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 #1 Define communication.

- COMMUNICATION is the process of exchanging information with the use of symbols, or

verbally/non-verbally generates ideas within or across different cultures and channels.
 #2 What we use to communicate? What are the elements?
- Through the use of symbol, the elements are sender, receiver, message, channel, feedback,
noise, setting.
 #3 What do you mean by communicating consciously and not consciously?
- Conscious Communication is our ability to clearly and compassionately communicate with
ourselves as well as others. It is our ability to think wisely and stop that nonstop chatter
which goes in our own mind.
- Unconscious (or intuitive) communication is the subtle, unintentional, unconscious cues
that provide information to another individual. It can be verbal (speech patterns, physical
activity while speaking, or the tone of voice of an individual) or it can be nonverbal (facial
expressions and body language).
 #4 What are the meanings generated in a communication?
- That meaning is generated as sensory information is interpreted.
 #5 How can context and culture affects communication?
- The way you communicate is deeply influenced by the culture in which you were raised. The
meaning of words, the significance of gestures, the rules of human relationships—these and
many other aspects of communication are defined by culture. It can be seen or it will reflect.
 #6
 #7 Give at least 3 elements of communication, explain.
- Sender, Feedback, Noise
Sender it is the speaker that shared message to his/her audience. And feedback it is the
response of the audience such as laughter, smile, clapping of hands, or the sign of
agreement or disagreement. Lastly, the noise it is the unnecessary voice, or the ambience.
 #8 Give an example of Communication situation where the six elements of communication were
- Sender > a teacher
- Receiver > students
- Channel > through the use of electronic devices
- Message > the specific lesson
- Feedback > how the students recite or give a reaction like nodding of heads or smiling
- Noise > like noises from the roadside or loudspeaker
- Setting > in any online platform such as ms teams or zoom
 #9 What is Globalization? When the transactional communication
- It is an interaction and integration among all people, companies and governments
 #10 Explain the principle of all communication have a past, present and future.
 #11 Explain the principle, all the communication have a past, present and future.
- I believe this is one of the most important principles for communication none the less. Being
honest about even the most uncomfortable things is one. Being open and interested in the
conversation taking place.
 #12 Explain the principle, all communication play roles.
- Communication is a vital part of our society. It plays a lot of roles, and it is essential for
survival. People use it to encourage, share ideas, connect, inform, and more. Without
communication, there will be a misunderstanding.
 #13
- v
 #14 Why is interpersonal communication is most likely unstructured?
- Interpersonal communication most likely to be unstructured or unplanned, as our days is
filled with tons of interpersonal interactions on any given day. Even as we woke in the
morning we say good morning to our relatives, then we’ve had our first interpersonal
interaction of the day.
 #15 Why does group communication has more chance of confusion and complications?
- When team members are able to communicate, they are able to collaborate; good
communication is critical in improving teamwork and teambuilding. If employees can
understand each other’s' communication styles, they will be able to work together more
efficiently and lessen the risk of misunderstandings or conflict.
 #16 How can computer mediated communication bring people to equal or level?
- CMC ensures superiority in reach. Compared to face-to-face communication, CMC enables
users to reach out to a vast number of receivers simultaneously. This is particularly useful
when it comes to informing a large group of people about the same thing.
 #17 What is the difference between the public communication and mass communication
between listener and sender.
- Public communication is sender focused and typically occurs when one person conveys
information to an audience. Mass communication occurs when messages are sent to large
audiences using print or electronic media.
 #18 Why do we have consider ethics in communication?
- First let me define Communication ethics, Communication Ethics is how a person uses
language and creates relationships that are guided by an individual's moral and values. And
It is vital and we have to consider as it is primarily responsible to our thinking, decision-
making and the development of relationships.
 #19 Site the credo that you considered the most significant.
