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Reflection Paper

1. How would you classify the type of Physical activity that your family engaged in?
- My family engages in muscle building and aerobic activities because they
work on their business from morning to night, and we all know that when there's
a business, they have to go to various houses in our subdivision. In addition,
some members of my family exercise by lifting weights and cycling. When my
mother and father went somewhere, I remember that all they used was a
bicycle to get there.

2. Who among the family member/s is the most active? Least active?
- In our family, I think the most active is my father, because he is always the
one who delivered the food to other houses by walking, and sometimes, when
there’s a time he always goes for a long ride with his friends. And, I think the
least active is me. These past few days, I don’t have time to exercise or go for
a walk because I focused myself on my online class and pending works. I spend
7-10 hours straight seating and just do my home works. Luckily, every Tuesday,
I have time to move because, there is always time for exercise. Then after that
day, back to normal again, so I can say that I am the least active among my
family members.

3. Did you meet the recommended physical activity as per the guidelines set by WHO?
- Unfortunately, No. My family didn't meet the recommended physical
activity guideline provided by the World Health Organization because we are
busy on school and business since my whole family is currently engaged in work
from home workforce. Even though they are working, I think it does not enough
for them to reach the guideline, even so am I, didn’t meet the right guidelines.

4. How will you increase the level of engagement of family members to physical activity?
- Since we are unable to leave our village due to the pandemic, I will
encourage them to exercise at home or simply go outside on our property. The
first thing I'll suggest to them is to follow a dance on youtube(Zumba), and while
we'll be exercising, we'll still be bonding as a family. Next, I'll ask them if they
should restrict their sedentary screen time (computers, laptops, video games,
and television) to no more than two hours a day and instead engage in
productive activities such as biking, walking, and doing housework. Also, I need
it to remind myself of that kind of practice because I am no longer
participating in various activities, with the exception of my online class.

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