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OMA 160 – Interpersonal Skills

Assignment 2 Instead of Test 2

(Based on Chapters 7 & 12)


1. A maximum of 4-5 students can form a group, and do the assignment together.
2. All students in the group must be from the same section.
3. Only one student, from the group, can send the assignment to the instructor of the section through
teams or blackboard (depending on your instructor’s instruction in class).
4. On the first page, the assignment must have all the Student Names and ID Numbers of the group
5. On the last page, you need to add the reference/the website addresses from where you are collecting
any additional information.
6. Assignments should be sent back to your instructor by:
 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, 7th of December 2021.
 Late submissions are not accepted; immediate zero.
7. The weight of this assignment is 20%.

Name: ‫ابراهيم عبدالنبي محمد عبدهللا‬ Name: ‫يقين هاشم جواد الموسوي‬
Ebrahim Abdulnabi Mohamed Abdulla Yaqeen Hashim Jawad Almosawi
ID: 202102214 ID: 202103903
Name: ‫حمود راشد حمود رياش‬ Name: ‫فاطمه حسن علي علي‬
Humood Rashid Humood rayash Fatima Hasan Ali Ali
ID: 202103326 ID: 202108513
Name: ‫يقين الزهراء محمد خاتم‬ Name:
Yaqeen Alzahraa Mohammed Khatam ID:
ID: 202104061

Assessment Weight Earned

Part A 5
Part B 2
Part C 5
Part D 8
Total 20
Part A (5 Marks)
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
Question Answer
1. Ms. Huda works at the Ministry of Health. She collects data required for abroad hospital visit
requests. Mr. Mansoor is Ms. Huda’s direct manager at work. Ms. Huda was asked to hand in a
report within an hour. She was able to complete it within 25 minutes, because as a data collector she
does her job effective immediately, she dislikes postponing her job tasks. Mr. Mansoor was happy
with how fast and effective the job request was handled by Ms. Huda. At the meeting while
representing the report, he praised Ms. Huda by saying “High appreciation to Ms. Huda’s efforts
which are not gone to waste. She is a very hard worker and we are so glad to have her on our team.”
Mr. Mansoor used positive stroking.
2. Nora and Fatema both work at the same organization. But each are in a different department located
on different floors. However, they meet daily for their lunch break to spend time together and socialize.
Their relation to each other is a formal group.
3. Abdulla and Rashed both work in the Human Resources Department. They are currently given a
task and asked to work together as a group. Their group is a formal functional group.
4. Mona, Razan, and Aisha are working on a project. They all showed up to every scheduled meeting
to complete the project. The level of cohesiveness was very low.
5. All teams are identical in terms of their team dynamics, level of satisfaction, level of effort and

Part B (2 Marks)
Complete each statement.
Question Answer
6. Rational thinking aids in dealing with ___________.

7. The amount of _________ can increase as the workforce becomes more


Part C (5 Marks)

Case Study #1

ABU College: Promotion Event

Dana and Fairuz are two very hard workers at ABU College. ABU higher administration informed direct
managers that there will be an upcoming event at work where the newly promoted employees names will be given
out on the spot. Therefore, the direct managers shall have an updated evaluation on each employee within their

Dana has been working at ABU for the past 8 years, she works in the Public Relations department as a Senior
Marketing Specialist. She comes into work at 7:00a.m. and leaves at 3:15p.m sharp. Dana does not answer work
related phone calls while she is outside of the organization or while on weekends. She also refuses to work
overtime. Although she is in good terms with her manager and also with all of her coworkers.

However, Fairuz has been working at the department for 7 years. She also has the same job title as Dana; Senior
Marketing Specialist. She comes to work at 7:00a.m. and always gets to leave way after her working hours. She is
too attached to the organization and to her job tasks too. She is highly motivated and will do any task assigned to

Dana and Fairuz are both very close coworkers. They basically work together and are usually group assigned with
the same tasks sometimes.

Dana and Fairuz went to grab coffee from the coffee station at work. The conversation was as follows:
Dana: “I am so excited, I am expecting to get promoted soon!!”
Fairuz: “Oh my, that is such great news! I hope i get promoted soon too! Imagine if we both get promoted, that
would be so exciting”
Dana: “Yeah if we do we shall both celebrate together”
Fairuz: “Yeah, for sure!!”