- National Communication Association (NCA) Credo for Ethical Communication
There 7 credos and I believe all those 7 are essential, and if I would choose 1 I would pick
Protect freedom of Expression. Why? Because, in a work place environment there should be
no discrimination what so ever. As co-workers in any situation, everyone should feel
comfortable to express themselves and their beliefs.
 #20
 #21 How can responsible thinking in effective communication?
- Good communication is a shared responsibility AND Responsibility for clear and effective
communication is shared by senders and receivers. On one hand, senders must do their best
to communicate using clear and concise direction
 #22 How will good relation been developed in ethical communication?
- While effective communication is necessary in all human relationships, it is even more
critical in businesses of all sizes in order for confusion to be mitigated, and everyone is on
the same page.
 #23 How do linguistic background affects intercultural communication?
- People have different linguistic and cultural backgrounds making intercultural
communication a significant variable in communication.
 #24 Describe manifestation of globalization.
- Globalization is associated with rapid and significant human changes. The movements of
people from rural to urban areas have accelerated, and the growth of cities in the
developing world especially is linked to substandard living for many. Family disruption and
social and domestic violence are increasing.
 #25 What are the advantages of globalization to communication?
- Increases Business Opportunities
For businesses, an increase in global communication means new business opportunities.
Effective international business communication requires an understanding of other cultures.
 #26 What are the disadvantages of globalization to communication?
List of the Disadvantages of Globalization
- Globalization benefits the wealthy more than the poor. ...
- Globalization would encourage disease transfer. ...
- Globalization could reduce social safety net programs. ...
- Globalization would create a new system of politics.
 #27 Give 2 good impacts of globalization to communication?
Technologies, World become more accessible and equitable in general.
- 1. Today we are able to effectively communicate with people across the globe at the touch
of a button
- Another wonderful benefit of globalization is that, the world becomes more accessible and
equitable in general. Online courses and other virtual education give more people the ability
to learn more.
 #28 What is intercultural communication?
- It relates to interactions among people from different cultures.
- Intercultural communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from
different cultural backgrounds.
 #29 What is culture and differentiate dominant culture and co-culture?
- Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing
language, religion, social habits, music and arts.

- A dominant culture is one that has established its own norms, values, and preferences as the
standard for an entire group of people. On the other hand, a co-culture is a group whose values,
beliefs or behaviors set it apart from the larger culture, which it is a part of and with which it
shares many similarities.

 #30 Give 3 reasons why we need to study intercultural communication?

- 1. Understand your own identity.
- 2. Enhance personal and social interaction.
- 3. Solve misunderstandings, miscommunications, and mistrust.
- 4. Enhance and enrich the quality of civilization.
- 5. Become effective citizens of our national communities.
 #31 How do we improve intercultural communication so that stereotyping can be avoid.
Improving Intercultural Communication Competence
10 Tips for Improving Your Intercultural Communication Skills
- Avoid colloquialisms, jokes, and idioms. ...
- Practice actively listening and observing. ...
- Repeat or confirm what you think was being said. ...
- Don't ask yes or no questions. ...
- Pay attention to nonverbal communication. ...
- Speak slowly and clearly.
 #32 What do we consider as World Englishes?
- The term World Englishes refers to the differences in the English language that emerge as it
is used in various contexts across the world. ... These include American English, British
English, Australian English, Canadian English, Indian English, and so on.
 #33 How do linguistic background intercultural communication?
- Linguistics as a discipline makes two key contributions to the study of Intercultural
Communication. (i) It is the key contribution of discourse analysis and anthropological
linguistics to take culture as empirical and cultural identity, difference and similarity as
discursive constructions.
 #34 What are the varieties of Philippine English colonials and why?
- In Braj Kachru’s model of World English dialects, Philippine English belongs to what are
called the ‘outer circle’ countries and Philippines has a variety of English called Philippine
English or Taglish. This variety of English is passed down as the medium of communication
of the media and the majority of educated Filipinos. As they have been colonized from some
member countries in the Inner Circle making the varieties they speak as post-colonial.
 #35 What affects the structural characteristics in the variety of English?
