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SIJPPLEMENT No. 15 13th June, 2003

Guzettc NO. 27 Kjllrnzr XC'VI d~lrcrl13th Ju~lc,2003.
Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order o f the Govern~iie!~t.

2003 No. 30.



K c ' ~111(ztj01?
1. Citation.
2. Interpretation.
3. Purpose.
4. Functions and powers of loc;ll councils,
5. Functions of Environment C'ornmittees.

6. Establishment of permissible ~ioiselevels.

7 . Noise in excess of pernlissil>lelevels.

8. Duty to control noise.

9. Prohibition of generation of noise by place anti time.
10. Noise in streets.
11. Noise Co~ltrolZones.

1 2.Application for a licence.

l . lluty to comply with licenct:.
14. Revocation of licence.
15. General action for noise.
1 6. Noise corltrol ortlers.
17. Power to confiscate machirlery.
1 8. Kestitution of pro1.1erty.
10. G~lidelinesfor noise f r o ~ nplallt o r ~nnchinel-y.
20. Cotfcs of practice.
21. Offences.
'I'l~cNational ICnvironment (Noise Stanclarcls anrl Corltrol)
lxegula tions, 2003.
( Orltlc~r\c1( tro,r l 20 (111(1I OX o/ t l N(~tiolz(t1
~ ~ J < t ~ v i t - o / l ~ t .~Y( t~l / tl ~t ~ f o ,
109.5, ,Sttrtllttl No. 4 of' 1095)

IN I the powcr-(, corifert-cc1 o n tlrc M ~ n i \ t c ~

~ c \ p o l i \ ~ h lI1,r
c tlic J ~ t n voi r r t r c ~ tM:it~o:rc~ricrlt St;~ti~t~
l 905>by \,Y.t l O l ~ 2~ 0, ; l l l ~ l108, ;:!id 011 tile t-ccot?lll~ctl~~~ltlot1
OS tile
o ('o~ilrr~lllcc oil thc I i v i t ~ i and ~ ~ lllc
t I illcsc
KeytiI;ltioll\ Lirr ~ I I ~ I C I C(his 2 I $t clay of*Mnrcll. 2003.

2. ( l ) I t 1 ~llc\cK t t g ~ ~ l ~ i r i unlc\\
o n ~ , thc c [~tcxtotlxl.wise Illcc1
rt:clu i re\ -
< ;~nnoy;rt~cr~"
C ~rlc;ulsa f'celitlg o f di\plc:tjtil.e evoltcd by
nol\ca,or any f'eelin;: of rcsentllicnt, clisc'otrih~-tor
i~ritatior)occli~.rirtgM/IIC'II noise ~ntruclc\into another
person'\ tt~ot~ghts or trloocl, or iriter-['er-c\wilh any
;let I vrly being clone by the af'fectctl pcl.\otl;

" A L I hor
I J tyq' 111~;111b [Ire Natiorr:tl t'riv~r-orl~-nerrt
M;~tiagibrrierltArithot i ty establishcc1 by xcction 5 of'
lllc S1:llntc slid incl~iclcs;I pet-son clclcg;ltcd to ;let
on 1 \ k)t:lliil l';
.<court" Irleans 21 conl-t of i:ornpcte~ltjur~sdiction;
g c r t i - i ir~cliides erection, altcr;l~ion, repair,
( l i \ ~ l i 1 1 1ling,
d~r11oIiliot1,s r i t i t l ~~~ainleila~lcc,
r rnowilrg, land-clear-ill:, cast h-irlovillg,
gmdi r~g;exc;lv;ltitlg, laying of pipes i l ~ ~c odr ~ d ~ i t \
wllclhc~ above 01. t)t:low gsoi~ncl levcl, street ;lncI
highway building, concreting, installation and
alteration of equipment, and the structural installation
of constructi~,)ncomponents and materials in any form
or for any purpose that inclucles any work in
connection v d h the construction;
"clF3A" means the unit in decibels on the A scale for
quiet souncts;
"tlecihels" means a dirncnsionless u n i t used in
comparison of thc rnagri i tude o f sound pressures or
"L)~strict Environment Committee" rneans a District
Environincnt Committee cstablishetl under thc
Statu tc, I 995;
National E:r~viron~~icnt
'\lis~ul-bance"nlcans any act or instance of' interrupting
the rest, caln~,attctltion or- quiet ot another person;
" f ' ~ ~ v i r o n ~ ~ ~I eI ~spcctor."
~rtal I-rlcar~sall firlvisonrnental
Irlspcctol. z~ppointcd ~lr~tler the National
Er?vir-orllnen'i Statute 1995;
ivc I)il'cc'~or"nlcans the lixccr~t~ v cI)~rcctol.ol
the Antl~ority,or a persoli cie\igrlatc~i1 0 at-l or) 1115
or her t)ch;~lt';
not icc7' means a noticu issued uncles
"lliij~111~1ve r~oise"rrlcan$ a noisc co~isi\t~iig
of' one or
Inore burst5 of sound encrgy ol' a duration of Ic\s
t hat1 one sec:oncl;

