminating such species through
time and the strongest of the species will be the one that has the higher rate to
survive. This marked on us that whoever in the society that has a good life will be the
one to survive. It also influenced us by passing on how we survive in the past years
for other generations to help them surpass any obstacles.
2. Explain the concept of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism.
The concept of Geocentric is that it is shown that the Earth is at the center of our
solar system, and it is said to be not moving while the Sun, Moon, and other planets
(Uranus and Neptune were not yet discovered) are orbiting our planet. The concept
of Heliocentrism is that it is shown that the Sun is the center of our solar system,
whereas it is said that the Sun and the stars do not move. Meanwhile, the planets
orbited the Sun, and the Moon is orbiting our planet.
3. Name other scientific revolutions that happened in the following places:
a. Meso-America
The scientific revolutions that happened in Meso-America is the cosmology and
mathematics that was founded by the Maya shaman group. Not only that, but they
were also, the ones who came up with the cycles of planets and celestial beings.
b. Asia
In India, have a proud mathematical and astronomical tradition in the past, but has
proceeded to slumber for over centuries. We know that Asia's rich history of
innovation in magnetic compass, even the number zero, etc.
c. Middle East
With the rise of Islam in the seventh century, science and technology flourished to a
great extent. The Muslim rulers have promoted the translation of Greek philosophy
and science into their own, and then encouraged further scientific exploration such
as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, and physics.
d. Africa
It is said in 2007 (Year of science and technology), the African leaders, have met
and agreed on certain initiatives. These included establishing an African intellectual
property organization to help protect and conserve indigenous science innovations
and starting on a 20-year plan to promote cooperation among states of research in

Beech, H. (2006). Asia’s Great Science Experiment. Retrieved on August 27,

Brainly. (2018). Can you name other scientific revolution that happened in
America? Retrieved on August 27, 2020.

Mutume, G. (2007). Africa aims for a scientific revolution. Retrieved on August

27, 2020.
aimsscientific- revolution.

Stivachtis, Y. (2019). Science, Technology and Security in the Middle East.

Retrieved on August 27, 2020.
technology-and-securityin- the-middle east/.

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