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Elements and

Secondary 3
What are these elements? Metals, nonmetals
or metalloids
•Sodium (Na) • Where are most
metals present in the
•Copper (Cu) periodic table? Non-
•Germanium (Ge) metals? Metalloids?
• What properties can
•Iodine (I) you still remember
•Xenon (Xe) are characteristics of
each of these kinds of
•Astatine (As) elements.
Periodic Table Village

•In your own words or from

your previous knowledge,
how is the Periodic table
Look at the page 215 of your book, Image

•Compare that to our

Periodic Table of
In the Modern Periodic Table

•The elements are arranged in order of

increasing proton number (atomic
•The vertical columns with similar
properties are called groups
•The horizontal rows are called periods.
Characteristics and Properties of Elements

•One of the uses of Periodic Table is to easily

identify if an element is a metal, nonmetal
or metalloid.
•Another is to predict its characteristics and
properties. Generally, elements in the same
group have similar properties.
Turn your book in Page
216, Figure and Table
• Metal – element that conducts electricity, malleable
and ductile
• Non-metal – element that generally does not conduct
electricity well, nor malleable, nor ductile
• Metalloids (semi-metals) – Looks like metals (shiny,
grey) but brittle. Not a conductor but excellent
Groups and Periods in the Periodic Table
• Main group elements – Group I to VIII/0
• Transition elements – between Group II and III
which occurs at Period 4
• The most unreactive elements are in Group
• The most reactive elements are in Group I (Alkali
Metals) and Group VII (Halogens)
Look at groups and periods. What can you observe?
Electron arrangement in the Periodic Table
• Elements in the same group have the same number of
electrons in their outer shell (valence electrons)
• For the main-group elements, the number of the
Group is the number of electrons in the outer shell.
• The periods also have numbers. This number shows us
how many shells of electrons the atom has.
Metals and non-metals in Main Group of
Periodic Table
• Metals of Group I to III – low number of electrons in their outer
shells. These elements can lose their outer electrons relatively easy
contributing to ‘sea of electrons’ that forms metallic bonds
• Nonmetals of Group I to VII – higher number of electrons in their
outer shell and forms covalent bonds between their atoms.
• Noble gases – the most stable arrangements of electrons. Very
unreactive. Difficult to break up or remove its electrons.
• Electrons are normally involve in chemical reactions and bonding.
That is why similar group generally exhibits similar properties.
Periodic Table Trends

•Not including the Noble gases

•Trends can be a guide to predict certain
characteristics and properties.
•These properties or characteristics can be
predicted by observing elements in their
Figure C3.04, page 219
Trends in Group I – Alkali metal
• Soft solids, can be cut with a knife, with relatively low melting points and low
• Highly reactive. Stored in oil to prevent reactions with oxygen and water.
• Light-grey, silvery surface which can quickly tarnish (becomes dull) when exposed
to air.
• Reactivity increases down the group (except Francium,Fr since it is highly
radioactive and very rare). Lithium can react vigorously to Caesium which is
• All Group I metals react with water to form hydrogen and alkaline solution of
metal hydroxide.
• Example: 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2
• Melting point decreases (or becomes lower) down the group.
• Density and atomic radius/size increases down the group.
Trends in Group VII - Halogens
• Reactivity decreases down the group. Fluorine is dangerously reactive.
• Melting points, boiling points, density (from gas to liquid to solid), atomic
size/radius increases down the group.
• The color becomes darker down the group.
• Fluorine – pale yellow gas
• Chlorine – pale-green gas
• Bromine – deepred liquid & redbrown vapour
• Iodine – Grey solid and purple vapour
• Astatine – black solid (a good guess)
• Smelly and poisonous
• They are non-metals with valency of 1 and forms halide ion with charge -1.
• Acidic in solutions: HCl, HBr, HI
Chemical reactivity of halogens
Reaction with Chlorine Bromine Iodine
Coloured dyes Bleaches easily Bleaches slowly Bleaches very
Chlorides --- No reaction No reaction

