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CHAPTER 13 : The Periodic Table

Elements are arranged on the periodic table in order of increasing atomic number
The table is arranged in vertical columns called groups and in rows called periods
Period: These are the horizontal rows that show the number of shells of electrons an atom has
and are numbered from 1 - 7
E.g. elements in period 2 have two electron shells, elements in period 3 have three electron
Group: These are the vertical columns that show how many outer electrons (also known as
valency electrons) each atom has and are numbered from I – VII, with a final group called Group
0 (instead of Group VIII)
E.g. Group IV elements have atoms with 4 electrons in the outermost shell, Group VI elements
have atoms with 6 electrons in the outermost shell and so on
• There is a link between the electronic configuration of the elements and their position
on the Periodic Table
• The number of notations in the electronic configuration will show the number of
occupied shells of electrons the atom has, showing the period
• The last notation shows the number of outer electrons the atom has, showing
the group number
• Elements in the same group in the Periodic Table have similar chemical properties
• When atoms collide and react, it is the outermost electrons that interact
• The similarity in their chemical properties stems from having the same number of
electrons in their outer shell.

Trends in Periodic Table:

Atomic Size: Increases down the group and decreases from left to right)
Down a group, the number of energy levels (n) increases, so there is a greater distance
between the nucleus and the outermost orbital. This results in a larger atomic radius.
From left to right: The nuclear charge is increasing, force of attraction increases and no. of
valence shell remains same as we move from left to right. Hence, in any period, the atomic size
of the element decreases.

Melting/Boiling Points:
In a period: The melting and boiling point first increases for metals and decreases for non-
Down the group: Melting /boiling point decreases as the number of electron shells increases,
and consequently the atomic radii get bigger, the attraction between the nuclei and outer shell
(valence) electrons decreases. Hence, the bonds are weaker and less energy is required to
break them.
The Metallic Character of Elements:
Metals occur on the left-hand side of the Periodic Table and non-metals on the right-hand side
Between the metals and the non-metals lie the elements which display some properties
of both. These elements are referred to as metalloids or semi-metals
Metallic character (decreases from left to right across the periods).
 Down the group: Metallic character increases as electrons become easier to
lose because the atomic radius increases, where there is less attraction between the
nucleus and the valence electrons because of the increased distance between them.
 Across the period: As atoms more readily accept electrons to fill a valence shell than
lose them to remove the unfilled shell.
NOTE: Metallic character is directly proportional to atomic size

Group 1 - The Alkali Metals: The Group I metals are also called the alkali metals as they
form alkaline solutions with high pH values when reacted with water. Group I metals are
lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium.They all contain
just one electron in their outer shell.

Physical properties:

 Group 1 metals are soft – can be cut with a knife.

 They have shiny silvery surfaces when freshly cut but become dull soon after, as
they react with oxygen in the air rapidly to form alkali metal oxides.
 They have low density –can float on water
 They have low melting points – these metals can melt from the heat generated
when reacting with water
Going down Group 1 the metals
- melt and boil at lower temperatures
- become softer
-get more dense.
Chemical properties:
Reactivity increases as we go down the group. Group 1 elements react by losing their outer shell
electron to form metal ions with a 1+ charge, and hence gain a full outer shell.
 The further away from the positively charged nucleus the outer shell electron is,
the easier it is for the atom to lose it, so the more reactive the element is.
 This is because the attraction between the negatively charged electron and the
nucleus gets weaker the further away the electron is, and the more shells there are
in between.
Reaction with water: Group 1 metals all react with water to produce alkaline solutions. This is
why they are called alkali metals. Hydrogen gas is given off its observation is
effervescence/fizzing or bubbles and a colorless solution of the metal hydroxide is left behind
which is a strong alkali. Li, Na and K float and move around on the surface of the water while
reacting, until they are completely dissolved.