~ i t .> mcarl5 11 1io15c whoic levcl

" ~ l l t c r ~ r l ~ t t cnoI\e
\utldenly (11-01)\ to \evesal tiirlc\ the level of' the
txlckgroiind noise;

1 ~ ; 1 ( 1,~genc\y" any
~nc<lrls q c n c y to wh~c.hthc Autl.lor.ity
~irltlcr 5cct1orl 7 ( 2 ) of. the
tlclcgirtcs ilh; J'l~ricstiot~s
"licence" means a licence to emit noise issued un(ler
regulation 12;

"licensee9' means a person issued a licence under

regulation 12;

"Jlocal council" rneans Ic~)calgovernment councils and

administrative unit c:ouncils established under the
I,ocal Governments Act, 1997; Act No I
Ot 1'197.

"Local Environment Committee" rnei~rls a Local

Environment Cor-nmiittee established undei- the
National Environment Statute, 1995; Statutc N()
1 of' 1905

"louctspeaker" means any electro- magnetic or electrical

or mechanical device c:ipat)le of converting
electrical signals or- energy into sound, ancl
incl~ltiesan anlplifier-, microphone, ir;r;u~~ophone
similar i n s t r u n ~ c ~ ~ t ;
rnusic:al iristrurnent" Inclans a n y article or thing adapted
for ilse in rnaking or reproducing musical sound
and includes a raciio receiver, television receiver,
drurn, keyboard, wintf instrument, guitar, steel
piano, cassette or compact disk player;

"microphone" means a transdrlces that converts an

acoustic tlistut-bance into an electrical output signal
that is proportional tlo the acoustic disturbance;

"noise" means any t~nwantetland annoying sound th;it is

intrinsically objectionable to human beings or
which can have o r is likely to have an aclvcrse
effect on huirian health or the environment;

"r~oise poll~~tion"rnearls the seleaw of uncoritrolleti

n o i s c that i s likely to c;tucc clanger- to hut~lan
health, or damage t o the envirorirnent;
"street" means a highway, road or path to which the
pilblic have access, and includes a bridge over
which a street passes, and a privately owned road
or path to which the public is granted access,
whether generally or conditionally;
"vehicle" inclucies a machine or implement of any kind
drawn or propelled along a street, whether by animal,
mechanical, electrical or other motive power.

(2) Wher-e lriorc than one person is responsible for

noise, these Regulations apply to each of those persons. whether
or. not the noise 1i)r which any one of them is responsible would
jtsclf :unount t o noisc pollution or would result in a level of noise
ji~stifyingaction under these Regulations.

3. 'T'he purpose of these to ensure the Pul-po\e

rnijintenance of a healthy environment for all people in I-Jganda,
t tlc I ranclui l i ty of their surroundings and their psychological
well-being by regulating noise levels, and generally, to elcvate
the statlclitrcl of living of the peoplc: by-
(CO p-cscribing the ~naximurnpel-missible noise levels
froni a facility or activity to which a pesson may
be exposed;

( h )providing for the control of noise and for mitigating

measures for the retfuction of noise; and

(C') generally for giving effect to the provisions of

scction 29 of the Stiltute.

4. (1)A local coi~ncilmay, In accordance with the Local Functions

ant1 powcr5
(;overnments Act, 1997, make laws regulating noise and of,oca,

vibration pollution. co~uicitc.

Act No. I
of 1097
( 2 ) I,;IWS nlatle by a local council ~inder.subregulation
( 1 ) st~all11ot he inconsistent with the National Envil-onrnent S l ; ~ ~ ~No
4 of 1")')s.
Stilt ute, 1995 or with thcsc Rcgnl;i$ions.
F I I I I L ~ I O I I C01 5. ( 1) 11District k,nvironment Cornmittee-
(L[) is responsible for co-ordinating, monitoring and
advisirlg the Distsict Council on co~ripliar~ce
and enforcemerlt of any law rrlacte in terms of
regulation 4; and
( h ) shall deterrnirie the times and places when noise may
be emitted in its area of jurisdiction.
( 2 ) A Local Environment Committee hliall--

( a ) enforce amcl ensure compliance with these

Regulations and iiny other law n~adein terms of
( h ) investigate complaints I-clating to noise anci c ~ ~ u s c
b bat ern er it of noise;

(l.) psohibit the continuation of unciesirable activities

which cartse noise in excess of the pcrrnissible
levcls: and

( ( l ) exempt certain activities, incluclirlg clncrgency

situations and traditional comniunity activities,
from the appiication of ttlesc Regulations.

I-\r,thl~',h- 6 ( l ) 'The maximurn noise levels fsor~ia fitcility ~ I Ithe

r~lcnlo f
PC' ll"\\ltllc~
- envii-onrnent specified in Column 1 of Past I of the First
nol\e Icvelk Schedule to wtllch a person may bc exposed shall not exceed the
level specified In Column 2 of that Past for the tirne specified in
that Part.

