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GCU College of Education


Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Kelby Hokanson


Grade Level: 6th Grade

Date: 10/12/2022

Unit/Subject: Science: Energy Unit - States of matter

Instructional Plan States of Matter


Lesson Summary Using the 5 E lesson format, students will be able to explain how heating and
and Focus: cooling affects some materials. Students will be able to explain how changes
within states of matter occur.

Classroom and The demographics of the students in the classroom are 70% of the class come
Student from low-income families. 2 students are ELL, 4 students have 504’s, and 3 have
Factors/Grouping: behavioral concerns. When creating the lesson, a variety of extensions and
differentiation were considered and plans. For ELL students, added vocabulary,
shortened assignments and pictures or visual help was added to the lesson. For
students that have academic 504’s assignments were given with written clear

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instructions. Lesson/activities are engaging, with assignments shortened.

National/State Standard 6.2.2: Develop a model to predict the effect of heat energy on states
Learning Standards: of matter and density. Emphasize the arrangement of particles in states of
matter (solid, liquid, or gas) and during phase changes (melting, freezing,
condensing, and evaporating).

1.7 Global Collaborator: Students use collaborative technologies to work with

others, including peers, experts, or community members, to examine issues
and problems from multiple viewpoints.

1.6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and

effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as
visualizations, models, or simulations.

Specific Learning Students will be able to construct an explanation to describe how energy affects
Target(s)/Objectives: the states of matter.

Students will be able to construct an explanation to describe how the structure

of different materials affect ice.

Academic Language  Heating

 Cooling
 Insulator
 Gas
 Solid
 Conductor
 Liquid

These words will be taught through class discussion where we talk about what
each words means, and we define them as a class for them to record in their
science notebooks for later use.

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Resources,  Ice cube – One per table

Materials,  Melting blocks – one set per table
Equipment, and  Nearpod -
Technology: pin=54FC16EF81DEDBD9052957BA9267DAC6-1
 Nearpod-

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set Time

Melting blocks:

 First, I will show the students a video of ice melting on different surfaces.
15 Mins

 The video shows two ice cubes on black plates. One cube is melting while the other is
 Questions: What can you infer about this experiment? How does this relate to the states
of matter?

 Using the melting blocks, we will start discussing characteristics of different material.
Student will compare and contrast the two given materials using a Venn diagram
organizer. Students will take their ideas from their Venn diagram and share with the class
by writing their ideas on the board on a class Venn diagram.

 When finished student will construct a prediction of which block will be the one that melts
the ice cube the quickest?

Multiple Means of Representation Time


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Nearpod: 60 mins
I will use Nearpod presentations in the form of guided activities and discussions to teach students
about how energy can change states of matter. 120
mins total

 English language learners (ELL):

To help ELL students, the Nearpod use videos and pictures to help model and explain
the concepts being taught. When participating in the discussion with other students, they
will be able to share pictures and videos instead of typing.

 Students with special needs:

The Nearpod’s are guided notes, with the help of the teacher and working with a partner
they will be able to complete the material. When completing the assignments attached to
the Nearpod, students will be able to post using pictures to share their thoughts and
ideas. They will also have the capability to record their answers for the short answer
questions through videos instead of writing/typing.

 Students with gifted abilities:

Students with gifted abilities are able to participate in a more self-guided lesson. Using
the information learned in the documents and videos provided they will be able to learn
the material at their own pace.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
Early finishers, using what we have learned in the Nearpod’s and from the activity with
the two-melting block, they are tasked with comparing other materials to the melting
blocks. Are there other materials that keeps the ice from melting and are there other
materials that will melt the ice quicker. For the fast finisher, they will be tasked with
conducting an experiment to figure out what will happen to the ice cube when sitting on
other materials.

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Multiple Means of Engagement Time

 I will use collaboration board through Nearpod where students will be sharing their
ideas, and comment or liking other people’s ideas. These discussions will be done both
5 mins
with words and pictures.
 I will have my students complete an exit ticket quiz that will help me assess their level activity
of understanding and help me know the areas they need to review.
 I will have short answer questions, where students will be using information that they
retrieve from the articles and videos posted in the Nearpod.
 I will have videos throughout the Nearpod, providing information to the students. The
videos will also be used to model the concepts we are learning and provide the answers
to the questions we are trying to answer.
 I will provide articles imbedded into the Nearpod to provide information to assist and
guide the students when working on the short answer questions.

 English language learners (ELL):

Students will be asked to respond with pictures or ideas best matching the information in
the question. Assignments will be answered based observations from videos and when
they notice in the pictures and diagrams from the articles.

 Students with special needs:

Students will receive more time to complete the work asked to complete. Answer will and
can consist of pictures, audio recordings and videos.

 Students with gifted abilities:

Students will be asked to explain their thinking and provide evidence to support their

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
When finished students will be tasked with creating a poster or presentation to present

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what they learned.

Multiple Means of Expression Time

Students will complete a quiz at the end of each Nearpod to reflect what they have learned.
Students will be participating in group discussions and class discussions where they will take part Between
in thumbs-up and down assessments. 1 and 20
Students will complete a formative assessment at the end of the unit to assess their understand
of the material. With this assessment they will be tasked to construct a device to keep an ice
ng on
cube from melting using the information that they have learned throughout the unit.
the type
 English language learners (ELL): assessm
Pictures and diagrams are provided to help model and present the information to them. being
 Students with special needs: used.
Assessments will be shortened, and students will receive more time to complete the

 Students with gifted abilities:

Students will be assessed with essay questions instead of multiple choice. Student will
be expected to provide evidence to support their answers.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
Using the information that they have learned, create test or assessment questions or
activities with their answers.

Extension Activity and/or Homework Time


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15 mins
To extend this lesson, you can talk about the differences between dry ice and regular ice. You
can run an experiment with dry ice and see what happens when put in water.
For homework, have students research materials that are conductors and materials that are

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