2Rb(s) + 2H2O(l) 2RbOH (aq) + H2(g)

Rubidium + Water Rubidium hydroxide + Hydrogen

• As the reactivity of alkali metals increases down the group, rubidium, caesium and francium will
react more vigorously with air and water than lithium, sodium and potassium

• Lithium will be the least reactive metal in the group at the top, and francium will be the most
reactive at the bottom

Reaction with air: Group 1 metals are very reactive! They are normally stored under oil. The oil
acts as a barrier preventing them from reacting with oxygen in the air, or with water.
Form Ionic compounds: Group 1 metals they become positive ions (CATIONS) as they lose 1
electron thus has +1 charge therefore forms ionic compounds.
Group VII - The Halogens: These are the Group VII non-metals that include fluorine,
chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine

 Halogens are diatomic, meaning they form molecules of two atoms i.e. Fluorine (F2),
 Chlorine (Cl2), Bromine (Br2), Iodine (I2).
 All halogens have seven electrons in their outer shell
 They form halide ions by gaining one more electron to complete their outer shells

Physical properties:
 Melting and boiling point of the halogens increases as you go down the group
 Physical states of the halogens at room temperature (20 °C), changes as you go down
the group which is Gas to Liquid to Solid.
 Density of the halogens increases as you go down the group
 Colour The colour of the halogens becomes darker as you go down the group. Fluorine
is at the top of Group VII so the colour will be lighter, so fluorine is yellow. Astatine is at
the bottom of Group VII so the colour will be darker, so astatine is black

Chemical properties:
Reactivity of the halogens decreases as we go down the group (opposite trend to Group 1)
Reactions with metals When a halogen atom react with metals they form salts. Halogens gain
an electron it forms an ion with a 1- charge, which we call a halide ion:
fluoride F-
chloride Cl-
bromide Br-
iodide I-
Displacement reactions of halogens A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive
halogen from an aqueous solution of its halide salts.

Chlorine and bromine: If you add chlorine solution to colourless potassium bromide solution,
the solution becomes orange as bromine is formed
 Chlorine is above bromine in Group VII so is more reactive
 Chlorine will therefore displace bromine from an aqueous solution of the metal
 The least reactive halogen always ends up in the elemental form
Potassium bromide + chlorine → potassium chloride + bromine
2KBr (aq) + Cl2 (aq) → 2KCl (aq) + Br2 (aq)
Bromine and iodine
 Bromine is above iodine in Group VII so is more reactive
 Bromine will therefore displace iodine from an aqueous solution of metal iodide
 The solution will turn brown as iodine is formed
magnesium iodide + bromine  →  magnesium bromide + iodine

 2MgI (aq) + Br2 (aq)  → 2MgBr (aq) + I2 (aq)

NOTE: In displacement reactions of halogens all reactants and products are in aqueous form
[aqueous means dissolved in water (aq)]
The Noble Gases

 The noble gases are in Group VIII (or Group 0); they are non-metals and have
very low melting and boiling points
 They are all monoatomic, colourless gases
 The Group 0 elements all have full outer shells
 This electronic configuration is extremely stable so these elements are unreactive and
are inert

Why Noble gases are unreactive?

Apart from helium which has two outershell electrons, noble gases have eight outer shell
electrons. Their full electron configuration makes them unreactive. Noble gases donot lose,gain
or share electrons that’s why they are unreactive and are called INERT GASES.

The Transition Elements

Physical Properties:
• They are very hard and strong metals.
• Are good conductorsof heat and electricity
• They have very high melting points.
• Are highly dense metals
For example, the melting point of titanium is 1,688ºC whereas potassium in Group I melts at
only 63.5ºC

Chemical properties:

 The transition elements form coloured compounds.

 They have more than one valency, such as iron readily forming compounds of both
Fe2+ and Fe3+.
 Transition elements, as elements or in compounds, are often used as catalysts to
improve the rate or reaction in industrial processes. This allows them to form complexes
with reagents which can easily donate and accept electrons from other chemical species
within a reaction system
Difference between Transition Metals and Group 1 metals



They have High melting and boiling points They have low melting and boiling points
They are Hard and strong metals They are soft can be cut with the help of
They have high density Low density, can float on surface of water



They form colored compounds They form white compounds but their
solutions are colorless
They have variable valency( these metals Group 1 metals have only one valency i.e. +1
have more than one valencies)
They act as catalyst Group 1 are highly reactive metals

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