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Bone and muscle are joined together with ➔ Tendons

Which is the largest bone in the human body ➔ Femur
Cardiac muscle tissue is a contractile tissue present only in ➔ Heart
The cardiac muscle of the heart is the ➔ Myocardium
Which of the following is an example of a hinge joint? ➔ between knee joints
How many bones are there in human spinal column? ➔ 33
how many bones are there in a human body? ➔ 206
Which is the longest muscle in the body? ➔ Sartorius
_______ are a connective tissue which connect two bones to each other ➔ Ligaments
Which tissue connects bone to bone? ➔ Ligament
In our body Ligaments connect _____________ ➔ Ligament

The femur bones of the human body are also known as ______. ➔ Thigh Bone

______ is the smallest bone in the human body. ➔ Stapes

The human skull is made up of ______ number of bones. ➔ 22 or 12 pairs

Right Lungs are larger than left Lungs

How many lobes are present in the left lung and choose their correct names? ➔ Two lobes
How many lobes are present in the right lung and choose their correct names? ➔ Three lobes
Which of the following term divides upper and lower lobes of the left lung ➔ Oblique fissure

Lungs covered by membrane called ➔ Pleura

Humans have ________ joint between sternum and ribs ➔ cartilaginous

The joint in our elbow is an example of ➔ hinge joint

Which of the following joints does not allow any movement? ➔ Fibrous joint

The type of joint between the skull bones is ➔ Fibrous joint

In muscle contraction, this ion is essential ➔ Ca

Name the four classes of bones? ➔ Long, Short, Flat, and Irregular

The joint between atlas and axis is _____________ ➔ Pivot joint

how many lobes are present in right lung? ➔ 3

The tricuspid valve is present between ➔ right auricle and right ventricle
Bundle of His is a network of ➔ Muscle fibres present only in the ventricle wall

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