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GE 5

NOTES on A Model of Communication

Elements of Communication
I. Communicator: (Definition) a person who send messages to and receives messages
from other people.

(What a communicator does)

A. Encoding and

B. decoding

II. Messages: (Definition) information conveyed by words (in speech or writing), and/or
other signs and symbols. A message encoded (verbal or nonverbal, vocal non
vocal or both) is the content of the communication process. 

A. Types

1. Verbal: (Definition) is about language, both written and spoken . In

general, verbal communication refers to our use of words. symbols
defined as Discrete, distinct beginning and ending, perceived in single
instance as a whole.

B. Nonverbal: (Definition) refers to communication that occurs through means

other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence. It is
continuous. Any information that does not fit definitions of symbol .An
indeterminate beginnings and may or may not have clear endings .
1. Vocal: (Definition) refers to sounds that come out of a mouth like words,
grunts and sighs and how the sounds are presented including speed or
loudness level and more.

2. Nonvocal: (Definition) do not come out of a mouth, like written words and
body movements.

III. Process of Communication

A. Encoding: (Definition) the process of putting a message together.

Decoding: (Definition) taking a message apart and assigning it meaning.


GE 5

(What influences the process)

1. Channel

2. Noise

3. Context

4. Feedback

IV. Channel: (Definition) It is how the message is sent from one communicator to others.

(What dictates the choice of channels)

A. Face-to-face conversation

B. Talking a phone

C. texting

V. Noise: (Definition) Anything that can interfere with communications process and
influences how people understand each other.

(Types, Definition of each type, example of each type)

A. EXTERNAL NOISE: A peripheral force that interrupts communication

Example: a room being so hot , its difficult to concentrate.

B. PSYCHOLOGICAL NOISE: Thoughts within a communicators mind that

interrupt communication.
Example: A preoccupied with something that you cannot pay attention to what is in
front of you..

C. PHYSIOLOGICAL NOISE :An individual’s own biology interrupts

Example: Sometimes we are too tired to pay attention cant clearly hear the message
or feel too ill to process the information being communicated..

GE 5

VI. Context: Is where the communication text place.

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