Bromides Displaces bromine: --- No reaction

Cl2 + 2KBr -> 2KCl + Br2
Iodides Displaces Iodine: Displaces Iodine: ---
Cl2 + 2KI -> 2KCl + I2 Br2 + 2KI -> 2KBr + I2

Displacement reaction – an element with higher reactivity will replace the element with lower reactivity.
Chlorine displaces iodine and bromine because it is more reactive than the two halogens.
•General reaction with water
• Chlorine and other halogen also forms acidic
solution when it reacts with water.
• Example: Cl2 + H2O  HCl + HClO (chlorine water)
•Chlorine acts as an oxidizing agent ( to be
specific, the hypochlorous HClO can give up its
oxygen to other substances)
•Chlorine is also a good bleach because colored
materials when oxidized loses its color.
Group VIII/0 – The noble gases
• Electron arrangements of noble gases are very stable. They do not
react readily with other atoms.
• In almost all situations, other elements reacts or bond chemically
with other elements to achieve a stable arrangement of electrons like
that found in noble gases.
• Ordinally, noble gases are in between Group I and Group VII. This
closeness of Alkali metals and Halogens makes them highly reactive
because it is easier for them to achieve a noble gas structure (they
only need to lose or gain 1 electron).
Group VIII/0 – The noble gases
• Helium – used in airships and balloons. Helium has the lowest melting
point. To solidify it, the pressure is needed also.
• Argon – used in light bulbs
• Other noble gases – advertising lights
Transition elements / metals
• The d ‘block’ at the center of the periodic table.
• The most useful metallic elements.
• Much less reactive than the metals in Group I and Group II.
• Many have excellent corrosion resistance (example: Chromium)
• High melting points. (Example: Tungsten in filaments of light bulbs)
• Generally, hard and strong.
• Have high density, melting point and boiling points.
• Shows different valency, they form more than one type of ion.
• Transition metals compounds generally vary its color, even its solution.
Formative Assessment 1

• Which has six electrons in the outer shell

• Which is a halogen
• Which is a metal that reacts rapidly with cold water?
• Which has two forms, graphite and diamond?
• Which is in the Group II of the Periodic Table?
• Which makes up 78% of the air?
• Give the top 1 and 2 most reactive element in the given elements
• Which is larger in atomic size, Oxygen or Fluorine?
• Magnesium, Mg, is below Be in the Periodic table, which has a smaller atomic
size? Which is more reactive?
• Chlorine is below Fluorine, Which is more reactive?
Formative assessment 2

• Which is a noble gas?

• Which is a soft metal with low density?
• Which can form a covalent compound with element A?
• It has a structure similar to diamond.
• It can form a negative ion X3-
• When C and F form an ionic compound, what kind of bond will exist? Draw a diagram showing the
arrangement of the valence electrons.
• Predict two properties of this compound. Explain using your knowledge on structures and bonding.
Bonding: What difference can you observe in
the names of ionic and covalent?
• Sodium chloride, NaCl – Ionic bond
• Magnesium chloride, MgCl2 – Ionic bond
• Lithium iodide, LiI – Ionic bond
• Magnesium iodide, MgI2 – Ionic bond
• Phosphorus pentachloride, PCl5 – Covalent bond
• Phosphorus trichloride, PCl3 – Covalent bond
• Carbon dioxide, CO2 – Covalent bond
• Carbon monoxide, CO – Covalent bond
By the pattern you noticed, could you try to
answer this?
• CaO: calcium oxide
• Na2O: sodium oxide
• MgS: magnesium sulfide
• Li2S: lithium sulfide
• NO: nitrogen monoxide
• NO2 : nitrogen dioxide
• SO3 : sulfur trioxide
• SO2 : sulfur dioxide
Chemical bonding - Involves the outer electrons (valence
electron) of each atom
• In elements:
• Metallic elements are held by metallic bonding
• Metal atoms have relatively few electrons in their
outer shells. When they are packed together, each
metal atom loses its outer electrons in the ‘sea of free
• Structure of metal is made up of positive ions packed
together. The positive ions are surrounded by
electrons which are moving freely.
• The free electrons are delocalized which forms a ‘glue’
holding the structure together.
• Metal atoms more easily lose electrons. When
electrons are loss it becomes a positive ion
Covalent bonding in elements
• Covalent bonding in elements
• The bond is formed by sharing of a pair of
electrons between two atoms
• Each atom contributes electron to form a bond
• Molecules are formed from atoms linked
together by covalent bonds.
• Examples are: diatomic molecules (Cl2, H2, Br2
etc.), noble gases (He, Ne, Kr, etc), Carbon,
sulfur, phosphorus etc.
Chemical bonding in compounds
• Covalent bonding – nonmetal + nonmetal
• Normally results to simple molecules (H2O, CO2, NH3, etc) although
some molecules can form giant covalent lattices (C, diamond and
• Sharing of pair electrons of the atoms to form a bond
• Ionic bonding – metal + nonmetal
• Held together by electrostatic forces of attraction between
positive (cations) and negative ions (anions) forming giant ionic
lattices to form solid crystals
• Transfer of electrons from positive ions to negative ions
+1 0

