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NAME: ___________________________________ GR & SEC: _________________

The learner derives the laws of exponent (M7AL-IId-e-1) and multiplies and divides
polynomials (M7AL-IIe-2).

This module was designed to help you appreciate and master the laws of exponents and learn how
to multiply and divide polynomials.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. define and interpret the meaning of an, where n is a positive integer;
2. derive inductively the laws of exponents (restricted to positive integers)
3. illustrate the laws of exponents;
4. multiply and divide polynomials applying the laws of exponents.


Read and understand each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is equivalent to 25?
A. 10 B. 16 C. 32 D. 64
2. According to the laws of exponents, when you multiply expressions having the same base, you
_________ their exponents.
A. add B. divide C. multiply D. subtract

3. What is (x2)0?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 6 D. 12
4. What is the product of x-7 and x8?
A. x B. x2 C. x7 D. x15
5. What is the quotient of x9 and x6?
A. x B. x3 C. x6 D. x15

6. What is the product of 5j2and 6j?

A. 11j2 B. 11j3 C. 30j2 D. 30j3
7. When you divide 8r by r4, the quotient will be _______.
A. 8r3 B. 8
r 3 C. 8r5 D. 8
r 5

8. Find the quotient of 21x4-14x3-28x2 and 7x2.

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 1 | 11

A. 3x2-2x -4 B. 3x2+2x-4 C. 3x2-2x-3 D. 3x2+2x+4
9. A piece of rectangular paper has a length of ( x + 9 ) units and a width of ( 2x - 1 ) units. Find
the area of the paper. ( Note: Area of a rectangle = l x w ).
A. 2x2-17x -9 square units C. 2x2 + 17x – 9 square units
B. 2x2- 19x + 10 square units D. 2x2+ 19x – 10 square units
10. If each notebook costs ( x4- 5x2 ) pesos, how much do you pay for 5 notebooks? A. 5 pesos
B. (x5- 5x) pesos C. 5x4-5x2 pesos D. 5x4-25x2 pesos

Looking Back at your Lesson

With your knowledge of basic multiplication, you can perform the exercise below.
Exercise 1: Give the product of the following as fast as you can.
1. 3 × 3 = __9_____ 5. 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = __256_____
2. 2 × 2 × 2 = ___8____ 6. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = ____64___
3. 5 × 5 × 5 = __125_____

A more efficient way in writing repeated multiplication is by writing it as a power. In an, a is called
the base and n is called the exponent. The exponent tells you how many times the base is used as a

In 3 × 3, the number 3 is used two times as a factor. Therefore, 3 × 3 can be written as 32. In
the same manner, 2 × 2 × 2 can be written as 23 and 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 as 26.

Exercise 2:
A. Which of the following is/are correct? Write CORRECT or INCORRECT appropriately. The first
one is done for you.

1. 32 = 3 × 3 = 9 CORRECT 4. 23 = 2 × 3 = 6 __________
2. 52 = 5 × 5 = 25 __________ 3
5. 3 = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 __________ 3. 34 = 3 × 3 ×
3 × 3 = 12 __________ 6. 6 = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 64 __________

B. Give the value of each of the following as fast as you can.

1. 42 = ___16___ 2. 25 = ___32___ 3. 73 = ___343__ 4. 54 = ____625___ 5. 62 = __36_____

Introduction of the Lesson

Lesson 1: Laws of Exponent

Lesson 1.1

Product of Powers (am)(an) = am + n

When you multiply terms with the same base, you add the exponents.

Illustrative Example:
1) (24)(23) = (2 • 2 • 2 • 2) ( 2• 2 • 2) = 27 = 128
2) (a3)(a6) = (a • a • a) (a • a • a • a • a • a) = a9
3) (32)(32) = 34
4) (25)(23) = 28
5) (y6)(y8) = y14
What did you notice?
What conclusion can you make about an • am?

Lesson 1.2
Analyze the result and make a simple conclusion on it. The first two are done for you.
1) (32)2 = 32 • 32 = 3 • 3 • 3 • 3 = 34 = 81
2) (y3)4 = y3 • y3 • y3• y3 = y • y • y • y • y • y • y • y • y • y • y • y = y12
3) (23)2 = 23 • 23= 2•2•2•2•2•2= 64
4) (32)3 = 32 • 32 •32 = 3 • 3 • 3 • 3 •3 • 3 = 729
5) (a4)5 = a4 • a4 • a4 • a4 • a4 = a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a • a• a •a= a 20

What did you notice?

What can you conclude about (am)n?
Power of a Power (am)n = amn

When a power is raised to another power, you multiply the exponents.