Fast forward, to the Promotion Event. It was held at ABU College Main Auditorium. All of the Head of
departments, Direct Departmental Managers, Professors, Coworkers, Employees and the CEO have attended. All
employees were excited to find out in regards to whom will get the promotions this evening.

The promotion employee list was posted on the screen.

Fairuz’s name was on it. But, Dana’s name is not on the list.
Everyone was happy and excited. Fairuz received many congratulations from several coworkers. But Dana’s facial
reaction showed anger and quiet the disappointment.

Dana loudly said: “Fairuz you got the promotion that I was expecting!!!” and she walked away.
Fairuz was very concerned and said: “Dana, please wait.”
Fairuz tried to approach Dana but she just walked away from her.

Now things are pretty awkward between Dana and Fairuz. Dana shows anger expressions towards Fairuz
everytime they exist close to their work station.
Fairuz definitely wants to keep the friendship going, but they Dana is not even speaking to her outside anything
that is work related.

Answer the following questions as per requirements.

1. Did Fairuz and Dana go through a conflict? (1 Mark)

2. In your own words, Define the term “Conflict”. (1 Mark)

3. How did Dana react to Fairuz’s promotion? State the type of behavior Dana had. (2 Marks)

4. If you were Fairuz, What steps would you take to resolve this? (1 Mark)

Part D (8 Marks)
Case Study #2

The Printing Press

At a printing press, the following conversation takes place over the telephone between Fahad (the salesperson) and
Nasser (the production manager).

Fahad: Listen, Nasser, I just got an order for 1,000 units of books and promised delivery in two days. You’ll get
them out on time, won’t you?

Nasser: Fahad, you know that normal delivery time is five days, as we need to print the books and make them
ready, and only then we can deliver them to the client.

Fahad: I know, but I had to say two days to get the order, so fill out the delivery form.

Nasser: We don’t have the capability to do that. You should have checked with me before taking the order. The
best I can do is to deliver the books in four days.

Fahad: What are you- my mother, or the production manager?!

Nasser: I cannot have 1,000 books ready in two days. We have other orders that need to be delivered before your
order. So, four days is the best I can do on short notice.

Fahad: Come on, Nasser, you cannot do this to me, I want to keep this order. It can mean a lot of business and new
relations with this client.

Nasser: I know, Fahad; you have told me this on three other orders you had.
Fahad: But this is a big order. Don’t you care about sales?

Nasser: Yes, I do, but I cannot produce the product as fast as you sales representatives are selling it lately. I still
need to print and make the books ready before delivery.

Fahad: If I don’t meet my sales target, are you going to take the blame?

Nasser: Fahad, we are going in circles here. I’m sorry, but I cannot fill out your delivery order. The order will be
ready in four days.

Fahad: I was hoping you would be reasonable. But you’ve forced me to go to the CEO for this case. You know that
he’ll be telling you to fill out the order form and make the books ready and delivered in two days. So why don’t
you just do it and save time and stop annoying me?

Nasser: I’ll wait to hear that from the CEO. In the meantime, have a good day, Fahad.

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer.

Question Answer
1. Fahad was transacting from the _________ ego state.
a. critical parent
b. sympathetic parent
c. adult
d. natural child
e. adapted child

2. Nasser was transacting from the ______________ ego state.

a. critical parent
b. sympathetic parent
c. adult
d. natural child
e. adapted child

3. The telephone conversation was a/an ______________ transaction.

a. complementary
b. crossed
c. ulterior

4. Fahad’s life position seems to be ____________________.

a. I’m OK – You’re not OK
b. I’m OK – You’re OK
c. I’m not OK – You’re not OK
d. I’m not OK – You’re OK

5. Fahad’s behavior was ______________.

a. passive
b. aggressive
c. assertive
6. Nasser’s behavior was ______________.
a. passive
b. aggressive
c. assertive

7. The ______________ uses reassuring responses that are protecting, permitting,

consoling, caring or nurturing to be supportive.
a. critical parent
b. adapted child
c. natural child
d. sympathetic parent
e. adult

8. The process of expressing thoughts and feelings while asking for what one wants in an
appropriate way is called ______________.
a. non-assertiveness
b. assertiveness
c. aggressiveness
d. passive-aggressiveness

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