(3) The ~naxi~-ournnoise levels of co~~tinuous or

intennitter~t noise from a factory or ;I \workshop, to which a
p c r - m ~inay ~ bc exposed \hall not cxceed the lcvel specified in
C ' o l ~ l m t r 1 of' f%atII of the i'ilst Schcdulc, tor thc titrlc specified
irl ('o111111ris I! anti 3 o f that Part.
( 3 ) The rn;lxirnum rloisc level from impact or ~nlpi~lsive
noise to which a person may bc exposed shall be as specified 111
C O ~ L I T T ~ I1I of Part I11 of the First Sclleciule for the pernlittecl
nunlher of i~npulscs or. impact:; crtlitt ecl pcr clay spcci ficd in
C'ol~inln2 of that Part.

(4) 'l'hc rrlaximurn noise levcl from a consiruction site to

which a person in a facility specified in Clolu~mnl of Part I V of
the First Schetfule Inay be expo:,ccl, sh;lll not exceed the levcl
specified in Column 2 during the time specif'ied in that Part.

( 5 ) The maxirnutn noiw level from a public

announcement system or :iddress system or clcvice to whicti a
pel-son in the Noise Control Zone :,peci t'iecl in C'olumn l of' Part V
of' the First Schetiulc Inay be expost:cl, shall not exceed the levcl
\pecified in Colu111n 2 (luring the trrnc: specified in rh:tt Past.

(6) ' I t nl;lxirnu~n no is^: level from a place of'

entertaintncnt o r establishment to which n persotr in the Noise
Control Zone specifietl i n Colunln 1 of V r ~ r t V [ 01' (hc First
Schedule nlay be expo\ed, \ha11 not cxccccl the lcvel specif'icd in
C o l ~ ~ m2nduring the tinie specific:d in that Part.

(7) ?'he ~naxirr~umnoise level from a pl~iceor area of

worship to which a perwri in the Noiw Control Zone spccif'icd
in Colk~rnn I of Part V11 of the First Schedule nlay be exposecl
shiill not exceed the level specified i t r Gol~~nln
2 clt~ri~lg
the time
specifiect in that Part.

(8) 'T'lle lnaxinlurn noise level froni an accelerating vclliclc

to which a person may be expost:cl in the category spccif'icd in
C'olurnn l of Part V111 of' the First Schetiule shall not t'xccecl the
level specified in Column 2 of that P;lrt.

(9) The til:ixirn~~i-n noisc lcvel frotrl a yriar-I-yor. ~ r l l n t :to

which ;I per\o~iin ihc f;lciliry ~ P C C I S I Cin~ C'OILIIIIIII of Part 1X
o f thc First Sch'tlulc 1rl;ly ])cexpo\ ~1i;~lI lot e.tccxccl tlic l r v e l
111( ' o l r 1 1 ~ 1 n2 of t h a ( Pii1.1.
Noise i 11 7. ( 1 ) Subject to t h t x Regulations, no person shall, for an
esccss ol
pcrrl~issihlc activity specified in rt:g~~lation6, emit noise in excess of the
Icvels. permissible noise level, inl less permitted by a licence issued
under these Regulat ions.
( 2 ) Any person who con travencs subsegi~lation ( I )
comlni t s ;in offence.

8. (I)It is the d ~ ~of

t ythe owner of' rn:lchinery or the owner
or occupie~.of a facility or- pscmlses, to use the best practicable
means to ensure that the ern~ssionof noise from that machinery,
facility or premises does not exccecl the permissible noise Icvels.

(2) The owncr of machinery, or the owner or occupier of

an intjustry or establishrncnt shall itlstall, at the pretni\es, sound
level Inetcrs for the rneas~lr-emcnt~ l n dmonitoring of' \oi111d from
the iriclustr-y or esti~blishrnent( 0 ensure that thc 17oise cinitted
does not exwed the pel-rnlssihle noi\c: level\.

(3)l'he owner of 1nat:hiner-y,or the owner or occupier of

a facility who conlravcneo this r-cgiilation,comrnits an offence.

9. ( 1 ) No person shall crrlit o r cause to be emitted, or pcrinit

gerlel-a1i o n
the er~ission of noise I-csulting fro111 any act specified in
o f noise h y sut.)regirlation ( 2 ) if that noise is clearly audible at a point of
I-eceptionor in the neighbol~r-hoodfor more than two rninutes or
is within the prohibited tirrle in :I resiclcntial area or Noise Controi
Zonc ;is determined by thc. local council tinder regulation 5 .

