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Precision Agriculture System Using Verilog

Hardware Description Language to Design an ASIC

Rajesh Khatri
Jitendra Patidar R.C. Gurjar
Department of Electronics and
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Instrumentation Instrumentation
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of
Technology and Science
Technology and Science Technology and Science
(Autonomous) (Autonomous)
Indore, India
Indore, India Indore, India

Abstract— Objective of this paper to explain how traditional technology implemented in agriculture than organic farming
agriculture in India can be replaced with smart and precision possible and we can easily match production according to
agriculture by controlling different parameter using population growth, and disease due to inorganic vegetables
programmed hardware through Verilog hardware description and fruits can be controlled.
language with available sensor network data to develop an
A Beecham's report for Precision agriculture: Report
There are different parameters which are responsible for predicts that using precision agriculture crop production will
growth of plant, by controlling that parameter production and increased by approximately 60 percent till 2050 to meet
growth of plant can be improved rapidly in compare of consumption rate of food our evaluated world population
traditional agriculture around 9.7 billion people [2].
Issue in traditional agriculture can easily remove through In Indian economy strongholds of agriculture and
precision agriculture based network. Using precision approximately 15.45 percent of the country’s gross domestic
agriculture organic farming can possible so disease cause by product (GDP) contributes by agriculture sector in 2017-18,
inorganic farming can overcome easily. Water supply in for crop production at worldwide level India positioned at
traditional agriculture is more than need of plant so more
second rank. In India only agriculture section provided work
energy consume to supply more water, using precision
agriculture water supply according to need of plant so energy to 58.4 percent of labor section [3].
conservation possible. Data analysis of agriculture sector can In India, supply of necessary material for growing crop and
give correct information about consumption and production of transfer of harvested crops for farmers of India is influence
different crops, vegetables, fruits. According to data analysis by improper facility for transportation and supply. Farmer in
farmer can easily grow different crops according to demand India get around 16 percent cost of product pays by
with the help of precision agriculture. consumer for same product, difference of 84 percent going
to merchant, product Supply Company and middle man,
Keywords: Traditional agriculture, precision agriculture, Verilog Whereas Farmers in developed economies of Europe and the
Hardware Description Language, sensor network, Organic United States receive 64% to 81% for their produce [4].


A. Block diagram and flow chart
In the last few years all areas related applications are
being developed in recent technology like automation and With the help of verilog language we can develop a
internet of things. In Indian economy agriculture plays an system based on FPGA that monitors water supply, PH
important role. Most of the population depends on value, nutrients ratio, temperature, moisture, humidity, and
agriculture. Due to traditional agriculture the crop damaged light intensity. Using above mention parameter an algorithm
which cause loss for farmer and hence precision agriculture develop to code processor for controlling hardware
based on automation concept was introduced. Using according to sensor data. For outdoor farming we can
precision agriculture crop production increase and crop monitor all above mentioned parameter but control water
damage will reduce. In precision agriculture all parameter supply, nutrients ratio, moisture only. For indoor farming
responsible for plant growth can be monitor and vary we can monitor and control all above mentioned parameter.
according to need of plant growth [1]. System for remotely monitoring temperature, moisture,
Nowadays population increase rapidly but production not humidity, PH value, nutrients ratio, light intensity and water
increase in that same ratio. For matching production supply. Fig 1 shows the system contain sensors, FPGA,
according to population, and save crops from altering Field Data etc.
atmosphere pesticides and chemical fertilizers in bulk
quantity used. Due to traditional agriculture with pesticides There are following parameters which are important in
and chemical fertilizers produce inorganic crops, vegetables, agriculture for plant growth:-
and fruits, consumption of inorganic fruits, vegetables, and 1) Temperature,2) Moisture,3) PH value,4) Light intensity
crops for many diseases in human being and other animals. 5) Humidity
Traditional way of farming used by maximum farmer in
India because farmer not known about technology. If

978-1-7281-5543-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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Fig: 1 Block diagram for precision agriculture

1) Temperature
For better plant growth day temperature required around
26°C to 30°C and night temperature around 15°C to 18°C.
Hardware like heater and cooler can be used for controlling Fig: 2 Flow chart for parameter control
temperature in appropriate limit.

