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1. Globalization Is About the Liberalization and Global Integration of Markets

- The triumph of markets over governments remains at the center of globalization (Steger, 2005)
- Markets are the driving factor behind global order.
- As an effect, globalization power is overly controlled (taxation, crime prevention, anti-competition
policies, social services, etc.)
- There’s great participation of private entities-Liberalization (P= G-R) meaning Government minus
Restrictions and Regulations equals Participation of private entities- It can allow those people who want
to open a business in the free market
3. Nobody is in Charge of Globalization
- If market forces decide our history's path, no social class or group can dominate the globalization
agenda. (Steger, 2005) Globalization should not include the goal of any particular class or group

- Rapid dissemination of information, technological innovation, growth of skilled jobs. (Steger, 2005)
- Business mans: Steve Jobs (Apple) gained wealth by trading. Trade to other countries like Libya, South
Korea, Bhutan, and etc.
5. Globalization Furthers the Spread of Democracy in The World Meaning:
- Democracy, free market, freedom, and free trade are similar, according to the globalists’ belief.
·Act of voting- We have the freedom to pick our leaders for our country.
·Human rights- A basic right that everyone needs to respect and follow
6. Globalization Requires War on Terror Meaning:-Terrorism stalls global free trade and economic
The 9-1-1 attack - which joins the possibility of financial globalization with the American brand of
traditional international strategy (straight forwardly aggressive and nationalistic)Script of NJ AND
NINA:NJ: 1-3 OF SIX CORE CLAIMS According to Michael Freeden, globalization exists in people’s minds
because it has a consistent set of coherent and complementary ideas and beliefs about the global order.
In short, globalization is a political belief system that helps a certain class. He said that there are six core
claims of globalization.
1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of markets. (READ)- It focuses on the
concept of market and extends to the free market to be accepted. The core claim came from the liberal
idea of a self-regulated market as the normal basis for a future global order. It is presented as both
desirable natural phenomena and Liberalization has less restriction on the government and more
opportunity to the people who want to start a business in the free market. Such restriction is a burden
to the development and growth of the nation. Liberalization (P= G-R) meaning Government minus
Restrictions and Regulations equals Participation of private entities
2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible (READ)- A lot of the state leaders push for neoliberal
policies and proclaim that globalization is happening and no one can stop it. We live in a society where
technology arises and helps to improve and make work easier. It opens the interconnectedness and
interdependencies such as importing and exporting products around the globe. Now, it is much easier to
pass information and send messages through social media. It is completely unavoidable.
3. Nobody is in Charge of Globalization- According to Robert Hormats, “The great beauty of globalization
is that no one is in control, by any individual, any government, any institution.” We can freely trade our
products and services to other countries without being restricted by other authorities. Steger (2005)
explains that globalization doesn’t promote a certain agenda of any specific class, in a sense that
globalists are not demanding their own agenda on people.
4. Globalization benefits everyone in the long run.- Free trade and free markets will bring wealth and
prosperity to everyone based on what the globalists believe. It brings economic growth and a lot of
people are lifted out of poverty and also the middle class has expanded over time. There is also an
increase in rapid dissemination of information, technological innovation, and growth of skilled jobs
based on Steger. We were also convinced that the process of globalization is one of the sources of hope
for the future. It provides great opportunities not just in our own countries but for all other countries
too. One of the examples is Steve Jobs, a businessman who created apple products and he came from
scratch but invested in trading and gained wealth also by free trading. He traded to other countries like
Libya, South Korea, Bhutan, and so on. Also, Chinese businessman Jack Ma, the founder and chairman of
Alibaba Group, made his fortune and gained recognition by pioneering e-commerce (the buying and
selling of goods and services) in China in the 1990s, when utilizing the internet required a great deal of
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world (read)-Democracy, free market, freedom,
and free trade are similar, according to the globalists’ belief. Although democracy and freedom relate to
a certain form of the political system, while free markets and free trade refer to a specific type of
economic system, globalization scholars and policymakers debate the two systems' interconnectedness.
In terms of the political system, it focuses on the act of voting where we have the freedom to pick our
leaders for our countries. In terms of the economic system, it focuses on free trading where the
government tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and restrictions do not prevent goods and services from being
bought and sold across international borders.
Francis Fukuyama thinks that a certain amount of industrialization economic development would be
favorable to the establishment of complex civil societies with a prominent middle class.
6. Globalization Requires War on Terror (READ)-Terrorism stalls global free trade and economic growth.
One of the examples of this is the 9/11 attack which blends the concept of economic globalization with
the proper foreign policy of the United States (straightforwardly aggressive and nationalistic). The US's
aggressive, martial military strategy, as a result, is a response to defend globalization's achievements.
There are still ongoing raises of questions why the war on terror happens or is included, but that’s
because it helps to fight against terrorism and Terrorism has become a global phenomenon as a result of
advancement, technological developments, communication, and accessibility transportation. The
greatest method to reduce terrorism is to employ international law, with the proper organizations in
order to build international collaboration.

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