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East Basak Malutlut, Awar St., Marawi City, BARMM, Phil. 9700
Reg. Sec. No. 200927088 Institutional Code: 15064
TIN #: 007-565-606 E-mail Add:
Name: Eshak Moamar S. Psychology 10/cluster 2

For our module or topics which is the psychology 10 is for what I have I learned are the
topics of suicidal or an depression situation for what are the some cause not reason why we
have encountered a mental disorder or an illness, so I was learned the some signs or the we
might identify the victims of an frustration and suicidal behavior so it includes the speech,
mood and behavior so this is the some way or process the we must see if theirs an issue or
problema for their style, speech or in behavioral and also after I learned this context about the
causes of mental disorder I also learned the way of why and how we communicate properly the
victims or an certain person who has a struggles or in a hard situation of he/she life's in short
who has experience already this mental disorder and also based on I read to our modules the
some main victims of this disorder or illness are we or as a student because we already facing
the some difficulties in our journey in studying special in youth classes and we can't easily solve
this because we are the kind human that has a fresh mind and experience so one of example
situation is when we have a many or a lot of works that we can't handle it so there's a
possibility that we can have a headache and also a disappointment in our selfs so that the some
Reason why we encountered a depression or anxiety and for the second modules are it's
connected to the module 1 so in this topic are I already know and learned the some way to
know the exactly status of an human facing a mental health disorder so another things is I also
learned why or what comes of this illness and the some way to treat it in a simple way an
quickly recovery as long as he or she participated to the treatment operation so include it the
some illness like depression, anxiety and and seriously illness of our health so we must learned
this topic or subject for the sake of our health and also to help people that encountered or
experiencing this mental health disorder.

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