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The honorable Mrs. Nurwati Jam'ah as the lecture of math english Lesson and all of my beloved audience.

First of all, let's thank to Allah because of his blessing we can meet together in this place.
Shalawat and salam never forget delivered for our prophet Muhammad SAW.
Before we start our presentation today let's reciting basmalah together "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim"

Dear My beloved audience For the next agenda is introduction and presentation session,here i am Mutmainnah Ramli
as the moderator,then there is the
first presenter named Nuradya Sukirman,
the second presenter named Aprilia Damayanti,
the third presenter named Raisah Ulya,
the fourth presenter named Nurmadina,
the fifth presenter named Nia Kurniati Rustam,the
sixth presenter named Nur Fatimah,
and the note taker named Dwi Ariesta Okay,
the topic of this presentation today is (Trigonometry) that will be presented by group

For the presenters the time is yours.

pemateri menyampaikan materinya Thank you for all of the presenters.
And now, for the next session is a question and answer session. In this session there will be two sessions
where each session will open two questionsThe rule before you asking please raise your hand then I will chose
you. And please mention your name and your group before asking your question.
Any question? thank you for your question, [nama penanya]. let us discuss first before answering The first
question will be answered by [nama penjawab] Closing (Penutup) Dear my beloved audience finally, all of
questions are answered. (Audiens yang saya cintai akhirnya semua pertanyaan telah dijawab) Before we close
our this presentation today, I would say thank you for all your participation. Hopefully this presentation today
will be benefit for us To close this agenda let's say hamdalah. together "Alhamdulillahhirabbil aalamiin"
That's all from me

in this presentation we will discuss about trigonometry

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics. To make it easier for you to learn this material, here is a review of
the basics of trigonometry.
Without further ado, here is an explanation of trigonometry, complete with basic terms in trigonometric

pada presentasi ini kita akan membahas tentang trigonometri

Trigonometri adalah salah satu cabang ilmu matematika. Untuk memudahkan Anda belajar materi ini,
berikut ulasan tentang dasar-dasar trigonometri.
Tak peru basa-basi, berikut penjelasan tentang trigonometri, lengkap dengan istilah dasar pada rumus

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the angles of triangles. The term trigonometry itself
comes from the Greek words trigonon which means three angles, and metro which means to measure.

Basic Terms in Trigonometric Formulas After understanding the definitions and concepts of trigonometry,
then you can continue by listening to the symbols or terms in trigonometric formulas.
pengertian trigonometri adalah cabang ilmu matematika yang berkaitan tentang sudut segitiga. Istilah
trigonometri sendiri berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani yaitu trigonon artinya tiga sudut, dan metro yang
artinya mengukur.

Istilah Dasar Pada Rumus Trigonometri Setelah memahami tentang definisi dan konsep trigonometri, maka
Anda bisa melanjutkannya dengan menyimak simbol-simbol atau istilah-istilah pada rumus trigonometri.

history of trigonometry
The beginnings of trigonometry can be traced back to the times of Ancient Egypt and Babylon and the Indus
Valley civilization, more than 3000 years ago. Indian mathematicians were pioneers in calculating algebraic
variables used to calculate astronomy as well as trigonometry.
sejarah trigonometri
Awal trigonometri dapat dilacak hingga zaman Mesir Kuno dan Babilonia dan peradaban Lembah Indus,
lebih dari 3000 tahun yang lalu. Matematikawan India adalah perintis penghitungan variabel aljabar yang
digunakan untuk menghitung astronomi dan juga trigonometri.

There are many functions and uses of trigonometry, namely:

1. Application of Trigonometry in Astronomy
2. 2. Application of Trigonometry in Civil Engineering
3. Application of Trigonometry to Geography and Navigation
4. Application of Trigonometry in Chemical Engineering

Another simple example is:

Can measure area and perimeter of land
Can calculate the height of an object (such as mountains, trees, flagpoles, towers, etc.)
Can measure road slope
Can calculate the height of sea waves
Can calculate the distance between objects in space
Can measure the tension in the rope that will be used to hold a load
ada banyak fungsi dan kegunaan trigonometri yaitu :
1. Penerapan Trigonometri Pada Ilmu Astronomi
2. Penerapan Trigonometri pada Ilmu Teknik Sipil
3. Penerapan Trigonometri pada Geografi dan Navigasi
4. Penerapan Trigonometri pada Teknik Kimia

adapun contoh sederhana lainnya yaitu :

⇒Dapat mengukur luas dan keliling tanah
⇒Dapat menghitung ketinggian dari suatu objek (seperti gunung, pohon, tiang bendera, menara, dsb.)
⇒Dapat mengukur kemiringan jalan
⇒Dapat menghitung ketinggian gelombang air laut
⇒Dapat menghitung jarak antara benda-benda di angkasa
⇒Dapat mengukur tegangan tali yang akan digunakan untuk menahan suatu beban
Basic Terms
1. sine (sin)
2.cosine (cos)
3. tangent (tan)
4. cotangent (cot)
5.secant (sec) 6.cosecant (cosec)

Basic Trigonometric Formulas

Sin = b/c. That is, the front side on the sloping side.
Cos = a/c.
That is, the side of the oblique side.
Tan = b/a. That is, the front side on the side.
Sec= a/b. That is, the side side of the front side (the opposite of the tangent).
Csc= c/a. That is, the hypotenuse on the side (the opposite of cos).
Cosec = c/b. That is, the hypotenuse at the front (the opposite of sin).

Istilah Dasar
1. sinus (sin)
2.cosinus (cos)
3.tangen (tan)
4.cotangen (cot)
5.secan (sec) 6.cosecan (cosec)

Dasar Rumus Trigonometri

Sin = b/c. Maksudnya, sisi depan di bagian sisi miring.

Cos = a/c.
Maksudnya, sisi samping sisi miring.
Tan = b/a. Maksudnya, sisi depan dibagian sisi samping.
Sec= a/b. Maksudnya, sisi samping sisi sisi depan (kebalikan dari tangen).
Csc= c/a. Maksudnya, sisi miring di sisi samping (kebalikan dari cos).
Cosec = c/b. Maksudnya, sisi miring di bagian depan (kebalikan dari sin).

there is also what is commonly called

Values of Special Angles The values that are considered to be the value of special angles include 0°, 30° , 45° , 60° ,
and 60°.

Adapun juga yang biasa di sebut dengan

Nilai-Nilai Sudut Istimewa Nilai-nilai yang dianggap jadi nilai sudut istimewa antara lain adalah 0°, 30° ,
45° , 60° , dan 60°.

as for the formulas that friends will meet in trigonometry, namely

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