+2 +3 -4 -3 -2 -1
Covalent compounds – sharing of electrons
• Simple examples – page 227 Figure C3.12
• Complex examples – page 228 Figure C3.13
Ionic compounds – transferring of electrons
• Examples in page 229 of the coursebook
• Metals always lose their outer electrons
• The number of positive charge on a metal ion is equal to the number of
electron lost
• Non-metal atoms (except hydrogen) always gain electrons to become
negative ions
• The ions formed have a more stable electron arrangement, usually that of
noble gas nearest to the element.
• Ionic bonds are formed from attraction between oppositely charged ions.
• When drawing ionic bonds do not forget to include the charge
Ionic compounds

•Solid at room temperature

•Ions arranged in regular lattice
•Giant ionic structure is held
together by the electrostatic
forces of attraction that occur
between opposite charges.
Ionic groups
• There are ions that contains more
than one element or atom and there
are in a group
• Examples:
• Sulfate (SO42-)
• Nitrate (NO3-)
• Carbonate (CO32-)
• Ammonium (NH4+)
• These ionic groups are made up of
atoms covalently bonded together
Physical properties (Ionic and covalent
• Ions in ionic compound interact through
electrostatic attraction and this force is in
all directions in the solid and strongly hold
the ions in place.
• For simple covalent compound, they are
made of molecules
• Full chemical bonding works within the
molecules holding them together
• The bonding DOES NOT act between one
molecule and the others around it which
results to weak intermolecular forces.
Physical properties (Ionic and covalent
In Summary:
Chemical formulae of elements
• In writing the formula for elements, we
use the symbol of the element.
• There are diatomic molecules that
contain 2 in their elemental molecule
(see image at right)
• There are single atoms such as metals
and, noble gases and some nonmetals
and nonmetals (see image at right)
• There are elements with more than 3
atoms in their molecule (S and P)
Chemical formulae of ionic compounds
• The formulae for ionic compounds is the whole-number ratio of the
positive to negative ions in the structure.
• Example: Magnesium chloride
• Since the overall charge should be neutral, the positive and negative
charge must balance each other. So you need 2 chloride ions for every
1 magnesium ion.
Chemical formulae of ionic compounds
Chemical formulae of ionic compounds
Chemical formulae of ionic compounds
• Here is a way how to write chemical formulae of a given ionic
• Do not forget to simplify the ratio
Chemical formulae of ionic compounds
Chemical formulae of covalent compounds
• For covalent compounds we
commonly use prefixes:

