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Liceul Tehnologic Virgil Madgearu

An școlar 2022-2023 .


Nume : Groșereanu
Prenume : Ana Maria
Clasa : a XI-a A
Profesor coordonator : Petrescu Nicoleta Gabriela
I.Tenses ;
II.Information Latter ;
III.Nouns and articles ;
IV.Letter of aplication ;
V.Exercise 5/page 25 .
a. Present Simple .

Def. We use the 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 tense to express habitual,

regular actions, valid general truths and customs.
Formation :
 Affirmative : S + V1 /S + V(-s,-es)
Ex : I speak English.
She speaks English.
 Negative : S + do/does + not V1
Ex : I do not speak English .
 Interogative : Do/does + S + V1
Ex : Do I speak English?
Does she speak English?

b. Present Progresive .

Def. We use the 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬 tense to express actions

that are happening at the moment of speaking or actions that take
place over a long period of time, including the moment of speaking.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + To be + V (ing)
Ex : I am reading.
He is reading.
 Negative : S + To be + not + V (ing)
Ex : I am not reading.
He is not reading.
 Ienterogative : To be + S + V (ing) + ?
Ex : Am I reading?
Is he reading?

c. Present Perfect .

Def. We use the tense 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 to express an action

that started in the past and ended in the past at an undefined time or
that continues at the moment of speaking.Or a past action whose
result is visible at the time of speaking .
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + have/has + V3
Ex : I have read a book.
He has read a book
 Negative : S + have/has + not + V3
Ex : I have not read a book.
He has not read a book.
 Interogative : Have/has + S + V3 + ?
Ex : Have I read a book?
Has he read a book?

d. Present Perfect Progresive .

Def . We use the tense 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬 to express

an action that started in the past, and which continues until the
moment of speaking .
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + have/has + been + V(ing)
Ex : I have been reading a book.
 Negative : S + have/has +not + been + V(ing)
Ex : I have not been reading a book.
 Interogative : Have/has + Sub + been + V(ing) + ?
Ex : Have I been reading a book?
e. Past Simple .
Def. We use the Past Simple tense to express an action that
started and finished in the past.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + V2
Ex : I went to school. ( go – went -gone)
I kissed her. ( kiss + ed)
 Negative : S + did not + V2

Ex :I did not go to school.

I did not kiss her
 Interogative : Did + Sub + V1 + ?
Ex : Did I go to school?
Did I kiss her?

f. Past Continuous .

Def. Folosim timpul Past Continuous pentru a exprima o

acțiune care a început în trecut și a s-a desfășurat continuu
pentru o perioadă de timp.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + was/were + V (ing)
Ex : They were dancing .
 Negative : S + was/were + not + V (ing)
Ex : They were not dancing.
 Interogative : Was/were + S + V (ing) + ?
Ex : Were they dancing?

g. Past perfect .

Def. We use the Past Perfect tense to express an action that

took place in the past and ended in the past, before another
action also in the past.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + had + V3
Ex : I had lived in Romania before I moved to England .
 Negative : S + had + not + V3
Ex : I had not lived in Romania before I moved to England .
 Interogative : Had + S+ V3 + ?
Ex : Had I lived in Romania before I moved to England?
h. Past Perfect Continuous .

Def . We use the Past Perfect Continuous tense to express an

action that was ongoing for a certain period of time before
another action in the past .
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + had been + V (ing)
Ex : They had been running when the rain started .
 Negative : S + had not been + V (ing)
Ex : They had not been running when the rain started .
 Interogative : Had + S + been + V (ing) + ?
Ex : Had they been running when the rain started?

i . Simple Future .
Def. We use the Future Simple tense to express a future
action in general or an action related to a certain period of
time in the future.
Formation :
 Afirmative: S + will/shall + V1
Ex : I shall/will go home.
She will sing.
 Negative : S + will/shall + not + V1
Ex : She will not sing.
 Interogative : Will/shall + S + V1 + ?
Ex : Will she sing?

