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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Most Essential Learning Competency:
Discover the conflicts presented in the selection and the need to resolve those conflicts in non –
violent ways.
B. Specific Objective:
1. Identify conflict
2. Classify the type of conflict in the literary selections
3. Give solutions in non-violent ways to conflict in the literary selections

Conflict and Solutions in Literary Selections


Department of Education. (2020). Evaluation. Grade 7 Daily Lesson Plan (Q2, p. 56-62). DepEd ROV.
English 7 Learner's Material (Department of Education, Compiler, p. 159-169, 478-479). (n.d.).
Department of Education.

English 7 Teacher’s Guide (Department of Education, Compiler, p. 149-154). (n.d.). Department of


English Learning Package Grade 7 pages 93 – 105

How the World Was Created (Panayan) | Philippine Literature. (n.d.). The Philippine Literature. Retrieved
February 7, 2021, from

Coco Martin Ang Probinsyano. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Media Interaksyon.

Kadenang Ginto. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Davao Times. Net.
Pieceofkayk (2009, August 18). Tungkung Langit at Alunsina [Illustration].

squeegool. (2013, April 16). Barangaw [Illustration]. Deviant Art.


 Picture-talk
 Providing Feedback
 Experiential Learning
 Critical Thinking
 Graphic Organizers
 Small Group Work Activity
 ICT-based activities
 Discussion

A. Pre-activity(T reminds learners about health protocols, states the objectives for the day and other
1. Recall. Teacher shows three pictures

1 2 3
Class, look at picture no. 1 what is the character doing? How about in picture no. 2, what is the child
doing? How about in picture no. 3, what is happening? What can you say about the pictures? Does it
happen to you?
2. Motivation. Presentation of a video clip about conflict. Snack Attack.

What is the video about?
If you were the teenager, how will you react to the old woman?

Learners will view a video on the types of conflict. Discussion
and defining important concepts about conflicts in literature and its resolutions in non-violent

Learning Task 1. WHO AM I? Identify the conflict in the pictures whether internal or external.
Write self for internal and others for external on the blank provided for.

1. 2.
_______ _____________________________ __
___________________________________ ___________________________________

3. 4.

________________________________ ___________________________________

4. 6.
_____________________________ _________________________________

* Before the next activity the learners will be able to define conflict and be able to identify internal and
external conflict.
Learning Task 2. Classify the literary pieces whether internal or external conflict. Fill-out the Tree
Diagram. Choose one literary piece for each type. Then identify its type of conflict under external and
internal conflict present in the literary piece. (The Tree Diagram is in the worksheet of the students)

In The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen must go up against other contestants in order to survive
– her vs. them
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy faces off against the Wicked Witch In The Hunger Games, Katniss
Everdeen must go up against other contestants in order to survive – her vs. them
A classic example is Ernest Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea
In Life of Pi, the protagonist must face a tiger trapped in the boat with him
Atticus Finch opposed his racist community in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird
Wilbur fights for his survival against a society that eats pigs in Charlotte’s Web
2001: A Space Odyssey
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Aswang, The Tiktik Chronicle
Ibong Adarna
Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games (again!) must reconcile her need to survive in the battle
arena with her desire not to kill another human being
Daniel Scott Keyes's short story Flowers for Algernon has a main character struggling with losing
his intelligence to a congenital mental disability, with the focus on the character’s feelings about
his circumstances: the conflict between his intellect and emotion are central
Fate has made Frodo the ring-bearer in Lord of the Rings
Alena of Engcantadia surpasses all the trials for she is destined to be the next queen of

* Discussion on the types of conflict under external and internal conflicts.

Learning Task 3. Learning Task 3. FIND PEACE. Conflicts are realities that cannot be avoided. But they
can be resolved in non – violent ways. The following conflicting situations were resolved in violent ways.
Rewrite them so that conflicts are given solutions without any party being deprived or getting hurt. The
first one is done for you.