Lesson 1.3
Analyze the result and make a simple conclusion on it. The first two are done for you.
2 2 •2•2•2•2•2•2•2 3
1) 25
= = = 8 take note that 8 is also equal to 2 2•2•2•2•2
x x •x• x• x •x •x• x
2) x2
= x•x
= x5
3) 3
3 = ______
4) y8
= ______
5) 16 = ______


What did you notice?

What can you say about an ?

Quotient of Powers 𝒏 = am - n
𝒂 Lesson
When you divide terms with the same base, you subtract the exponents.
Study the given
examples below.
1. 5522 = 55 x 5 x 5 =1 Applying the Law on Quotient of Powers, 5522 2−2 = 50 = 1. = 5

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 3 | 11

2. yy55 = y•y•y•y•yy•y•y•y•y= y5-5 = y0 = 1

3. 9(k0) = 1
4. x 8 = ______

5. 40 = ______

What have you noticed? How do you evaluate an expression with zero exponent?
Zero Exponent a0 = 1 where a ≠ 0

Any term (constant or variable) except zero, when raised to zero is equal to one (1).

Lesson 1.5

Rewrite the following using the laws of exponent, then simplify. The first two are done for you.

1. = using the laws of exponent, 3x3 x3 3= 3313 = 31-3 = 3-2 = =

2. = using the laws of exponent, 2x2x2x22 = 2232 = 22-3 = 2-1 =

3. =? 4. xx 78 = ? 5. y y168 = ?
What have you noticed?
Negative Exponent a-n = n

Any term (constant or variable) when raised to a negative exponent is simplified by getting the
multiplicative inverse of its base and the additive inverse of its exponent.

Lesson 2: Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials

Lesson 2.1: Rules in Multiplying Polynomials

A. In multiplying monomials, multiply the numerical coefficients just like multiplying integers
then apply the law on product of powers to the literal coefficients. Examples:

Multiply the Apply the law on product of

numerical powers to the literal
Given Monomials Product
coefficients (am)(an) = am+n
1. (7a3)(a5) (7)(1) = 7 (a3)(a5) = a3+5 = a8 7a8
2. (4x2)(-3y) (4)(-3) = -12 (x2)(y) = x2y -12x2y

3. (-9m2n)(-6m2n3) (-9)(-6) = 54 (m2n)(m2n3) = m2+2n1+3= m4n4 54m4n4

B. In multiplying monomial by a polynomial, apply the distributive property and follow the
rules in multiplying monomials.

4b ( b2 + 3b – 2) distribute the given monomial to each term of the polynomial

= 4b(b2) + 4b(3b) - 4b(2) apply the rules in multiplying monomials

= 4b3 + 12b2 - 8b

-x2 ( 5y3 + y2 – 9y ) distribute the given monomial to each term of the polynomial

= -x2(5y3) + (-x2)(y2) – (-x2)(9y) apply the rules in multiplying monomials

= -5x2y3 - x2y2 + 9x2y

6c ( cd3 - 3c2d2 + 2c3d - c4 ) distribute the given monomial to each term of the polynomial

= 6c(cd3) - 6c(3c2d2) + 6c(2c3d) - 6c(c4) apply the rules in multiplying monomials

= 6c2d3 - 18c3d2 + 12c4d - 6c5

C. In multiplying binomials, you can use distributive property, FOIL Method and the traditional
way of multiplying (vertical method).

1. ( x + 3 )( x + 7 )
Distributive Property
( x + 3 )( x + 7 )= x (x + 7) + 3(x + 7) distribute each term of the first binomial to the second binomial
= x + 7x + 3x + 21 combine like terms
= x2 + 10x + 21

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 5 | 11

FOIL Method
F L First Terms: (x)(x) = x2
Outer Terms: (x)(7) = 7x Combine like terms
( x + 3 )( x + 7 ) Inner Terms: (3)(x) = 3x
I Last Terms: (3)(7) = 21
( x + 3 )( x + 7 ) = x2 + 10x + 21

Vertical Method
( x + 3 )( x + 7 ) x+3 write the given vertically
x+7 x2 + 3x x(x+3) + 7x +
21 7(x+3) x +10x + 21 add the results by
combining like terms
2. ( y - 8 )( 2y + 1 )
Distributive Property
( y - 8 )( 2y + 1 )= y (2y + 1) - 8(2y + 1)
= 2y2 + y – 16y - 8
= 2y2 – 15y - 8
FOIL Method
F L First Terms: (y)(2y) = 2y2
Outer Terms: (y)(1) = y Combine like terms
( y - 8 )(2y + 1 ) Inner Terms: (-8)(2y) = -16y
I Last Terms: (-8)(1) = -8
( y - 8 )( 2y + 1 ) = 2y2 – 15y - 8

Vertical Method
( y - 8 )( 2y + 1 ) y- 8 write the given vertically
2y + 1
2y2 - 16y 2y(y – 8)
+ y-8 1(y – 8)
2y – 15y - 8 add the results by combining like terms

3. ( 7m + 4n )( 5m – n ) = 35m2 + 13mn – 4n2 *Show

the solution for this using any method.

