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Division of Albay

Polangui South District

S.Y 2021- 2022



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _________

I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

__________1. The Philippines has only two seasons, dry season and wet season.

__________2. The Philippines is near the equator; thus it has a tropical climate.

__________3. During Northeast Monsoon, the wind picks up a lot of water from the ocean, which brings rain.

__________4. The Habagat causes floods and landslides due to heavy rain.

__________5. Our country experiences a cold dry season from March to May and a hot dry season from
November to February.
__________6. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

__________7. Mars is the hottest planer

__________8. Gas is the general state of matter of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

__________9. Uranus is the coldest and farthest planet from the Sun.

__________10. Mars is the largest planet in the solar system.

_________11. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in a particular place within a short period of time.
__________12. Barometer is used to measures air pressure.

__________13. Rain gauge is used to measures the amount of rainfall.

__________14. Astronomers are the people who study and forecast the weather.

__________15. The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night.

II. Draw the Sun if the statement pertain to DRY season and a cloud if the statement pertains to
WET season.

__________1. It occurs from June to October.

__________2. It occurs from December to May.

__________3. It brings strong winds and heavy rains.

__________4. People usually wear jackets and bring umbrellas.

__________5. People usually wear shirts and shorts and bring umbrella

__________6. Construction projects are usually in demand during this season.

__________7. People enjoy indoor activities and warm foods.

__________8. People are prone to heat stroke.

__________9. There is a constant rainfall that may lead to flood and landslide.

_________10. It may result to rice scarcity due to drought.

III. Complete the characteristics of the given planets by choosing the correct word from the parenthesis.
Underline the correct answer.
1. EARTTH is a ( gaseous , terrestrial ) planet.
2. JUPITER is the ( biggest , smallest ) planet.
3. MARS is a ( blue , red ) planet.
4. MERCURY is the ( biggest , smallest ) planet.
5. MERCURY is the ( nearest , farthest ) planet from the Sun.
6. NEPTUNE is the ( coldest, hottest ) planet.
7. NEPTUNE is the ( farthest , nearest ) planet from the sun.
8. SATURN is a ( rock , ring ) planet.
9. URANUS is a/an ( ice , rock ) giant planet.
10. VENUS is the ( coldest , hottest ) planet

IV. Encircle the planet that does not belong to the group of either terrestrial planet or gaseous planet.

1. Mars Earth Saturn Mercury

2. Neptune Jupiter Saturn Earth

3. Uranus Mars Mercury Earth

4. Jupiter Venus Earth Mars

5. Jupiter Venus Mars Earth

6. Mercury Uranus Jupiter Saturn

7. Neptune Mars Earth Mercury

8. Jupiter Saturn Mars Uranus

9. Venus Earth Jupiter Mars

10. Earth Neptune Uranus Jupiter

IV .Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the condition of the atmosphere in a particular place within a short period of time.
a. Climate b. season c. weather
2. They are the people who study and forecast the weather
a. Astronomers b. meteorologist c. weather men
3. It refers to the hotness and coldness of air.
a. Humidity b. pressure c. temperature
4. It measures air pressure.
a. Anemometer b. barometer c. thermometer
5. It measures the amount of rainfall.
a. Wind vane b. rain gauge c. we ather thermometer

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