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A nation is built up of relationships, a place

How does Rizal and his

where everyone is governed by the same
work relate to Typically, nationalism is understood as an

Philippine nationalism?
ideology or movement that seeks to
establish and uphold political autonomy for
a nation-named group of people, primarily
in the form of state sovereignty. The idea
that people are separated into countries
and that these nations form the basis of
From those who had colonial independent sovereign states is at the core
of nationalism.
mentalities to those who were eager to
give their lives for their country, Jose A set of political, social, and economic
Rizal was able to portray the Filipino in ideologies known as nationalism are based on
the idea of achieving and preserving self-
a number of ways. Rizal also made governance and are characterized by the
contributions to Philippine literature, support of one nation's interests.
art, and medicine, all of which continue
to be of interest to his countrymen A nation provides the state with its
identity and reason for existing, while a
today. Rizal's actions were almost state provides institutions to govern
always consistent with his love of the Relationship to state and protect the interests of the nation.
and state-state
Philippines. The use of these concepts As a result, a nation and a state are
in resolving contemporary social and mutually dependent on one another.

personal problems and difficulties is

encouraged by Rizal's life and works in
relation to Philippine nationalism in The birth of the contemporary system of
order to better understand and Origins of the state states, sometimes known as the
and nation-state "Westphalian system," was and is attributed
appreciate all that Rizal gave his life in to the nation-state.
order to achieve.

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