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Rochester Institute of Technology-Dubai

Anth-275 Summer 2020-21

Quiz #1 (marked out of 10; 5% of final grade) duration 20 min

Student Name: …………Bisma Haji Muhammad …………………………


- Answer in your own words (papers are screened via Turnitin)

- Quiz to be submitted in QUIZ 1 folder under “Assignments”.
- Allow 2-3 mins before the submission folder is locked.

1. How does the Islamic pilgrimage (hajj) reflect aspects of Islamic universality? 2m

- Hajj means pilgrimage where Muslims around the world travel to Mecca in the Holy month of Dhul Hajj to do worship
Allah and do the pilgrimage. It brings people of different culture and race under one religion. People from different
countries, people with different skin color are respected and honored in pilgrimage. There is no racism which shows
universality as every Muslim is welcomed. For instance, Malcolm X penned down how respected, honored he felt by the
love and affection he received during his journey to pilgrimage and also explained how people with different eye color,
skin color, different nationality came to perform the religious act and respected everyone, putting their opinions and
difference aside which shows Islamic universality.

2. “Islam is a Global Religion”, justify this statement in three points 3m

- Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world

- Islam is spreading at a rate that it is believed by 2070 it will take over Christianity

- Islamic country such as Saudi Arabia has more natural resources such as oil making it rich among the other countries
and Islamic teachings are being practiced globally in every country where Muslims are also minorities.

3. Select five key events from the life of the Prophet in Mecca and justify your selection 5m

1. Born orphaned which taught the Prophet PBUH to be strong and rely only on Allah swt
2. Meet Khadijah RA: a rich widow woman who loved Him PBUH and trusted Him the most. He was
attached to her emotionally and Loved her so much as He PBUH lost everyone at a young age, so
Khadijah RA filled that love and compassion which He PBUH needed.
3. Revelation: The revelation Prophet received changed His life as now He had the mission and
responsibility to convey the message of Allah which He PBUH struggled the most as His own people did
not believe in Him.
4. Battle of Badr: significant battle as Muslims were outnumbered and their victory gave them power and
confidence to spread the message of Allah swt and fight in the cause of Islam
5. Conquest of Mecca: after years of struggle, humiliation and being hatred by His own people, the
Prophet finally conquered Mecca which is an importance place of worship and destroyed all the idols
and making it the center of Islam.

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