(2) The acts ~.cfersetito 11-1 subregulation ( 1 ) are----

(0) ycl ling, 1al1;;hing, clapping, shouting, hooting,

pounding, 1;vhistling ,lnd singing;

( h ) scllirig or i~clvcttising by shoutitlg 01- outcry 01-

imlplif'iecl \ o r ~ n t l ;
((L) operation of any equipmer~t in conrlectior-1 with
construct ion;
id) detonation of fireworks or explosive devices not
used in constr~iction:
(0) operating any auditory signalling clevice, inclutling
but not limited to the ringing of bells or gongs and
the blowing of horns or sirens or whistles, or the
pi-ociuction, reproduction or amplification of' any
si~nilal-wund by electronic means; and
( f ) operating or playing a sadio or musical instrument or
any electronic device or ~ ~ Y ) Lof
I P connected
devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers,
transducers or other electro-mechanism, which is
intended for the production, I-eproduction or
al-nplification of soi~nd.
(3) Notwithstantlirlg subrcgulation ( l ) , a local council
rr~aypetrnit the operation OF an electronic clevice or louclspeakers
or the emission of noise for purposes of cl-eating public
awareness, cie~nor~stration, rcligior-1s assembly, political debate,
cinematography, musical or other theatrical entertainment,
beauty competition, handicraft show, fais, cif-cus, pr-ivate dance,
party, iectt1r.e or pub1 ic hearing.

(4) S~rbregulation( l ) does not apply to-

( a ) rloise caused by the operation of a loudspeal<cr or
siren for fire brigade, ambulance or police
( b ) noise caused by emergency measures undertaken to
safegllard health, safety or welfare of the people;

(C') noise C L ~ L I Sor~ ~continuance

, of noise caused by a
person as a resull of temporary c; accidental
cause which could not have been prevented by the
excrcise of due diligence and care on the past of
that person;
(cl) noise caused by the horr~of a vehicle for the purpose
of giving s~ifficicntwarning of the approach or-
position of \.he vehicle:

( e ) noise caused at or by an eciuc:~tional class or

recreation i n or around a sctlool, college,
university or other educational institution;
(f) noise caused at or by athletics or spor-ts;

(g) noise c~llturalactivity or cultural show,

C;:LISC~ iit il
fiineral service or rite held between the hours of 6.00
a m . and 1 l .00 p. m. of the sarrle day in any ai-ea;

( h ) noise caused at a masriage cer-emorly o r wectdirig

celebration or I-itual between the hours of 8.00
a.m. and 1 I .OO p.m. of the samc day; or

(i) noise c:tiised during a periocl, or by such a cause or

for a purpo:;e as the Executive Director I-nay,by
notice, specify.

(S) For purposcs o f this regulation, a residential or

Noise C'ontr-ol Zone means a geogt-aphical arca that encompasses
hospitals, schools, re\idential houses and other instilutions that
recluire special considerations for noisc conti.ol.

(6) A person who contravenes this I-cgulation coinmits

at1 offence.

NOIW I I I 10. S~lbject to these Keg~tlations, and except where

pcrmittcd in accordance with lhc Police Statute 1994, a
\ ( , ~ I L I I CNo
1 3 ~t I')~)/I loutlspe;~kcrshall not be operated in a street bctween the hours
o f 11.00 p.m. ant! 7.00 a.n\. the following day, for any pul-posc.

No~\c, 11. ( I ) 'l'he Execut~vcllircctor rnziy, i r l consultation with a

/I)IIC ,
loc;il C O L I I ~ C ~ I , by notice in the Gcrr~ettr,dc\ignatc any area as a
Noist; ('ol~tr.olZonc fhl- t l ~ cput pose o f corltr-olling the crrlission
of rloi,jc in that arca.
(2) A rlotice issuecl under subregulation ( 1 ) shall
clescrit~eand delinlit the area to which it applies, including the
r-cidiilsof the Noise Control Zone, anti shall def~nethe pcriod ancl
time o f the clay duri~lgwhich per-sons are s~lbjectto control, or a
pxticular I)uilciing wh~chis subjcct to colltrol.

( 3 ) Whew the area in respect of which a Noise Control

Zone notice is issrlecl is within a specif~eclraciir~sof tiny specified
builtling, the notice shall ciesci-ibe and tleli~nit the area by
reference to that area, building and ri-ttlius.

(4) A person who fails tc.1 comply with a rlotice issueci

under (hi\ regulation commits an oft'c~lce.

12. ( 1 ) An owner or occupier of prernises whose works or A I ) P ~ I. (~ t l o n

activities are likely to ctnit noise in excess o f thc permissible ,tor,, LI

noiw levels ,shall apply to the Executive J) in the form

prewribeci in Pku-t I o f thc Second Schcciule, h r :Llicence to cmrlit
noise i n excess of the pc~.rnisslbleIcvels.

(2) 'Tile Excclrtive Director, o n scceivirrg an application

uncier sirbr-egulation ( 1 ), Inay i\sue thc occupier or owner of the
pretnises with a licerlce to emit noise i n excess of the
per-rnissible levels in the form prescribed in Part 11 of the Second
Sched~tle,o n such terms ancl conclitions as nlay be contained in
the 1 icelice.

( 3 ) A licence shall corrt~~inrequireincnts relating to the

n?;Lnncr-i t ) wllich the wosks or activities are to be carried out and
nlay, in pasticr~li~r spcci f)/--

( h ) tllc IIOLISS C ~ L I I - I I ILVIIICII

~ ( ~ I CWOI.~:, or activities may
be car r-let1 o~it:
( r ) thc level of noise which may bc emitted in excess of
the permis!;ible noise levels;
( [ I ) the works or activities anci the rnethod by which they
are to be carried out; and
(P) the steps proposed to be taken to minilmize noise
resulting from the works or activities.