D. In multiplying polynomials with more than two terms, you can use distributive property,
vertical method, or grid.
1. ( y2 + 2y + 1 )( 3y2 – y + 5 )
Distributive Property
( y2 + 2y + 1 )( 3y2 – y + 5 )= y2( 3y2 – y + 5 ) + 2y( 3y2 – y + 5 ) + 1( 3y2 – y + 5 )
= 3y4 – y3 + 5y2 + 6y3 – 2y2 + 10y + 3y2 – y + 5
= 3y4 + 5y3 + 6y2 + 9y + 5 Vertical
( y2 + 2y + 1 )( 3y2 – y + 5 ) y2 + 2y + 1
3y2 – y + 5
3y4 + 6y3 + 3y2 3y2(y2 + 2y + 1)
- y - 2y2 – y
-y(y2 + 2y + 1)
5y 2 + 10y + 5 5(y2 + 2y + 1)
4 3 2
3y + 5y + 6y + 9y + 5

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 6 | 11

Using Grid
y2 2y 1 Place the
multiplicand on the
3y2 3y4 6y3 3y2 first row and the
multiplier on
-y -y 3 -2y2 -y
the first column
5 5y2 10 y 5 Fill in each grid
with the product of the
terms in which it is across ( just like in multiplication table)

Combine like terms

Answer: 3y4+ 5y3+ 6y2+ 9y+ 5

2. ( 4x2 – 3x +1 )( x2 + x – 2 ) = 4x4 + x3 -10x2 + 7x – 2

3. ( z3 + 2z2 – z + 5 )( 9z2 + z + 3 ) = 9z5 + 19z4 – 4z3 + 50z2 + 2z + 15

Lesson 2.2 : Rules in Dividing Polynomials

A. In dividing monomials, divide the numerical coefficients just like dividing integers then apply
the law of exponent quotient of powers for the literal coefficients.

Given Monomials Divide the Apply the law of exponent (quotient Quotient
numerical of powers) to the literal coefficients
= am - n
1. 6m4 ÷ 2m 6÷2=3 m4 ÷ m = m4-1 = m3 3m3
2. 14a2 ÷ (-7a) 14 ÷ (-7) = -2 a2 ÷ a = a2-1 = a -2a
3. (-54c7d2) ÷ (-9c5d4) (-54) ÷ (-9) = 6 𝐜𝟐 c7d2 ÷ c5d4 = c7-5d2-4= c2d-2 or 𝟔𝐜𝟐

B. In dividing polynomial with two or more terms by a monomial, just divide each term of the
polynomial by the given monomial.

3 2
8x 24x 4x
1. ( 8x3 + 24x2 – 4x ) ÷ 4x = + - = 2x2 + 6x – 1
4x 4x 4x

9n2 6n 15
2. ( 9n – 6n + 15 ) ÷ (-3) = - + = -3n2 + 2n – 5
-3 -3 -3
4 3
10a 4a a
3. ( 10a4 – 4a3 – a ) ÷ 2a = - - = 5a3 – 2a2 –
2a 2a 2a

C. In dividing polynomials with two or more terms, you can use the long division method
similar to the process of dividing whole numbers.


1. Divide x3- 6x2+ 18x - 27 by x – 3. Solution:

STEP 1: Rewrite the given in this form: divisor √dividend

Arrange the terms of the divisor and dividend in decreasing powers of x or in the
standard form. ( Insert 0 coefficients of any missing term )

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 7 | 11

x - 3√x3 - 6x2+ 18x - 27

STEP 2: Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor.

𝒙𝟐 --------------------------→ First term of the quotient

x - 3√x3- 6x2+ 18x-27

STEP 3: Multiply the quotient obtained in STEP 2 by the divisor.



x3- 3x2 ----------------------→ x3=(x2)(x) ; - 3x2 = (x2)(-3)

STEP 4: Subtract the product in STEP 3 from the dividend. Bring down the next term.


