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Bocohan, Lucena City



BSCA III - Logistics Activity 1

Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

What is organization behavior (OB)?

Organizational behavior is the study of how individuals and groups
engage with one another and with the organization. An excellent
organizational behavior approach can assist everyone in motivating and
performing well. Organizational behavior explains behavior and provide
behavioral predictions based on observations.

Why it is important to complement intuition with systematic study?

When intuition is combined with scientific study, the decision-making
mechanism becomes more successful. This means that each person
understands his/her tasks and responsibilities.

What may be expected of a society with low regard for morals?

To state that someone has a good moral character suggests that he or she
is a decent person and a good citizen with a strong moral compass.
Thus, a society with a low regard for morals is regarded as a contradictory
environment devoid of collective goals, making it difficult for people to
comprehend one another because they are all not on the same page.


How will knowing OB make a difference? (10 points)

Guide question: How OB applies to you if you are still in school and not yet working. (As
being a student)
OB applies to my awareness of the obligation to cooperate and comply with my
classmates/schoolmates. If I wish to encourage teamwork, I must be mindful of small variances
in work patterns. Everyone has personal objectives that are related to their traits and how they
function. Through OB, I am also able to function in school with minimal conflict. Because some
tasks are interrelated, there is accountability at every stage. Knowing OB makes a tremendous
difference since it allows me to learn the things I needed to know in order to behave with
complete insight and consideration.

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