(4) In issuing a licence, the Exccutivc 1)irector shall

have regard to--
( n ) the need For ensuring that the best pr:icticablt: lneans
are employcd to minimize noise;
(h) the desirability, in the interest of a licensee, of other
methods or plant or machinery which would be
substantially us effective in minimizing noise and
which are more acceptable; and
(C) the need to protect any person in the locality in
which the premises in question are situated, from
the effects c)f the noise.

I)LI~Y to 13. ( 1 ) Where the works or activities to which the licence

~ o n l p l ywith
Ilcer~cc relates arc carried out by a person other than the licensee, it is the
duty of the licensee to take all steps to ensure that the licence,
and any conditions specificcl in it are complied with by the
person carrying out the works or activities.
(2) A person cvho carries out works or activities, or
perrrlits works or activities to be carried out without a licence, or
contravenes any requirement o r condition of a licence commits
an offence.

Kcvocatron 14. 'The Exec~ltiveDwrector may, at any time and after

of I~ccnce
giving notice of seven days to the licensee, revoke a licence if he
or she is satisfied that the conditions of the licencc have not been
contplied with, or that the continued ernission of rioisc: in excess
of the pernlissible rroise Icvcls i s likely to he inJ11r.iousto the
resiclexits in the area, or to the enviro~rrrlent.
15. ( l ) Any person may lodge it conlplaint with thc GCIICI~II
'ILtlOll l01
Executive I)irecto~-01- a local council on the glouncls that he or
she i s aggr icvetl by noise being emitted, or IiLcly to be emitted,
in contrave~rtion o f these Regu1;ltions.

(2) A n y person or group of persons is erltitletl to bring

an action in a court to stop, prevent or control the erni\sion of
noi\c from a n y source cs place.

(3) in lodging a co~nplaintunder sub[-egtllation ( I ) or an

aclion under subregulation (2) it is not necessary for thc
complainant to show or prove personal loss 0 1 . injury o r
riiscotnfort callset1 by thc enlission of' r he a1legctl noise.
(4) On receiving a complaint under subregulation ( I ) ,
the Executive Ilirector or local council shall take all rcasonablc:
stcps to ellsure that the noisc is ab;ued or controlled, and that
lhcse Rcgr11;itions are cornplied with.

( 5 ) 'l'he magistrate's c o ~ ~isr tthe court of first instance

for bringing an action for the corltrol of noise under
subregulation (2).

16. ( 1 ) Where an Environniental Inspector has reasonable N,

cause to believe that any person is emitting or is likely to emit oulcrs

noise in any area in excess of the rn;lximum permissible noise

levels, or to cause or likely t o cause annoyance, the
Erlvironmentai Inspector rnay scrvc an improvement notice on
that person in thc form prescribed in Ihe Third Schcd~~le,
ordering all or any of the following---
(61) the stopping of the noisc or prcvcntion or
discontinuance ol" ariy anrloyance, or prohibiting
or restrictir~gits occurrcncc or reoccut-sencc;

( h ) compliance with tllc pei lr~issiblerroise levels;

( c ) the reduction o f the level of noise emanating from
the prernisc-s to a level 21s rnay t)e specified i r l the
n o t ice:
((l)requiring the (:at-rying out ol' an environrnental audit;
(0) conipeiiing a local council to take nleasut-es to
prevent, discontinue or stop the ernission of the
(/l the prevention of' any subsccluent incl-ease in the level
of noise errmating fsonl the pren~isesor x e a ;
(g) issue such (lirections intended to contribute to thc
red~~ctionof elnission of excessive noise from or
within the \/icinity of a specified area;
(11) the execution of-'such works, and the taking of such
steps, as may be specified in the noticc; or
(i) carrying out of any other order as nlay be iss~ied.

( 2 ) Notwi thstandirig the other provisions o f these

R e g ~ ~t ionh,
la where it appears to the Environnlen tal Inspector
that the levt.1 of noise ernanati~igfrom ariy premises or area is not
accept;il)le or is causing a public nuisance, the inspector rnay
issue an i111p1-overnentnotice, for the benefit of the public.
(3)An inipi-ovenlc:nt notice issuecl undei- suhl-cgr~lation
( I or ( 2 )shall specify the period within which t l ~ creyuiremcnts
o f the notice ate to be colnplied with.
(4) ?'he irnproverncr~t notice shall be sei-vet1 o n the
pcs\on respons~bieor- alleged to cause or likely to causc tile noiw
poll~~tion o~ aririoyance or, if that person cannot he fourlci, or the
noisc o r annoy;irlce has ]lot yet occurred, o n the owner or
of ttlc premises fi'oln ~ v l l i c hthe ~ ~ o i sist : crrl~ttedor is
likcly 10 be e~nittec-l.
( 5 ) A pcswn non w11orl)all 1111p1.ovr;rrlent~roticcI \ SC~VL'II
or fails to carry o~rtany
rrntlcx t l r ~ c , rcg~ll , l t l r ) ~ r L L I ~ ~ (O orit~-;neile~,
r.c'cf1I1rcrrlc~ilfs i: an offcxlcc.
o f t l w ~ I I I ~ S O Y ~ : I I~~i Co t~~\ c~C:o1rI1n1ts
(6) The fa~lur-e1 0 C O J I I ~ / Ywi(l1 the cortctitions rrr ail
improve~ner~l notice withill the period specificcl in the i~oticeis
evidence of thc co~nr-nissionof an ot'ferlcc.
p / - i r l ~ i rf i l c i ~