3 2 x - 3x

- 3x2 + 18x

STEP 5: Repeat STEP 1 - 4 until the remainder is zero or the remainder is of lower degree
polynomial than the divisor.

x2 - 3x + 9
x3- 3x2
- 3x2 +18x
- 3x2 + 9x
9x - 27
9x - 27
STEP 6: Write the answer in the form:
P(x) R(x)
=Q(x)+ where: P(x)= Dividend; D(x)= Divisor; Q(x)= Quotient; R(x)= Remainder
D(x) D(x)

ANSWER: x3- 6x2+ 18x-27 = 2 - 3x + 9 x


2. ( 4a3- 5a - 6 ) ÷ ( 2a - 1 ) = 2a2+ a - 2 -

3. ( 2y3- 9y2+ 13y - 12) ÷ ( y - 3) = 2y2- 3y + 4

*Show the solution for examples 2 and 3.

Activity 1: Simplify the following using laws of exponents.
16 8
1. (a )(a ) = ________ 4. a -10 = _______

6 7
2. (x ) = ______ 5. a -2b3c0 = ____

3. (100010)0 = ______

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 8 | 11

Activity 2: Perform the indicated operations.

1. 7x2 ( x – 3 ) = ______________________ 4. 72x3y2 ÷ 12x3y = _________________________

2. ( 2n – 5 )( n – 5 ) = ___________________ 5. ( 10x2 + 35x ) ÷ 5x = ____________________

3. ( 7x2 + 4x – 6 )( x + 4 ) = ______________

The following are the laws of exponents and rules in multiplying and dividing

The Laws of Exponents are as follow:

1. Product of Powers: (am)(an) = am+n 4. Zero Exponent a0 = 1 where a ≠ 0 2.
Power of a Power: (am)n = amn 5. Negative Exponent a- an

a m-n

3. Quotient of Powers an = a

Rules in Multiplying Polynomials

1. In multiplying monomials, multiply the numerical coefficients just like multiplying integers then
apply the law of exponent product of powers for the literal coefficients.
2. In multiplying monomial by a polynomial, just apply the distributive property and follow the
rules in multiplying monomials.
3. In multiplying binomials, you can use distributive property, FOIL Method and the traditional way
of multiplying (vertical method).
4. In multiplying polynomials with more than two terms, you can use distributive property, vertical
method, or grid.

Rules in Dividing Polynomials

1. In dividing monomials, divide the numerical coefficients just like dividing integers then apply the
law of exponent quotient of powers for the literal coefficients.
2. In dividing polynomials with two or more terms by a monomial, just divide each term of the given
polynomial by the given monomial.
3. In dividing polynomials with two or more terms, you can use the long division method similar to
the process of dividing whole numbers.

Check Your Understanding

I. Simplify the following:
1. (x5)(x6) = ________

2. x 5y4 = _________

3. (y-2)2 = _______________

4. x6y7 = ________

II. Find the product of the following:

1. 5r5 ( 6r – 3 ) = ______________________
2. 6 ( 7n2 + n – 2 ) = _________________________
3. ( 4b2 + 7b + 6 )( 8b + 1 ) = ________________________

III. Find the quotient of the following:

1. 225x5 y3 ÷ 15xy
2. ( 56y3 + 49y2 ) ÷ (-7y) = ____________________________

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 9 | 11

3. ( 10r2 – 79r + 63 ) ÷ ( r – 7 ) = ______________________________

Read and understand each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is equivalent to 25?

A. 10 B. 16 C. 32 D. 64
2. According to the laws of exponents, when you multiply expressions having the same base, you
_________ their exponents.
A. add B. divide C. multiply D. subtract

3. What is (x2)0?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 6 D. 12
4. What is the product of x and x8? -7

A. x B. x2 C. x7 D. x15
5. What is the quotient of x9 and x6?
A. x B. x3 C. x6 D. x15

6. What is the product of 5j2and 6j?

A. 11j2 B. 11j3 C. 30j2 D. 30j3
7. When you divide 8r by r4, the quotient will be _______.
A. 8r3 B. 8
r 3 C. 8r5 D. 8
r 5

8. Find the quotient of 21x4-14x3-28x2 and 7x2.

A. 3x2-2x -4 B. 3x2+2x-4 C. 3x2-2x-3 D. 3x2+2x+4

9. A piece of rectangular paper has a length of ( x + 9 ) units and a width of ( 2x - 1 ) units. Find
the area of the paper. ( Note: Area of a rectangle = l x w ).
A. 2x2-17x -9 square units C. 2x2 + 17x – 9 square units
B. 2x2- 19x + 10 square units D. 2x2+ 19x – 10 square units
10. If each notebook costs ( x4- 5x2 ) pesos, how much do you pay for 5 notebooks?

Quarter 2
Week 5
Name: Math Teacher:
Section: Score:

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 10 | 11

MATH 7 QUARTER 2 WEEK 5 P a g e 11 | 11

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