Mercy found out that her cellphone was missing. When Mercy found out that Mari stole her
She asked her classmates if they have seen it. cellphone, she reported the incident with Loreen
Loreen told her that Mari stole her cellphone. to their class adviser. The adviser called on Mari
When Mari denied her accusation, she grabbed and asked Mari to return the cellphone and ask for
Mari’s bag and threw it outside the classroom, and sorry to Mercy.
they started to fight.
Carlo saw his classmate Dylan copying his
answers during the test. He asked Dylan to stop
but still Dylan kept on copying. So, Carlo stood up
shouted and spanked Dylan with his test paper.
Camille forgot to buy vinegar which her mother
needed to cook for their viand at a store kilometer
away from their house. Her mother told her to go
back and buy it or else she will not eat for lunch.

Generalization. SGW. The teacher will distribute meta cards, in each card a situation is written for
the group to role play and give the proper solution. Each group will have 3 members.
1. Pink vs Red after the election
2. Bullying in the classroom
3. Cheating during examination
4. Always late

RUBRIC for rating

Mastery The situation was clearly presented 6
Content The concept was evidently seen 7
Presentation The idea was clearly presented based on 7
the role play
* note the remaining two learners will act as judges
1. What did you feel before, during and after the activity?
2. What is conflict?
3. What are its kinds? What are the types under its kind?
4. How can this lesson help you become a better person?
V. ASSESSMENT. STORY TIME: Read the story and identify the conflict. Then cite a solution to the
conflict in a non-violent way.

Si Bulusan nan si Agingay

A long long time ago, there was a couple living under the Volcano. They are living happy and peaceful.
The couple was Bulusan and Agingay. Their relationship is full of love and happiness.

Apparently, their was a man named Casiguran who feel jealous when he saw that Bulusan and Agingay
are happy living together.
Casiguran is the son of Apu Juban, an old man respected village chieftain. Bulusan and Agingay are not
aware that Casiguran are making his evil plans to make Agingay be with her.
Then Casiguran starts planning his evil plans while watching Bulusan and Agingay. Even though
Casiguran had already a faithful and understanding wife Irosin he still got his eyes to Agingay.

Casiguran got an idea to eliminate his hate by the death of his father, Apu Juban who died because of
aging or natural causes.

Driven by his extreme jealous he plan to accuse Bulusan as a killer of his father.
Casiguran convinced and threatened the village soothsayer Putiao to stand as a witness against Bulusan
as the supposed killer of Abu Juban.

Agingay did everything for Bulusan. She send her pleads to Casiguran. But after all the pleadings of
Agingay to Casiguran, he just remained silent and didn't care.

Before the false testimony of Putioa, Bulusan brought to the village elders, Gurang Donsol, Gurang
Matnog and Gurang Bacon. After the false testimony, Bulusan was accused guilty of killing Apu Juban
the village chieftain.

His false testimony leads him to death by feeding him into a fearsome, man eating giant Mampak bird
that all of the people are scared on the village.

The innocent Bulusan died after he feed by the Mampak Bird on the top of the volcano. But the evil
Casiguran was not satisfied with the death of Bulusan.

He ordered Agingay to throw her first born son of Bulusan into the mouth of the fiery volcano.
Casiguran has already assumed the position of village chieftain. He wants to marry Agingay.
Agingay complied as she climbed the volcano with her infant son by Bulusan.
Meanwhile, Irosin realized the trrachery of Casiguran's, confronted her husband who merely smile at

The soothsayer Putiao, confesses to the village elder about what he and Casiguran had done. He
confesses the plan of Casiguran. Irosin go out and rushes to tell the village elders about what's
happening, but she meets them on their way, incensed, after learning the truth from Putiao.

Together with other angry villagers, they all rush together to the volcano to save Agingay and her new-
born son. On there way, they discover the body of Putiao, hacked to death by the minions of Casiguran.
When they climb upper at volcano's crater they find out the lifeless body of Agingay. She killed herself
after throwing her infant son into the mouth of the fiery volcano.
Then they saw Casiguran sneaking behind the rock. They grab him, and angrily throw him into the
volcano's fiery crater.
The villagers all mournfully walk down the volcano carrying the lifeless body of Agingay. Their tears
blend with the tears of Agingay and the blood of Bulusan, which formed two lakes against the slopes of
the volcano.
The two lakes are now known as Bulusan Lake and Agingay Lake.
The volcano upon the slopes with the two beautiful lakes and smells with calmness is now known as Mt.


Rewrite the ending of the story where the conflict is resolved in a non-violent and
happy way. Write in three to five (3-5) sentences in paragraph form.


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