17. ( l ) An Er~v~~onlllental Irnspector, the Exec~~tive Director- l'(>\y(*l 10

or ai rnclnbcr of a loc.;d c o ~ ~ n cmay
jl sei~e~ , m p o u n dor conf'lsuate ,,,,,,,
any p'-operty, tool, mach~neryor other- instrument which is likely
to, o r i ~ a scaused the cmics~onof noi\e, ~ f ,in hi,$or her opinion
the conf'isciltion would came ~rancluillity111 the area.

( 2 )The Exec~~tivc I>ircctor, an Envir-onr~~enta! Inspector

o r a men\ber of' a local council may renlove frot-ri the so\.~rccof'
the iloise, or render- inoperable by the rer-noval of any part Fsorri,
or lock or- seal or close so as to i~laket~nt~sable, any instrun~ent,
appliance, vehicltx, or. m;lc.hine r hat is prorfilcing or contributing
to the noi\e.

( 3 ) 'l'hc owrlcr o f ar~y thing seizcci, i~mpounclecl or-

confisc;ited ~ i r l ( l t k i 1 h 1 4 r-egirIatioii is I csponsiblc for the c.ost:;
incurrecl in the cortfiscation.

IS. ( 1 ) Wh~rc: any p]-opcl-ty, loo], machi nery or othe~. I ~ c ~ ~ ~ ( L I ~ ~ o E )

insliulnent ha\ bccn \c~zetior inlpounded 01- coiif~\c:ltcd ~~rl(lero t ~"O~'t''1~

regulation 17. the owrier or- occupier, or- Iterson using that
property, tool, n ~ a c . t ~ i i ~ore ~other
y instr~trnentInay, at a n y time.
it1 wri.ting. t~pply to tllc Executive r)ircctor, Environnncntal
Inspector or local co~~13cll whicli scizeti or ilnpu~rndcclit for the
property, tool, ~nachineiyor other i.nstr-trr~~ent to be returned to
h i m or- her-.

( 2 ) 011 rt'cv~pto f a11 applicar~on uncle^ subsection ( I ) ,

tllc Fixectitive !)~rcctor,l?nv~ronn~ental It~\pcctoror local council
may retur-rl the prol)crt)/, tool, machinery or other 1nst1-urnentor
part of ~ t l,l p r r n \,c.i~igsatisfied that its rettll t ) is not likcly to leacl
to thc r~~\trrrll)tloll 01' tllc e~nisslonof n o i x , o r on tcl-ins and
c o r ~ t l i t i o n s ~;r\ j i l ; t v bc. tlir-ected Ir>y [/re !Lxcr:utivc Dii-cctor,
EIIVII onrnr:r~t;illn\pcctor or. local c o t ~ n c ~ asl ttlc taw r r ~ ybe.
(3) Nothing in tllis regulation prever~tsthe Executive
Director, Enviro~~rnentalInspector, or- local council from
ret1.11,ningthe property, tool, ~nachincryor other il~strurncntto
which this jcction applies without being recluested to do so.

C~LII(I~II~C\ l . ( 1 ) 'The Executive Director may, in corisult:ttion with a

t111 noi\e
1 1 orn 171,lnt
lead agency, issk~eguidel~nesrecluiring the use, in connection
()l with any plant or machii~ery,of devices or arrangements for
pilrpowc of reducing the noise causecl by the plant or machinery
or frorn othcr sources of noise.

(2) C;uidelines issued under subregulation ( I ) may apply

standarti specifications, tlescriptions or tests laid down in
relev;~ntdoc~~lnents not forming part of these Regula~ions.

C o o ~ O\ I 20. For the purpose of giving guidance on appropriate

[X 'lCI I ( C
ir~ethods, including the Itse of specified types of plant or
rn~~chincry for minimizing noise, the Executive Director may by
No[ ice irt the Gclzette--

(a) issue codes of practice as, in his or her opinion, are

suitable for the purpose; and

(h) appl-ove codes of practice issued or proposecl to be

issued by other relevant bodies which, in the
opinion of tf(c Executive Director. are suitable for
the purpose.