2) Moisture B. Module division and sensor used

For better plant growth moisture should be in balance, Here we divide module into two parts one for temperature
which can be controlled through proper water supply with and humidity control, and another one for moisture and light
the help of hardware like motor pump. intensity control.
For both module different sensors can be used are given
3) PH value below:
PH value required for better plant growth is between 5 to
7.Nutrients and water supply to plant according to that limit For module 1 (Temperature and humidity) – DHT11
of PH value. For module 2 (Moisture and light intensity) – FC-28 and
LDR [6].
4) Light intensity
For better plant growth day intensity of light needed around C. Finite state machine design
10 lumen to 20 lumen. Hardware like LED can be used for a) For temperature and humidity control module
controlling intensity of light in indoor farming.
Fig: 3 shows the Temperature and humidity control module
5) Humidity design using Finite state machine (FSM).
For better plant growth should be higher than 65 percent. Ist state: as shown in Fig.3 At Ist state all the sensor
Hardware like humidifier can be used for controlling output data is zero and it’s reset state where all hardware
humidity in appropriate limit [5]. also turn off.
IInd state: At IInd state, if temperature is lower than
That above mentioned five parameter can be sense through (00010100) i.e. 20°C, than heater will be on according to
different sensors and process through FPGA. If sensed algorithm till temperature reach at 20°C for better plant
parameters are not in appropriate limit then further action on growth otherwise system at Ist state.
hardware (like- heater, cooler, water pump, LED etc.) IIIrd state: At IIIrd state, if temperature is higher than
command through FPGA. This processed data can also (00011010) i.e. 26°C, than cooler will be on according to
available on android application and software on PC trough algorithm till temperature reach at 26°C for better plant
WIFI module interfaced to FPGA. growth otherwise system at Ist state.
IVth state: At IVth state, if humidity is lower than
Fig 2 shows the above procedure for particular temperature (01000001) i.e. 65%, than humidifier will be on according
data using flow chart. to algorithm till humidity reach at 65% for better plant
growth otherwise system at Ist state.

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A. For temperature and humidity control module
Fig: 5 shows the XILINX-ISE 14.7 generated RTL for
temperature and humidity control module.

Fig: 3 state machine design for Temperature and humidity

control module
b) For light intensity and moisture control module
Fig: 4 shows the light intensity and moisture control module
design using Finite state machine (FSM).
A stage: as shown in Fig.4 At A stage all the sensor
output data is zero and it’s reset state where all hardware
also turn off.
B stage: At B stage light intensity is lower than Fig: 5 RTL of temperature and humidity control module
(00001010) i.e. 10 lumen, than light_high will be on
according to algorithm till light intensity reach at 10 lumen
for better plant growth otherwise system at A stage. Fig: 6 shows the mentor graphics EDA tool generated layout
C stage: At C stage light intensity is higher than for temperature and humidity control module.
(00010100) i.e. 20 lumen, than light_low will be on
according to algorithm till light intensity reach at 20 lumen
for better plant growth otherwise system at A stage.
D stage: At D stage moisture is below 1 i.e. (0) means
low, than motor will be on according to algorithm till
moisture reach at (1) means high for better plant growth
otherwise system at A stage.

Fig: 4 state machine design for light intensity and moisture Fig: 6 Layout of temperature and humidity control module
control module

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Fig: 7 shows the XILINX-ISE 14.7 generated waveform for temperature and humidity control module.

Fig: 7 Waveform for temperature and humidity control module

Fig: 8 shows the mentor graphics EDA tool generated post layout simulation for temperature and humidity control module.