j. Future Continuous .
Def.. We use the Future Continuous tense to express an
action that begins and continues in the future.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + will+ be + V (ing)
Ex : She will be singing.
 Negative : S + will + not + be +V (ing)
Ex : She will not be singing .
 Interogative : Will + Sub + be +V (ing) ?
Ex : Will she be singing?
K . Future Perfect .
Def. We use the Future Perfect tense to express an action in
the future that will have been completed before or by another time
in the future .
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + will + have + V3
Ex : She will have finished cooking by the time you come home .
 Negative : S+ will + not + have + V3
Ex : She will not have finished cooking by the time you come
 Interogative : Will + S+ have + V3
Ex : Will she have finished cooking by the time you come

l . Future Perfect Continuous .

Def. We use the Future Perfect Continuous tense to express an
action that will still be in progress at a certain time in the future.
Formation :
 Afirmative : S + will + have been + V (ing)
Ex : She will have been writing that book for 2 years next June.
 Negative : S + will + not + have been + V (ing)
Ex : She will not have been writing that book for 2 years next
 Interogative : Will + Sub + have been + V (ing) + ?
Ex : Will she have been writing that book for 2 years next June .

II. Information Latter .

o Structure :

1. The heading
The heading contains the return address with the date on the last
line. Sometimes it is necessary to include a line before the date with
a phone number, fax number, or e-mail address. Often there is a line
skipped between the address and the date. It is not necessary to
type a return address if you are using stationery with the return
address already imprinted, but you should always use a date. Make
sure the heading is on the left margin.
Ms. Jane Doe
543 Washington St
Marquette, MI 49855
June 28, 2011

2. Recipient’s Address .
This is the address you are sending your letter to. Be sure to make it
as complete as possible so it gets to its destination. Always include
title names (such as Dr.) if you know them. This is, like the other
address, on the left margin. If a standard 8 ½” x 11” paper is folded
in thirds to fit in a standard 9” business envelope, the inside address
should appear through the window in the envelope (if there is one).
Be sure to skip a line after the heading and before the recipient’s
address, then skip another line after the inside address before the
greeting. For an example, see the end of this sheet for a sample

3. The Date .
Next just below the address we write the date. This allows
the reader to have a reference as to when the address was written.
He can then relate better to the contents of the letter.
(day,month,year etc).

4. Body of the letter .

The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block
letter formats, single space and left justify each paragraph. Be sure
to leave a blank line between each paragraph, however, no matter
the format. Be sure to also skip a line between the salutation and the
body, as well as the body and the close.
5. Introducing Paragraph
And now we begin writing the actual letter. The introductory
paragraph sets the tone for the whole letter. You might begin by
asking the recipient about their well being. Or you may say that you
hope the letter finds them in good health and great spirits. The
opening of informal letters should be casual and comforting. It must
not be formal and direct as in business letters .

6. Signature
The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block
letter formats, single space and left justify each paragraph. Be sure
to leave a blank line between each paragraph, however, no matter
the format. Be sure to also skip a line between the salutation and the
body, as well as the body and the close.

7. Conclusion
If you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you can
indicate this by typing “Enclosures” one line below the listing. You
also may include the name of each document.
III. Nouns and articles .
A. Nouns
Def. The noun represents the part of speech that names beings,
things, objects, natural phenomena, states, feelings.
Ex. : boy , girl , pencil , table , thunder , emotion , love , happiness .
a. Common nouns
It designates beings (people and animals) and objects/things.
Ex: Man : The man walks into the room.
Pencil :Give me the pencil, please!
b. Proper nouns
Designates surnames and first names, names of mountains, cities,
seas, oceans, etc .
Ex. : John eats an orange every evening.
Every month, me and my husband eat at Jaristea Restaurant .
c. Abstract substantives
Sunt acele substantive care desemneaza un aspect, o idee, un
concept, o stare de spirit, o calitate, o traire, un sentiment, sau orice
altceva dincolo de concret.
Ex. : Love - Please send her my love!
Liberty - The prisoners were not at liberty to speak
d. Collective nouns
They are those nouns that refer to a group of people or things.
Normally, they are used in the singular. In British English they can
be used with both singular and plural verbs. In American English
they always have a singular verb.
Ex. : army ; audience ; board ; cabinet ; family etc.