2 1 . ( l ) A person who---

( a ) emits noise in excess of the perrnissible noise levels

prescribed by regulation 6;

( h ) fails, neglects or refuses to control noise in

accorclance with these Regulations;

( c ) fails to imrnecliately reduce noise to a permissible

noise lcvel when rccluircd to d o so;
(cl) causes or contsibutcs tl.1 the err~issionof n o i c In cxcLess
of the per~nissihlenoise levels fr-om or withi11 the
vicinity of the pren~isesdrrr-irig a prohibited period;

('1 fails. without lawful justification, to co111p1ywith

any term or contiitiori o f a licence or ostles issued
~indcst hcse Regill ations;

( f ) r-nakes ,I statelnent, (7sproduce\ a cloc~rrnent,that is

f:llrc or ~nislciitlirl:; in a n~aterialpa~-tic~ilas;

( g ) obstl.~~cts
the Exec:itive Director, arl Envil-onmental
Inspector or. n~enlberof a local cor~ncili n the
execution of hi\ o r her duties,
c o ~ l ~ n ~ani toffencc
\ ancl is liable, on conviction, to a f'ine not less
t h a n one huntir-cci :lritl cighty ~tiousand\hillingr and not rrtorc
than eighteen m i l l i o n shil l i n p , 01- to irnprison~nentfor a tenm not
excce~lingeiglltcen n m n t hs, or both.

( 2 ) A perroll C O I I \ I I C ~ o~ f~ an offkrlce under these

regul:it~ons ~ O I . which no pen;~lty is prov~ded is liable, on
co~~vic:tiol~, to a fine of not Ic\\; than one hundred ant1 eighty
t h o ~ ~ \ ; ~ rshillrngs
ltl ancl not rrlole than eighteen m i l l i o n sh~llings,
OS to impsisonrr~entfor a tet-n\not exceeding eighteen rnonths, or
r-egulati o n h( l )

. - .-

. .
-- -

.- .
Any Ilullcl~ng rr\ctl a 4 h o \ j , ~ ~ ~ i l ,
NOISE LIMI'L'S (113 ( A )

concalt\sccnce t~oli~t:,
hornc Sor tlic

recreational sites.
3 . Kd~i(f~~i~
t i )i ~c l I I~(~II~~s

I). Rt:?;ictttntial t incl\~stry or srl-lilll-.

SC;IIC ~,soclucticl~r ~:o~ll~ncrcc.
............. .... ..-.......... .- -
fl. Inclustrial

....-......-. -..... .- ..... - . .

W ................. - - --

'I.lnlc Fr-;trnr: use duriltron

I )ay

' I hc. tir-rle fr;lrnu takes into consideration human activity.

regulation 6 (2)

-- - - -- - -
l3uratio11(llaily) --
-- -pp----
8 horns 40 hours

E --- .. - - . - .- - .-
4 hours
2 hours
20 hours
10 hours

k --- -- .-. --- 110 m i n u t e 1 2.5 hour\

1 103 1 7.5 minutes 1 37.5 minutes I
1- 106
l09 -
3.75 minutes

1 875 mrnutc5
18.75 ~ninute\
9.375 rnlriute\

Noise I.t:vt'ls ~ h i l l lnot exceed 11 Leq of'-

( i ) Fit~l01y/Wt1rkih01>\85 dB ( A )
( i i ) Of fi~-t.,\5 0 d B ( A )
( i ~ i )F;~c~ory/Workshop Compound 75 d B ( A ) .

regulation 6(3)

Noise Levels for Irnp;~ctor Impulsive Noisc


1 Sounct [.c.vcl (113 ( A ) (1-max) ( Pel mi~tcclnunlbcr- ol' Impulscs 01- I

I-cgulation G (4)
M a x i ~ n u ~Pernlissihle
ii Noise 1,evels for- Construction Site


( i ) t Lospitals, schools,
institutions of' I,ighcr
Icar-l~iny.ho1nc.s l i ) ~ -thc
p. -

( i i ) 13uil~lings othcr (ha11

I t~osc p~~cscriihctl in
~ ~ ; ~ s a g r a( ipI h
.- -- - -- --..-.
-.- .

M a x i ~ n u l r iPt.rini\\iblt: Noise L,evcl\ {'or Pul>lic Announccnlunt

Sy!;tem or- Device



'T'hc. time I'i-ailic takes into con!;idcration hr~rnarlactivity.

F'A I<T V I [I
regulation 6 (8)
Maxirnum Permissible Noise 1,evels for Accelerating Vehicles

C o l t ~ m n1 Column 2
LEVEL in dB (A)

1 Vchiclcs iritcnclccl ['or car.riagc o t' pascngcr'"8

ancl ecluippctl with not rliovc tl~annine sc;lts,
inclucling Ihc dsit'cr's scat

2 Vchiclcs intended lirs ~21rt-iitg~0I ~DSSCII~C~S. I

and ecluippecl with not rnolc than nine scars,
including the drivcrs seat and having
maxiniurn pcl.tni\sihlc Inass of' rnorc than 3.5

a with a n cnginc powcr 01' nor-c than 150 KW 80

l with an cnginc power of' lcss than 150 KW 83

........,. . - - - -.. -

.i Vchiclcs inlcnclctl li)s c;r~-riagcof' passengers

and ccluippcci with illore than nine seats
inclueling (he drivers scat: vehicles intenclccl
for carriage of' goocts---

