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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Sedyou
Subj: Program Expansions Concern

Good afternoon,

It was great to see you yesterday and get your thoughts on how to proceed with a wider
rollout. The project would not be where it is now without your input and wisdom. I'm still
worried about increasing the rollout outside the bar areas of our restaurants, as I mentioned in
our last meeting. Omar has requested that we extend out to all eating sections at the
Downtown and North locations, however I'm afraid this is beyond the scope of our initial
purpose. My past experience with similar projects has shown me that taking it one step at a
time is the safest way to go, since it gives workers room to experiment with solutions without
worrying too much about the larger picture. In order to better fulfill the needs of our
consumers, it is necessary to gradually expand our kitchen's capacity, as you mentioned
during our meeting. Satisfied customers are the ultimate source of our success. I think you
and I both worry that if we go for a large-scale deployment, it will have unintended
repercussions that would hurt our customers' happiness. I'd like to meet with Omar and
Deanna to further address your concerns about the rollout and expansion, and I was
wondering if you'd mind sharing a list with me. I hope that we can reach an agreement as a
group and get Omar and Deanna on board with the idea that a slow and steady approach
would produce the best outcomes for sustaining revenue growth going forward. I believe that
if we present a unified front to Omar and Deanna, we will have a greater chance of
persuading them to adopt our point of view.

Warm Regards,

Project Manager

Email #2

From: Peta
To: Carter
Subj: Program Expansions Concern

Good afternoon,

Seydou It was great to see you yesterday and get your thoughts on how to proceed with a
wider rollout. The project would not be where it is now without your input and wisdom. I'm still
worried about increasing the rollout outside the bar areas of our restaurants, as I mentioned in
our last meeting. Omar has requested that we extend out to all eating sections at the
Downtown and North locations, however I'm afraid this is beyond the scope of our initial
purpose. My past experience with similar projects has shown me that taking it one step at a
time is the safest way to go, since it gives workers room to experiment with solutions without
worrying too much about the larger picture. In order to better fulfill the needs of our
consumers, it is necessary to gradually expand our kitchen's capacity, as you mentioned
during our meeting. Satisfied customers are the ultimate source of our success. I think you
and I both worry that if we go for a large-scale deployment, it will have unintended
repercussions that would hurt our customers' happiness. I'd like to meet with Omar and
Deanna to further address your concerns about the rollout and expansion, and I was
wondering if you'd mind sharing a list with me. I hope that we can reach an agreement as a
group and get Omar and Deanna on board with the idea that a slow and steady approach
would produce the best outcomes for sustaining revenue growth going forward. I believe we
can persuade Omar and Deanna to join us if we present a unified front. Best wishes, Manage

Warm Regards,

Project Manager

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