In English, we can speak of 4 genres :
1. Male gender .
Ex. : man , lion, boy , king etc.
2. Female gender .
Ex. : woman , girl, queen , lady etc.
3. Gender neutral
Ex. : table , tree, book , train etc.
4. Gender comon (they are those nouns that refer to beings that
can be both masculine and feminine.)
Ex. : chil , student , friend, leader etc.
a. Countable nouns (they are those nouns that can have both
singular and plural forms. The plural forms are the following)
 Plural with "s" :
Ex. : book – books
hand – hands
Exceptions :
photo - photos
kilo - kilos

 Plural with "ies"( Nouns ending in "consonant + y" receive the

ending "-ies" in the plural)
Ex. : baby - babies
factory - factories

 Plural with "ves"( Some nouns ending in "-f" or "-fe" receive the
ending "-ves" in the plural.)
Ex. : wife - wives
wolf - wolves
Exceptions : proof – proofs
belief – beliefs

 Irregular plurals (Some nouns change their vowels when they

are plural)
Ex. : mouse - mice
tooth – teeth

 Nouns that have the same singular and plural form

Ex. : deer
b. Uncountable nouns (They usually only have the singular form.)

B. Articles
a. Indefinite article
Def. We use indefinite articles to refer to an object, but not one in
Ex. : a small boat
an interesting story
 We use "a" with :
Ex. : - nouns or adjectives beginning with consonants
- nouns or adjectives beginning with vowels that make
consonant sounds
 We use "an" with:
Ex. : - nouns or adjectives beginning with vowels
- nouns or adjectives beginning with silent consonants that
make a vowel sound .
Ex. : a big elephant
a uniform

b. Definite article
 We use "the" for: one specific thing;
two or more things ;
superlatives ;
uncountable noun .
Ex. :

 I can't find the email you sent me yesterday.

 Who are the people you were talking to?
 She is the tallest girl in the class.

!!! We use "the" with nouns and adjectives that start with a vowel or
a consonant, but the pronunciation of the vowel changes:
o before a vowel : e.g. 'the apples'
o before a consonant : e.g. 'the big house .
IV. Letter of aplication .
Def. A letter of application is yet another name for a cover letter or
job application letter. You submit it with your resume to apply for
jobs. It’s a one-page letter intended to explain why you’re a perfect
fit for the advertised position.
o Structure :
 Create enough spacing: 1–1.15 between lines, 1-inch
margins, double space between paragraphs
 Choose the font: Garamond, Helvetica, or Arial in 11–12
points in a font size
 Align the content to the left
 Pick the file format: PDF, unless the recruiter requested a
Word file specifically
 Name the file: JobTitle_YourName_ApplicationLetter.pdf,
which in a real example would look like this,
o How to Write an Aplication Letter ?
1. Create an ATS – Friendly Job Application Letter
Template ;
2. Open Your Application Letter Right ;
3. Show Off in the Middle ;
4. Close Your Letter of Application With a CTA .

V. Exercise 5
Write a letter to an old friend you haven`t seen for a few years,
telling him/her about what has changed and what has remained the
same since you last saw him/her .

My dear friend ,
Hello , Anastasia ! It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other ...
and I wanted to see if you are well and to tell you how things are
around here in your native country , compared to how you knew
them when you left .
First of all , our city has been modernized a little , compared to
how you knew it .The parks where we used to play when we were
little have been completely changed and modernized and the streets
are much more beautifully laid out . The other friends of cours that
you know are not all here anymore ,some of them have left and
others are still in these lands .
Even if we haven’t seen each other for a long time , you know
that you will still be my friend and that I can’t wait to see you again ,
when I come on vacantion with my parents in France .

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