Fig: 8 Post layout simulation for temperature and humidity control module

Table: 1 represents the Comparison between FPGA and post layout simulation results for temperature and humidity control

S. No. Temperature Humidity

Input FPGA Post Layout Input FPGA Post Layout
1. 00010000(16°C) Heater=on Heater=on 00000001(1%) Humidifire= on Humidifire= on
2. 00010001(17°C) Heater=on Heater=on 00000010(2%) Humidifire= on Humidifire= on
3. 00010010(18°C) Heater=on Heater=on 00000100(4%) Humidifire= on Humidifire= on
4. 00010011(19°C) Heater=on Heater=on 00000101(5%) Humidifire= on Humidifire= on
5. 00010100(20°C) Both off Both off 00000111(7%) Humidifier= on Humidifire= on
6. 00011010(26°C) Both off Both off 01000000(64%) Humidifire= on Humidifire= on
7. 00011110(30°C) Cooler=on Cooler=on 01000001(65%) Humidifire= off Humidifire= off
8. 00011111(31°C) Cooler=on Cooler=on 01000010(66%) Humidifire=off Humidifire=off

Table: 1 comparison between FPGA and Post layout Simulation output

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B. For light intensity and moisture control module
Fig: 9 shows the XILINX-ISE 14.7 generated RTL for Fig: 10 shows the mentor graphics EDA tool generated
light intensity and moisture control module. layout for light intensity and moisture control module.

Fig: 9 RTL of light intensity and moisture control module Fig: 10 layout of intensity and moisture control module

Fig: 11 shows the XILINX-ISE 14.7 generated waveform for light intensity and moisture control module.

Fig: 11 Waveform for light intensity and moisture control module

Table: 2 represents the Comparison between FPGA and post layout simulation results for light intensity and moisture control

S. No. Light intensity Moisture

Input FPGA Post Layout Input FPGA Post Layout
1. 00001000(8 lumen) Light_high=on Light_high=on 0(low) Motor=on Motor=on
2. 00001010(10 lumen) Both off Both off 1(high) Motor=off Motor=off
3. 00001011(16 lumen) Both off Both off 0(low) Motor=on Motor=on
4. 00010100(20 lumen) Both off Both off 1(high) Motor=off Motor=off
5. 00010101(21 lumen) Light_low=on Light_low=on 0(low) Motor=on Motor=on
6. 00010111(23 lumen) Light_low=on Light_low=on 1(high) Motor=off Motor=off
7. 00011111(31 lumen) Light_low=on Light_low=on 0(low) Motor=on Motor=on
8. 00111111(63 lumen) Light_low=on Light_low=on 1(high) Motor=off Motor=off

Table: 2 comparison between FPGA and Post layout Simulation output

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traditional agriculture to overcome this problem, whereas
IV. DIFFERENT TYPE OF FARMING DONE THROUGH THIS in precision agriculture temperature can maintain to
PROPOSED METHADOLOGY growth of plants.
There are two types of farming –
1) Outdoor farming, 2) Indoor farming 5) Forest animals and thief is main problem in traditional
In outdoor farming parameter like temperature, humidity, agriculture it can be overcome through camera and alarm
fertility, light intensity, PH value etc depends on system in precision agriculture.
atmosphere and water supply, moisture, nutrients supply
can be controlled through hardware and other parameter 6) Due to use of pesticide and chemical fertilizer many
can only monitor. Geoponics used in outdoor farming in new diseases cause in plant. Human being and animal
which crops, vegetables, fruits grow in soil. health also affected by inorganic farming but using
In indoor farming all parameter can controlled through precision agriculture supply of nutrients according to
hardware so it is easy to make atmosphere according to growth of plant.
vegetables and fruits requirement. Hydroponics and
aeroponics in which vegetables, fruits grow in water and 7) Unnecessary labor require in traditional agriculture due
mist respectively. to improper maintenance, it can be overcome by proper
management and precision agriculture.
List of plant and tree can be grow in Indoor and Outdoor
farming according to production, possibilities, expanse,
and return wise – 8) Farmer doesn’t believe in new technology and research
work done by agriculture scientist because they think it
A) Outdoor farming- a) Tree of fruits,b) Crops including will be risky, expansive, and non advantageous.
pulses plant, oil producing plant, grain plant, spice plant,
and herbal plant etc.
B) Indoor farming- a) Vegetables, b) Flowers, c) Plant
with leaf as their product, d) Fruits with creeper etc. This design of precision agriculture system parameter
control algorithm is simulated and synthesized by
XILINX-ISE software and got the expected results. This
design is tested on ARTIX-7 board and then ASIC is
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