- According to Nelson and Kachru in 2006, claim that these varieties of English are influenced
by the local language(s)in various areas of their grammars and exhibit specific phonological,
lexical, syntactic, and discoursal characteristics for instance in terms of stress and rhythm.
 #36 When do the varieties of English become part/standard of the English form?
- “If enough educated elites commit the same errors.”
- Varieties of English show how dynamic the language is. Features of varieties of English are
coming from different cultures and has evolved into post-colonial varieties
 #37 Explain the saying, “English is ours, but we have to colonized it too.”
- It is evidence that there is a distinct local variety of English well established that is being
used and is accepted as the standard in the Philippines.
 #38
 #39 Explain the language register in our class the style, register, field, tenor.
Tenor - refers to the roles we take up (student, parent, customer, employee) and our
relationships with others in any particular situation. (e.g. how politely or formally you speak)
Style - is a consequence of the constraints of register because it is the register in which people
operate that often determines the level of formality which is appropriate.
Register - is defined as the level of formality in language that's determined by the context in
which it is spoken or written. It can be formal or informal. Formal speech is proper, while
informal speech is conversational or casual.
Field - refers to the content or subject matter. In a school context, our language choices will vary
depending on such matters as the curriculum area and the topic being studied.
Mode - the channel of communication being used in a particular situation (e.g. oral, written,
 #40 What is formal and informal registers most often use in a workplace?
- Informal language is usually used when speaking; however, in many business and academic
presentations, people use formal language.
 #41 Differentiate academes, legalese and textese?
- 1. Academes- An artificial form of communication commonly used in institutes of higher
education designed to make small, relevant ideas appear important and original.
- 2. Legalese is the formal and technical language of legal documents that is often hard to
- 3. Textese is an (Informal) abbreviated form of language used in texting, instant messaging,
chat rooms, etc.
- For example, lawyers use legalese, while academics use academese. Jargon is also
sometimes known as lingo or argot. A passage of text.
 #42 How can good public speaking vital for personal development?
- Vital for personal development – Since it can boosts Confidence
Public speaking plays the critical role of equipping child with the skills to analyze a topic,
think logically, frame meaningful sentences, and present their thoughts in front of the
audience. By learning how to speak in public, students will be able to build their self-
 #43 How can good public speaking important to professional success?
- Crucial to professional success - It allows us to form connections, influence decisions.
Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working in life it would be nearly
impossible. Public speaking is one of the most important forms of communication.
 #44 How can good public speaking can have opportunities?
- Open doors reduce barriers and build connections - Effective public speaking skills can help
with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership
abilities, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market. ...
Speaking skills can also help you excel in job interviews.
 #45 What are 4 elements of elements for Public Speaking?
- Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback
 #46 What are the things to be consider before writing a speech?
- 1. Finding a topic – (Music)
- 2. Narrowing the topic - (The rise of OPM Music)
- 3. Selecting a purpose – to inform, to persuade, to entertain
- 4. Analyse the audience
- 5. Analyse the occasion
- 6. Researching for your topic- interviewing
- - using the library
- - using the computer database/internet
 #47
 #48 Give at least 2 patterns that we can use in writing a speech?
- The cause-effect pattern sets up a relationship between ideas that shows a progression
from origin to result. You could also start with the current situation and trace back to the
root causes. This pattern can be used for informative or persuasive speeches.
- The problem-solution pattern entails presenting a problem and offering a solution. This
pattern can be useful for persuasive speaking—specifically, persuasive speeches focused on
a current societal issue.
 #49 In speech delivery, what are the some speech introduction that may add to your speech.
- 1. Use humor.
- 2. Use an example.
- 3. Refer to the occasion.
- 4. Show the importance of the subject
- 5. Use startling information.
- 6. Use personal examples.
- 7. Use a quotation.
- 8. State your purpose, central idea, and main points.
 #50 How does one may end his/her speech?
