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Words or
Product/Idea Propaganda
Phrases Used to Intention
Advertised Technique

Its main purpose is to tell

potential customers that
they need to join the 99
“McDonald’s, over
McDonald’s Bandwagon billion customers that
99 billion served”
have embraced the
brand and the
associated products.

The poster gives the most

attention to the red bold
circle that has “Drink
Coca Cola” written. In a
way, it seems the
advertisement is giving a
subtle command to make
us drink Coca Cola.The
slogan of this poster
“Drink Coca Cola”
Glittering “things go better with
Coca Cola “things go better
Generalities Coke” uses the loaded
with Coke” word “better” to make
people strongly feel the
desire to buy the product.
The slogan makes a
promise that doesn’t tell
us anything, and uses the
word “better” as it has no
specific meaning but only
sounds good.
With facts and figures,
this advertisement looks
rather pleasing with
numerous statistics about
the Burger King Satisfries.
However, the three
statistics are the only
ones bolded with a bigger
white font, as it is hard to
read the actual and
relevant facts about the
fries. The crispy looking
fries makes the viewers
hungry to eat the fries
right at the moment when
they see the
advertisement. The
Burger King “Big Taste, Less
Card Stacking advertisement uses
Satisfries Fat”
loaded words like less
and big to only show the
big and huge idea. They
do not tell us how “big”
the taste actually is.
Although in the poster it
says that there is “40%
less fat” and “30% less
calories,” there might be a
hidden unhealthy factor
that makes the big taste.
This propaganda uses
card stacking by leaving
out details, presenting
only some parts of truth
and showing only the
benefits of the Satisfries.

On the poster there are

the words “Cheat Death”.
They are the only words
that are bolded, meaning
Pomegranate the advertiser wants the
Loaded Words “Cheat Death”
Juice customers to receive the
message clearly that
people who drink the
pomegranate juice would
be able to live longer.
The popchips company
used the famous singer
Katy Perry as the person
to be on the popchips
advertisement poster
since 2012. Katy Perry
also had a chance to
make her own flavored
popchips. The small
letters under the big title
on the poster shows a
quote from Katy Perry,
saying “I curl popchips
straight to my lips, good
thing they don’t go
straight to my hips.” This
quote can show how
popchips might be
targeting people who are
obsessed with their
weight and appearance
“I curl popchips because the quote
includes “they don’t go
straight to my lips,
straight to my hips” which
Popchips Testimonial good thing they
suggests that your hips
don’t go straight to won’t look fat. The quote
my hips.” from Katy Perry and the
picture of her showing her
belly and hip can give an
idea to the audience how
even though people eat
the popchips, people
would not get fat. The title
of the poster, “love.
without the handles” and
the pose of Katy Perry
can show people’s
muscles will stay the
same even though they
eat popchips. Katy Perry’s
pose looks like she is
exercising with popchips
and the second sentence
of the title, “without the
handles” can directly
show the viewers that
popchips does not make
people obese.

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