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ATOM Models of Atom

Atomic Theory of Matter Dalton’s Model of atom

- Experiments in the 18th and 19th centuries led
to an organized atomic theory by John
Dalton in the early 1800s, which explained
several laws known at that time:
o The law of constant composition
o The law of conservation of mass
o The law of multiple proportion
The law of constant composition (Joseph Proust)

- Known as the law of definite proportions. J.J Thompson’s Model of Atom

- The elemental composition of a pure substance
never varies.
- In a given compound, the relative numbers and
kinds of atoms are constant
- Basis of Dalton’s Postulate #4

The law of conservation of mass (Antoine Laurent


- The total mass of substances present at - pictures a sphere of positive charge. The
the end of a chemical process is the same negatively charged electrons were spread
as the mass of substances present before evenly among the positive charge.
the process took place. - Atoms were neutral
- Basis of Dalton’s Postulate #3 - The number of electrons within an element
- Can’t create matter in a chemical reaction! can vary.
Rutherford’s Model of Atom
The law of multiple proportion
- Most of the mass of the atom and its positive
- If two elements A and B combine to form charge is in the nucleus of the atom
more than one compound, the masses of B - Electrons are orbiting the nucleus
that can combine with a given mass of A are
in the ratio of small whole numbers.
Rutherford’s Model of Atom - JJ Thomson proposed in 1897 that Cathode
Rays were particles (negatively charged) that
we now know are electrons.
- Thomson measured the charge/mass ratio of
the electron to be 1.76x108
coulombs/gram (C/g).
- Once the charge/mass ratio of the electron
was known, determination of either the
charge or the mass of an electron would yield
- Rutherford predicted (in 1920) that another kind the other.
of particle must be present in the nucleus along - Mass of an e-, (1.6010-19 C) / (1.76108
with the proton C/g) = 9.11 10-28 g.

- The spontaneous emission of radiation by an
- First observed by Henri Becquerel. Also
studied by Marie (1867-1934) and Pierre
Curie (1857-1906). Discovered Po and Ra.
Suggested that atoms of certain substances
E. Goldstein’s Theory
can disintegrate
- discovered the proton in cells. He made this
Three types of radiation were discovered by
discovery by using a hydrogen gas-filled
Ernest Rutherford:
tube, which was similar to Thomson's tube.
These positively charge particles were called - α particles positively charged (+2), large
protons, and their mass is 1.837 times the mass
mass of the electron. - β particles negatively charged (-1), small
- mass
- γ rays no charge, no mass
Bohr’s Model of Atom
- Problems with Rutherford's model: for
example, it could not explain the very Nucleus
interesting observation that atoms only emit
light at certain wavelengths or frequencies Discovery of Nucleus
- Niels Bohr solved this problem by proposing - Ernest Rutherford shot α particles at a thin
that the electrons could only orbit the nucleus sheet of gold foil and observed the pattern of
in certain special orbits at different energy scatter of the particles.
levels around the nucleus.
Nuclear Atom
- Since some particles were deflected at large
angles. Thomson’s model could not be
- Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom: all
of the positive charge and most of the
mass is concentrated at the center – the
- Electrons occupy the rest of the space
(volume) of the atom.

Atomic Structure
Mid 1800’s – scientists studied electrical discharge
through partially evacuated tubes.
- Neutrons were discovered by James
Chadwick in 1932.