I with n rtlaxi~nuril permissible rii;iss not 70

cxccccling 2 tonnes

h with a rnaxirni~nnpermissible mass exceeding 80

2 tonnes not cxcceding 3.5 tonnes
-.....-.- - --- -- -- -
3 Vehiclcs inlendccl ['or thc c;lrriaye o f goods ancl
having a maxir-nilm permissible rrlass
cxccctling 3.5 tonnes---

. \vitIi an engine power of' less than 7 5 I<W

h with an cngine powcr of r~otlcss that, 75 KW

1 ~ 1 tless I h;in l50 K W

c with an crlgi~icpowcr ol'not less tlian 150 KW

regulation 6(9)

Maxirrlum Perrni\sible Noise L,evels for Mines and Qualr-ies

- --------W------- -em----

('olu,\\n i ('olulnn 2

I f70r any builcl~ng L I W ~ ;l\ :l hosp~tal, I O C ) ~ ~(1) R

school, contalc.\ccnt home. old ilgc
ho111co r ~e\rdcntralhi11ldrng.

. -. .... -.. ---- - --. - ---- --- -- - --.-.
-. --

2 For any hurltlin;; in an arcs irsccl 1.01- l 114 cl13 (I)

resiclcntial ancl onc o r Iirorc ol' thc.
lollo\ving put poscs:
O F f'l<J?A41SSlF3f ,P, NOISI: lJIXVliI,S
regulation 12. ( 1 )

t'h)i\~c;~l ;ktltlr-cll;of' [)r.crl~ihthv or- I'acility wllcrc noisc will be ~~roclit~:ctl

or crt':lt:l-;lt~(l: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1)Iot no. Village, parisll, sob-cor~nty.coarrly clist~'ict)
' y ~ ) ~ to tic: clrlittccl ;ind j)~.c(lictc(lIcvels ; t b o \ r ~ :
Nirt ~ . t r t ~ / S o t r r c ~ ~ / 0' ~1 ' l noi.;t:
. .
the sl:!r~tl;lr.d~, ((IBA)and l intc 01. crrrlssrorl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I )c.3cr-ibc tilt: ncighborhooci with a s ~ ~ c lofi ~2~ knl

s (L)escribt: wtlettlcr
co~nntct-ciitlarid whertlcr- it is nt:ar a school o r
Ilospi till o r r-c:sidential area)

It'rovr(le the anricipatecl rnit~gatlorl rnea\rrrc\ rntetlcletl to be usecl irt

controllrll;: thc ~ i o i \ e(rri;~y;ittacit \cpatatc' \tiet.t)

1)rrratrorr oI'c.rnt\sion of'tht. nurse applietl for. (indicate time oftl;ty atld
nuri~hcrof rninirte\/hor~r.s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I t : ............. Sign,ltilr-e of Applicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FOR. O l ~ f ~ l C l AUSF;

I-, tl
> 1'i"'J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regulation 1 % ( 2 )



~ l ( : i l \ i ' < C e~rlissicbn01, etnit noise in cxccss ot' tllc ~)cr~rr~issiblt:

is l i c o t i s ~ to
rlc~isc1r:vcls at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( /, i ( ~ ( ~ / i o ~ l / ( / ; . v t ~ . i ( ~ t )

I - ' I - ~ I I I [I-le hout-s ot;.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of each t1;cy.

regulation 16
(I.ssued under section 81(i) of thr Nrrtiorlul Erlvimnm~rltStutiite, 199.5 clnd
r-rg~llariorr16 ofthe Nutionol E ~ ~ ~ ' i / ; ) ~ r(Noise
/ , l e r ~ tStct17dlrrtl.s ~lrld( v o r ~ t ~ l )
Form NEMA/NC/. ...
TO: ......................................a......

TAKENOTICE that on the .................. of ..................... 20. .., an

Environmental Inspector(s) from this Authority carried out all
inspection of your establi:,hment/f~cilitylocated in ...........................
Village, ..................................... Sub-county of ..................................
District where it was fount1 that you or your agents were generating or
producing noise in excess of the permissible noise levels andlor it1
contravention of these Regulations.
The Environmental Inspectors particularly found the following--
1 ...............................................................................

4 ...............................................................................
(attach 11io1-epaper if necessary)
You ARF; HEREBY ORDERED to stoplrninimiscldiscor~tin~~e all activities
that are causing or likely to generate the production of noise ant1
reduce the ~toiselevels to the permissible noise levels in the above
mentioned facility1 establishments within a period of' ...................
days from the date of this Notice. You are also requiretl to restore the
tranquillity of the surroundings.
Yorr ARE NOTIFIED THAT in accordance with section 96 of the National
Environment Statute 1995, failure to comply with this Notice shall
result in criminal prosecutilon being instituted against you andlor your-
agent or both.

Copy to:

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