- An individual can conclude his/her speech by
- 1. Summarizing their main ideas.
- 2. Also the can include a quotation.
- 3.Lastly, to inspire your audience to action.
 #51 What is Professional Communication?
- Relates to business professions or occupations. That encompasses written, oral, visual and
digital communication within a workplace context. This discipline blends together
 #52 Give at least 5 principles of professional conduct.
- 1. Integrity – it is the uprightness of character and honesty.
- 2. Respect –it is the appreciation of the dignity of all people.
- 3. Openness – free exchange of ideas within the bounds of reasonable behaviour.
- 4. Responsibility – the ability to meet your obligations or to act without the guidance.
- 5. Teamwork – unity of action by a group of workers to further the success of the
- 6. Self-improvement –maintain and enhance professional competence
- 7. Ethics – set of standards that guides behaviour defined by culture, community or
 #53 What are some culture attributes that can be consider in a workplace?
- Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Openness, Teamwork
 #55 With differences in gender characteristics, how can man and woman in a workplace?
- Men are task –oriented and focused on the end result and can move independently to
achieve it.
- Women are more concerned with the process and will connect and involve others as they
move towards their goal
 #57 What are the factors that can affect the change or the shift of language use in a workplace?
- Language shift results in the spread of the new language that is adopted, and may result in
the endangerment or loss of the old language. Language shift may be an object of conscious
policy; but equally it may be a phenomenon which is unplanned, and often unexplained.
 #58 How do we describe professional writing?
- By using the 3 style which is the Reader-centered, emphasize the positive, Use free-bias
- Make it reader-centered, When you write reader-centered articles, you write with the
reader in mind. You think more, feel more, give more. You write something that might just
change your reader's mind, if not their life.
- Use positive wordings, instead {We do not reply to emails on weekends.} (Negative wording)
You can response like {You may contact us via email at any time from Monday to Friday}
(Positive wording)
Use free-bias language, for example, use chairperson or chair instead of chairman, fire
fighter instead of fireman, or sales person instead of salesman.
 #59 Give at least 3 purposes of Workplace communication.
- 3. To record important workplace information
- 4. To give or ask information from other people within the company.
- 5. To persuade readers to take action.
- 6. To build an individual or company’s positive image.
 #60 What professional language can be used for the homogenous and diverse audience?
- 1. Homogeneous audience- a discourse community with the same level of technical
- 2. Diverse audience – Choice of words will be understood by everyone.
 #61 How will one will make his professional reader-center?
- You need to put your audience first (Well-written, thoughtful communication makes your
reader feel understood—it shows that you care. To make sure you’re not moving too
quickly, think through the Being yourself, Including your personal touches, as well as
considering some questions proactively)
 #62 How does one appear positive in professional writing despite negative situation?
- One of the ways is to Present solutions instead of problems. It's better to talk about what
you can do rather than what you can't. Take a full of positive attitudes over negative ones.
 #63
 #64 Give at least 3 examples of communication problem that may arise in a workplace.
- Collaborative Efforts
- Unchecked Gossip
- Chain Command
 #65 In what circumstances in a workplace conflict arise?
- In a Collaborative Efforts, gossips, closed loops
 #66
 #67
 #68 Verbal communication technique
- Examples of effective verbal communication skills include:
- Active listening.
- Asking for clarification.
- Asking open-ended questions to gain insights.
- Recognizing and responding to non-verbal cues.
- Speaking clearly and concisely.
- Using humor to engage audiences.
 #69
 #70
 #71 How will team building activities can contribute to improve interpersonal relationship in a
- Schedule team-building events on a regular basis.
- • Conduct an annual team-building workshop for employees.
- • Focus on psychology, communication and personality development
 #72 If you create a conflict management plan, what would it be and why?
- In the absence of a plan, it will help managers to resolve conflict by Stop Blaming because
Pinpointing responsibility for past actions can lead to learning, but doing so can easily cross
the boundary to blame, where accepting responsibility becomes difficult.

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