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Kimberly Guzman

EDU 214

Assignment 3

Part 1 Using the CSN Education Website

1. Resources:

 Nevada Computer & Technology Standards

Classroom Technology Integration for the 21st Century. With society adapting to

becoming more digital it is with the best intention to teach all students

technology skills. There are standards to follow and are required to learn for

each grade to ensure students are being taught properly.

 CCSD Elementary Curriculum (CEF) K

Here you can find Nevada’s grades K-12 content standards. There is also the

curriculum for each subject with specific details to make sure you are covering every

subject with your kindergarten classroom.

 CSN Library Resources

Whether you are taking online classes or physically in the classroom, if you can’t make

it to the library on campus there is a remote library. From research projects to studying

you have full access to the library no matter where you are at so you can get the

information you need.

2. List 3 steps to request an official field observation placement.

1. Locate the geographic region you reside in from map provided. Identify the region you

want to be placed in before filling out the request.

2. Carefully identify the correct 3-digit CCSD School Location Code listed.

3. After knowing your region and the 3-digit school location code you must fill out the

CCSD Field Observations Request 2022 form entirely.

3. Databases

1. CQ Researcher

2. Education in Video

3. English Language and English Literature Films

4. Definition of Nevada Computer and Technology Standards:

 Standards describe what students need to know and be able to do at each grade

level. In Nevada, these standards are considered the floor, not the ceiling, for

student learning and performance.

 One standard is Creativity and Innovation. Students demonstrate creative

thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and process

using technology.

5. EDU 201/202 Intro to Elementary & Secondary Education:

Field observations, Education Philosophy, Lesson Plan

Using CCSD web resources


 2022 Graduation schedule - Helps students know when they will be graduating

 Zoning Information – You can find out what school someone is zoned for

 SafeVoice – An anonymous tip report system

2. Salary $50,115

3. Licensed Personnel Resources

 Alternative Routes to Licensure (ARL) - Helps find an ARL program that fits

your needs.

 Important information for Teachers - Here you can find links to many things like,

Approved Investment Companies, Benefits available Via Payroll Deduction, How

to calculate contracted pay, Licensed Personnel Employment Information, etc.

 Curriculum Engine – A tool to help teachers lead their students to success

4. Resources

 Student Athletics & Activities – Helps the students be involved with the

school besides just being enrolled in classes.

 Transcript Request - A great tool for any student if needing a transfer or for

any reason needing a transcript pulled.

 SafeVoice - An anonymous tip report system.

5. Infinite Campus - This is a great resource app to stay connected with your child’s school.

It provides all the information you need as far as grades, assignments, attendance, taking

care of fees and enrolling your child for the next school year.

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