•Carbon dioxide – CO2

• 1 – mono
• 2 – di
• 3 – tri
• 4 – tetra
• 5- penta
•Dinitrogen pentoxide – N2O5
• 6 – hexa
• 7 – hepta
•Phosphorus trichloride – PCl3
• 8- octa
• 9 – nona
• 10 –deca
• !: We do not use the mono-
prefix if the atom is the first
element in the compound
Naming chemical compounds
• Some important compounds have retained
their historical names:
• Examples:
• H2O (water)
• NH3 (Ammonia)
• CH4 (Methane)
Rules in naming chemical compounds
• If there is a metal, name it first
• If metal can form multiple ion (most transition metals), the name
indicates which ion is present
• Example: Iron (II) chloride, contains Fe2+ while Iron (III) chloride contains Fe3+
• FeCl2 FeCl3
• Non-metals (if not part of an ionic group) ends in –ide. Except OH-
which is named as hydroxide
• Examples:
• Cl- : Chloride
• O2-: oxide
• N3-: nitride
• C4-: carbide
Rules in naming chemical compounds
• Compounds containing an ionic group (usually oxygen)
have names that end in –ate.
• For example
• Calcium carbonate – CaCO3
• Potassium nitrate – KNO3
• Magnesium nitrate – Mg(NO3)2
• Magnesium sulfate – MgSO4
• Covalent compound uses prefixes (see slide #48)
• Acids formed from –ate ions becomes –ic acid
• H2SO4 – Sulfuric acid
• HNO3 – Nitric acid
Let’s try:
Lattice and structures
Metal crystals
• Metal ions is regularly packed into a lattice surrounded by sea of electrons
which explains the many properties of metal.
• Most have high density – metals are packed closely which results to high
density. Although alkali metals have low density which means they are not
closely packed together.
• Metals are malleable – metals can be beaten or rolled in sheets or foils
because the layers of ions in a pure metal can moved over one another
without breaking the structure.
• Metals are ductile - they can be drawn into wires
• Metals are conductors of electricity – the delocalized electrons (sea of
electrons) are moving freely
• Alloys are used to change the
properties of metals
• Alloys are formed by mixing molten
metals together thoroughly and
then allowing them to cool and
form a solid.
• Alloys uses ‘impurities’ to make the
metal stronger because the it will
be more difficult for the ions to slip
Some important alloys
Ionic crystals
• Ionic compounds contain positive and negative ions to form lattices.
• The nearest neighbours of an ion is always the opposite charge and it
is all surrounder.
• For example in sodium chloride, sodium is surrounded by chloride
Ionic crystals
• The actual arrangement of the ions depends on the
number of ions involved and their sizes.
• Ionic crystals are hard and brittle – when pushing a
layer of ionic crystal, same charge aligns which repels
(repulsion) the layer apart
• Many ionic compounds are soluble in water – water
interacts with the positive and negative ions. Ionic
crystal dissolves because the ions are surrounded by
water which breaks the lattice and keeps ions apart.
• Molten and dissolved ionic compounds are conductors
of electricity– ions when ,molten and dissolved, are
able to move which can carry electric current.
Giant covalent crystals
• Covalent can also form giant covalent lattice which are
held together by strong covalent bonds.
• Examples:
• Diamond (made of carbon)
• Graphite (made of carbon)
• Silica (made of SiO2)
• Diamond’s hardness, high melting point – strong covalent
bonds extend in all directions through the whole crystal
but more brittle than giant metallic structure due to rigid
• Diamond is NOT a conductor of electricity – all the outer
electrons are used to form covalent bonds, there no
electrons free to move
• Silicon dioxide behaves the same way with diamond
because of its structure.
Graphite – another form of
carbon giant molecular crystal
• Each graphite layer is flat layers of hexagon. Each
graphite layer is two-dimensional giant molecule
and the carbon are strongly bonded covalenty with
3 other carbons
• Between layers, there is a weaker forces of
attraction which lets the layers slide which makes
the graphite feels slippery which can be used as
• Graphite is a conductor of electricity because there
are free electrons not use by the layered atoms in
covalent bonding. These electrons can move
between layers, carrying charge.
Graphite vs. Carbon
Molecular crystals
• There are nonmetals that forms crystal
• Example: Iodine and sulfur
• Molecular crystals have low melting points
• Molecules are held together by weak intermolecular
• Can easily be broken down by heat which makes them
move freely
• Does NOT conduct electricity because they contain no

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