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Second term exam

Psych 1100

Name: Khamil Kaye B. Gajultos

Section: BSMA 2-1

*Using the template below, answer the questions stated therein, note that your answers will be
check against plagiarism. USE YOUR OWN WORDS…..PLEASE!!!
* In not less than 100 words per “self”, describe comprehensively your own version of who you
are based on your understanding of the readings coupled with your own readings from other
Score: 15 points each

1. My Physical Self.
I have a black eye and mid length hair. My nose is flat and I have some acne scars on my
face. I don’t have enough confident about my body and self. I never really spent much time
caring about how I dressed or how I presented myself before college. I just simple in terms
on how a style myself. I do not apply make up on my face like some teenager do. However,
when I entered college I manage to take care of myself little by little. I learn the things that
teenager should do. As time goes by I embrace my flaws and love my imperfection.

2. My Sexual Self.
We have different perspective about our sexual self. I can say that I respect my sexual
self as I respect the sexual self of other people around us. Our sexuality affects everything we
do. We should have equal rights whether who we are o what we are. I can say that I am not
confident enough to my sexual self. I am not confident with my body and me as a person. As
time goes by, I realize to take care my own self because despite of all insecurities I must proud
of who I am because everybody has its own beauty.

3. My Material Self.
In the own reflection of my material self, it is what you possess or made up anything that a
person owns. In this modern world, people tend value things more than the essence of life. They
criticize your brand of clothes you wear, shoes and your style. Just like me I am not financially
capable to buy such high-end materials. I am happy with a simple thing in my life. And, while
people who have their wants and needs tend to be happier, I don't believe that material
possessions should be a way to find happiness because not everyone can afford to buy everything
they want, so having a proper mindset on things is important to avoid unnecessary problems. I
can say that I am happy with the things I have my loving pets and my family and friends is more
than enough than anything else.

4. My Spiritual Self.
I can say that I am a God-fearing person. Since I was young, my parents taught me in Christian
things. I have a strong relationship to God. I am active participating in our church and make sure
to prioritize God above all. Truly, all around me comes from God who has created everything.
However, in this time of modernization, I find it difficult to feel God’s presence. I am too
distracted more often by the new technology and commercialization that I forget He existed. My
parents always reminding me to devote myself and have faith to our lord God. I am thankful to
our God because he gave me such a loving parent who always want the best for their child.

5. My Political Self.
My political views are heavily influenced by my cultural and religious ideas, family, and social
media. Our common experiences and everyday exposure allow us to have extremely similar
thoughts and attitudes when it comes to my family. Even if we don't agree on everything (due to
our age difference, for example), we can at least talk about it and agree to disagree. However,
even if we have different political views when it comes to voting we are united because we value
what our church have decided on who will we choose to vote.
6.My Digital Self
As part of this modernization where technology, gadgets and other electronic devices are being
part of my personal life especially as a use for my education. I can say that I am literate enough
with the proper usage of technology. I am not the type of person who always post in social media.
I think carefully on what should share or post because every post matter. You should have
discipline in using social media. There are times that I overuse my gadgets especially this
pandemic begun. However, now I mange myself to balance the time in digital self and for my
physical self.

For 10 points, which among the above types of self-became your favorite and explain why?
Above all, my favorite type of self is physical self. It became my favorite because it explains
who I am before and now. There is so many changes that happened to me as a person. As time
goes by, I realized many things about my physical self. I learned to embrace my flaws and be
confident enough to stand myself around crowd people.
***”It is not the theories that you have read but it is how you apply them to your life” ---

Enjoy answering the exam and hope to see you soon!!!

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