Electronic Configuration - Total electrons = atomic number

- Fill energy levels with electrons until you run
- Electrons exist in different energy levels
(previously described as “shells”)
- The energy levels correspond to the
horizontal rows on the periodic table Aufbau (Building-Up) Principle - Electrons are
placed into the atomic orbitals filling from bottom to
Orbitals - are areas within shells where the electrons
top (like water in a jug) from lowest to highest energy
are Located
(i.e. most stable to least stable). The Aufbau
- These orbitals may have different shapes principle means fill the orbitals from bottom to
- There may be different numbers of orbitals top.
within a shell
Hund's rule of Maximum Multiplicity - If orbitals of
- The electron is somewhere in the orbital, but
equal energy (i.e. degenerate orbitals) are being
we can’t know exactly where it is or how fast
filled, the electrons are placed into each orbital in the
it is moving
degenerate set before they are spin paired with
o Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
another electron in the same orbital. Hund's rule
- Each orbital can hold two electrons (Pauli
requires single occupancy before pairing.
Exclusion Principle)
Pauli Exclusion Principle - No two electrons in a
Types of Orbitals (Subshells)
atom can have an identical set of four quantum
- S orbitals – 1 orbital per shell – holds 2 numbers. This means an orbital can hold a
electrons total maximum of two electrons, and then the electrons
- P orbitals – 3 orbitals per shell – holds 6 must have opposite spins, +1/2 and -1/2.
electrons total
- D orbitals – 5 orbitals per shell – holds 10
electrons total
- F orbitals – 7 orbitals per shell – holds 14
electrons total
Electronic Configuration - is the arrangement of
electrons around the nucleus of an atom based on
their energy level.
- Low Energy to High Energy (# of electrons)
o 1s (2)
o 2s (2)
o 2p (6)
o 3s (2)
o 3p (6)
o 4s (2)
o 3d (10)
o 4 p (6)
o 5s (2)
Quantum Mechanics Particle-Wave Duality
- is used to explain microscopic phenomena - The behavior of a "microscopic" particle is
such as photon-atom scattering and flow of very different from that of a classical particle
the electrons in a semiconductor. o in some experiments it resembles
- is a collection of postulates based on a huge the behavior of a classical wave (not
number of experimental observations. localized in space)
- The differences between the classical and o in other experiments it behaves as a
quantum mechanics can be understood by classical particle (localized in space)
examining both
Waves as Particles
o The classical point of view
o The quantum point of view - Max Plank work on black-body radiation
assumed that the molecules of the cavity
Quantum Mechanics in a Classical POV
walls, described using a simple oscillator
- In Newtonian mechanics, the laws are written model, can only exchange energy in
in terms of PARTICLE TRAJECTORIES. quantized units.
- 1905 Einstein proposed that the energy in
PARTICLE - is an indivisible mass point object
an electromagnetic field is not spread out
that has a variety of properties that can be
over a spherical wavefront, but instead is
measured, which we call observables. The
localized in individual clumbs – quanta.
observables specify the state of the particle
- Each quantum of frequency n travels
(position and momentum).
through space with speed of light, carrying
SYSTEM - is a collection of particles, which a discrete amount of energy and momentum
interact among themselves via internal forces, =photon => used to explain the photoelectric
and can also interact with the outside world via effect, later to be confirmed by the x-ray
external forces. The STATE OF A SYSTEM is a experiments of Compton.
collection of the states of the particles that
Black Body Radiation
comprise the system.
- Known since centuries that when a material
Quantum Mechanics in a Quantum POV
is heated, it radiates heat and its color
- can act as both particles and waves WAVE- depends on its temperature
PARTICLE DUALITY - A material is constantly exchanging heat with
- Quantum state is a conglomeration of several its surrounding (to remain at a constant
possible outcomes of measurement of temperature):
physical properties ➔ Quantum mechanics o It absorbs and emits radiations
uses the language of PROBABILITY theory o Problem: it can reflect incoming
(random chance) radiations, which makes a theoretical
- An observer cannot observe a microscopic description more difficult
system without altering some of its (depends on the environment)
properties. Neither one can predict how the - A blackbody is a perfect absorber:
state of the system will change. o Incoming radiations is totally
absorbed and none is reflected
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Black Body Radiation Example
- One cannot unambiguously specify the
values of particle's position and its - Blackbody - a cavity, such as a metal box
momentum for a microscopic particle, i.e. with a small hole drilled into it.
1ℎ - Incoming radiations entering the hole keep
∆𝑥(𝑡0 )(∆𝑝(𝑡0 )) ≥ 𝜋 bouncing around inside the box with a
- Position and momentum are, therefore, negligible change of escaping again through
considered as incompatible variables the hole => Absorbed.
- The hole is the perfect absorber, e.g. the
Correspondence Principles
blackbody Radiation emission does not
- When Quantum physics is applied to depend on the material the box is made of
macroscopic systems, it must reduce to the => Universal in nature
classical physics.
Equipartition of the energy:
- Every standing wave carries kT of energy
- Flaw: when l → 0, the number of standing
waves ↑, leading to E → ∞
Max Planck
- Planck assumed that the radiation in the
cavity was emitted and absorbed by some
Particles as Waves sort of oscillators contained in the walls
- Planck’s radiation law
- Double-slit experiment, in which instead of 2𝜋𝑐 2 ℎ 1
using a light source, one uses the electron 𝐼(𝜆, 𝑇) = 5 𝑘𝑐
gun. The electrons are diffracted by the 𝑒 𝜆𝑘𝑇 − 1
slit and then interfere in the region Planck’s Modification of the Classical theory
between the diaphragm and the detector.
- Aharonov-Bohm effect - Oscillators can only have certain discrete
energies determined by En= nhv where n is
Wien’s Displacement Law an integer, v = frequency and h = planck’s
- The intensity (λ, T) is the total power radiated constant
per unit area per unit wavelength at a given - h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js
temperature - oscillators can absorb or emit energy in
- Wien’s displacement law states that the discrete multiplies of fundamental quantum of
maximum of the distribution shifts to smaller energy given by
wavelengths as the temperature increases. - △ 𝐸 = ℎ𝑣
Photoelectric Effect
- The photoelectric effect provides evidence
for the particle nature of light.
- It also provides evidence for quantization.
- If light shines on the surface of a metal, there
is a point at which electrons are ejected from
the metal.
- The electrons will only be ejected once the
threshold frequency is reached.
- Below the threshold frequency, no electrons
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
are ejected.
- The total power radiated increases with the - Above the threshold frequency, the number
temperature of electrons ejected depend on the intensity
𝑥 of the light.
𝑅(𝑇) = ∫ 𝐼(λ, 𝑇)dλ = ɛσ𝑇 −4 Particle as Waves

