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Activity 1 Complete the table to show the differences between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

Size. Which is the biggest,

which is the smallest?

Is there a nucleus? If no,

what is present instead of
the nucleus?

Do they have cell walls?

Are there lots of organelles

or only a few?

What types of organisms are

made of up of these cells?


Figure 4 Diagram showing the ultra-structure of an animal cell

NUCLEUS (The Hereditary Organelle)
Largest organelle. Surrounded by nuclear membrane containing nuclear pores
Nucleoplasm contains:
 Nucleolus
 Chromosomes
1. Rough ER (RER):
 Ribosomes attached.
 Transport proteins synthesized by ribosomes around cell.
2. Smooth ER (SER):
 No ribosomes attached.
 Contains enzymes that are involved in making lipids.

Very small organelles.
Proteins are made in them. Proteins are important to
life. All cells must produce them, for this reason
there are many, many ribosomes inside cells

Stack (pile) of flattened cavities surrounded by many secretory vesicles
Function: Sort out and package proteins and lipids arriving from RER ready for release from


Sausage shaped
Function: Powerhouse of the cell. Involved in cellular respiration where energy is released from

Which cells do you think need a large amount of energy? ________________

Microtubules are fine, threadlike tubules that are found throughout the cytoplasm.
They make up the cytoskeleton of the cell and therefore are involved in helping to keep the shape
of a cell.

A centriole is made up of a group of microtubules arranged to form a cylinder.
During cell division the centrioles are involved in making the spindle
which help the chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell.

Look like vesicles but contain enzymes that are strong enough to breakdown
various chemicals and parts of cells.
To remove/breakdown unwanted cell structures/chemicals.


Surrounds outside of cell
Composed of phospholipids & proteins
Extend your knowledge about cell transport mechanisms (the ways in which the cell can take in
or remove substances across its cell surface membrane) by completing the following table using
the text book Hole’s Essentials of Human A & P.

Cell transport mechanism Name of mechanism Description of mechanism

(give names of examples
whenever possible)
Active transport
Active mechanisms



Passive mechanisms Osmosis

3. Label the diagram below:

6. Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write the letter of the
correct term in the space provided.
Column A Column B
_______ 1. small round structures that make proteins
_______ 2. small structures in the cytoplasm that do special jobs b. ER
_______ 3. rice-shaped structures that produce energy for a cell c. ribosomes
_______ 4. liquid-filled storage spaces in the cytoplasm d. organelles
_______ 5. System of fluid filled channels e. mitochondria

Label the diagram below:

a. Give the name and number of the “powerhouse” of the cell. __________________
b. A cell needs energy to ________________________________________________
c. List the functions of the cell membrane:
d. Most of the cell activities take place in the __________________________
e. The control centre of the cell is the _______________________________
f. Most of a cell is made up of ____________________________________
g. What part of a cell controls cell reproduction? _____________________
h. Proteins are needed for? ____________________________
a. Which organelle makes energy _________________________
b. Which organelle is responsible for making proteins
c. What is the term used to describe when only certain substances can pass through the cell
membrane .
d. Which is the function of the golgi body
e. What do the initials SER stand for?
f. What is the transport system in the cell called?

6. The following are some descriptions about cells. Name the structure that each
description refers to:
a. A thin structure which surrounds a cell
b. A clear, jelly-like substance inside a cell in which the organelles are found.
c. Structures in which energy are released
d. The structure which controls the normal activities of the cell; without it the cell may die
e. Thread-like structures found inside the nucleus
10. Multiple Choice
a. The continuous tubules, found in the cytoplasm, are known as
A. chromosomes
B. mitochondria
C. ribosomes
D. endoplasmic reticulum

b. Which of the following cell organelles is concerned with digestion?

A. chromoplast
B. ribosome
C. lysosome
D. mitochondria
c. A cell membrane is found in:
a. some animal cells
b. plant and animal cells
c. only animal cells
d. only plant cells

d. Which of the following connects the nuclear membrane of an animal cell to the cell’s
A. nucleus
B. endoplasmic reticulum
C. golgi-apparatus
D. lysosome

e. Ribosomes are associated with:

A. chloroplasts
B. lysosomes
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. centrosome

f. Which chemical process occurs in a mitochondrion?

a. photosynthesis
b. Kreb’s Cycle
c. digestion
d. biosynthesis

g. The diagram below illustrates...

A. a mitochondrion
B. an endoplasmic reticulum
C. a chloroplast
D. a golgi-apparatus
h. Which one of the following consists of a protein and a phospholipid layer?
A. mitochondria
B. plasmamembrane
C. chloroplast
D. lysosome

i. Proteins are synthesized in..

A. golgi-apparatus
B. chloroplasts
C. leucoplasts
D. ribosomes

j. Cells with a large number of Golgi body are found in:

a. muscle cells
b. gland cells
c. nerve cells
d. blood cells

k. Which of the following cells have a large number of mitochondria in them?

A. liver cell
B. muscle cell
C. blood cell
D. skin

l. A selectively permeable membrane allows:

A. all molecules to pass through
B. only waste material to pass out of the cells
C. only oxygen molecules to pass into the cell
D. only molecules below a certain size to pass through

m. The passage of materials in and out of the cells is controlled by:

A. cell wall
B. cell membrane
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. nuclear envelope

n. Prokaryotes do not have:

A. ribosomes
B. a nuclear membrane
C. a cell wall
D. flagella

o. The function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is to:

A. Control all functions of the cell
B. Move proteins toward the Golgi apparatus
C. Package proteins to be sent outside of the cell
D. Make proteins for the cell

p. The function of the mitochondria is to:

A. Control all functions of the cell
B. Provide energy for the ell
C. Move materials within the cell
D. Package materials to be used in the cell
E. Make proteins for the cell
q. Which structure has the function of producing a protein in a cell?
A. mitochondria
B. nuclear membrane
C. golgi body
D. ribosome

11. Draw an animal cell and label the following structures:

Rough ER, Golgi body, ribosomes, nucleus, cytoplasm

6. The diagram below represents an animal cell. Answer the following questions.
Which labeled part:
a. Is the respiratory centre of the cell?
b. Plays a role in osmoregulation
c. Is the carrier of the genetic code
d. Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell
e. Is the centre for protein synthesis
f. Controls mainly DNA
g. Plays an important role during the formation of the spindle
h. Is produced during pinocytosis

4. Give one function for each of the following parts of the cell:
a. mitochondria
b. vacuoles
c. lysomes
d. ribosomes

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