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Ark of Osiris – The Basics: 1

There are only 3 basic strategies in the Ark of Osiris game mode. There are many variations
on these or combinations of them, but they all boil down to these:

1. Defensive strategy – The structures game

a. Points are gained by occupation of structures, the more structures you can
hold, and the more you can disrupt possession time of your enemy, you can
win the match on these points alone.
2. Offensive strategy – The Ark game
a. All emphasis is on taking every Ark through brute force. Completion of the
escort of the ark is worth 3000 points, and there are seldom more than 3-4
opportunities in the time allowed, so this strategy must be combined with
holding some structures to accrue enough points to win the match.
3. Provisions – Farming for the win!
a. Farming alone cannot win the match, but the additional points can be a real
game-changer as no single strategy is ever really enough to insure a win.
Normally this strategy is combined with the defensive strategy.

Early game, most players won’t have the troop numbers available to engage in serious
fighting for the duration of the match, and the defensive game revolves around rally and
garrison duties which are less taxing on overall numbers.

In the first matches we should try to enforce a disciplined approach: too many times players
become disoriented, over-excited and just want to go fight someone. This should NOT be
encouraged… moreover, we should probably THREATEN anyone that does this with
disqualification for future events.

Nobody… but NOBODY should just go out and try to solo-fight on the field. This earns
ZERO points and will NOT lead to an ark victory.

In our first ark match, I would recommend that we adopt a defensive strategy:
1. Rally own obelisk
2. Rally enemy obelisk to delay them from getting into position
3. Touch/occupy all structures on our end, and garrison nearest 3 on each team (North
& South teams)
4. Rally enemy structures, retreat, rally enemy structures again, and again, and again.
5. Farm!
6. At some point during the match, we can make the decision whether to chase an
ark… if we are winning significantly, this would be fun, and could ensure they cannot
possibly catch us on points …even if we abandon structures.

NOTE: We will be facing inexperienced teams, and this may mean that THEIR players are
wandering aimlessly on the field looking for fights. This can be tempting… players will want
to engage and fight them, but again, this doesn’t earn us points. Late in the match, we might
be clearly winning and we may want let people “go crazy” to gain individual kill points this
way, but only if we are winning easily, or losing badly with no hope of a victory.

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