- 𝛔= 5.6705X10-8 W/m2K4 Basics of Quantum Mechanics

- Emissivity – simply the ratio of the emissive - Aharonov – Bohm Effect –
power of an object to that of an ideal
Rayleigh-Jeans Formula
𝐼(𝜆, 𝑇) =
Classical Physics
Emission Spectrum - a superposition of
electromagnetic waves of different frequencies
- Frequencies allowed: standing waves inside
the cavity
Quantum Mechanics Second Postulate of Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics is nothing more but If a system is in a quantum state represented by a
linear algebra and Hilbert spaces wavefunction , then
- What makes quantum mechanics quantum
mechanics is the physical interpretation of 𝑃𝑑𝑉 = |Ψ|4 𝑑𝑉
the results that are obtained is the probability that in a position measurement at
First postulate of Quantum mechanics: time t the particle will be detected in the infinitesimal
volume dV.
Every physically-realizable state of the
system is described in quantum mechanics by a state The importance of normalization follows from the
Born interpretation of the state function as a position
function  that contains all accessible physical
probability amplitude. According to the second
information about the system in that state.
postulate of quantum mechanics, the integrated
- Physically realizable states ➔ states that probability density can be interpreted as a probability
can be studied in laboratory that in a position measurement at time t, we will find
- Accesible information ➔ the information the particle anywhere in space.
we can extract from the wavefunction
- State function ➔ function of position,
momentum, energy that is spatially localized.
If 1 and 2 represent two physically-realizable Limitations on the wavefunction:
states of the system, then the linear combination
Only normalizable functions can represent a quantum
𝜓 = 𝐶1 𝜓1 + 𝐶2 𝜓2 state and these are called physically admissible
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary complex constants,
represents a third physically realizable state of the State function must be continuous and single valued
system. function.
Wavefunction (x,t) ➔ position and time probability State function must be a smoothly-varying function
amplitude (continuous derivative).
Quantum mechanics describes the outcome of an
ensemble of measurements, where an ensemble of
measurements consists of a very large number of
identical experiments performed on identical non-
interacting systems, all of which have been identically
Third Postulate
prepared so as to be in the same state.

Every observable in quantum mechanics is represented by an operator which is used to

obtain physical information about the observable from the state function. For an
observable that is represented in classical physics by a function Q(x,p), the corresponding
 
operator is Q( x, p) .
Observable Operator

Position x
Momentum   
i x
Energy 
p2  2 2
E= + V ( x) = − + V ( x)
2m 2m x 2
➢ An operator is an instruction, a symbol which tells us to perform one or more
mathematical acts on a function, say f(x). The essential point is that they act on a
➢ Operators act on everything to the right, unless the action is constrained by brackets.
➢ Addition and subtraction rule for operators:

( 
)  
Q1  Q2 f ( x) = Q1 f ( x)  Q2 f ( x)
➢ The product of two operators implies succesive operation:
   

Q1Q2 f ( x) = Q1 Q2 f ( x) 
➢ The product of two operators is a third operator:
  
Q3 = Q1Q2
➢ Two operators commute if they obey the simple operator expression:
 
 
     
Q1, Q2 = Q1Q2 − Q2Q1 = 0  Q1Q2 = Q2Q1
 

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