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Create a short note on what you know about Science, Chemistry and
2. Provide descriptions on how they are interrelated

Science (3:03 vid)

- Systematic study of physical and natural world

- Study of micro-organisms
- Macro objects in our unlimited univ
- Living and non living things
- Science is a combination of thinking, questioning, observing, assuming,
comparing, reasoning, experimenting, exploring, understanding

4 main branches of science

- Math and logic (abstract and concepts)

- Biological science (life)
- Social science (society and relationship of man to it)
- Physical science (natural objects: physics, chem, astro etc.)

(4:49) Science (Scientia: to know) is body of knowledge abt the natural world

- Has smthn to do abt an event (encounter, observe, study and conclude)

- Information obtained from science helps decide for the future
- Social endeavor that includes teamwork
- One way of knowing

Branches of science

- Pure science: no applied science and tech without this; basis of sci knowledge
o Life science (biology)
 1800s, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
 Genetics, botany and zoology
o Physical science
 Astro, physics (matter and structure), chem (chemicals and matter)
o Earth science
 Geology, meteorology, petrology (rocks around the earth),
paleontology (fossils), oceanography (hydrosphere)
- Applied science: find uses of sci knowledge
- Technology: apply sci knowledge to create
- Pythagoras recognized music as science


Science is:

Beauty, art, invention, struggle, human,

(9:11) Map of Science

Philosophy science contains principles like

- Logic
- Rationalism
- Empiricism
- Evidence
- Testable hypotheses, objectivity and reductionism
 Toolkit of science, helps us process info we get about univ to work out truth and
 Math: machinery of physics
 Computers: formal science
 Human brain is complex system
 Scientific method is the OG
 Science- Pushing what has been done or what is out there

(3:35) intro to chem


- Composition, structure, properties and change of matter

- Central science
- Alkali metals
- Alkaline earth metals
- Transition metals
- Halogens
- Metals, metalloid, gases, nonmetals
- Lanthanides
- Actinides
- Noble gases
- Bonding:
o Covalent bonds
o Share electrons
o Ionic bonds
o Transfer electrons

(3:16) Branches of Chem

- Analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
o Chemical processes in living organisms
o How to cure cancer
o How plants turn co2 to o2
- Organic chem (fuels and plastics)
o Synthesize new chem for pharma
- Inorganic chem
o Opposite of organic chem
- Physical chem
o Relates physical properties of substances to their chem composition and
o Food and nutri chem uses this

Importance of biochem

- Study of structure, composition and chem reactions of substances in living

- Biochem describes
o Origin
o Formation
o Function
o Deficiency
o Symptoms
- Tries to explain life in terms of biochem reactions
- Guide to drug discovery and its application
- Understand biochem changes and related physio alteration in the body
- Pathology of any disease is studied through biochem changes
- Hormone function is taught in biochem
- Discusses hormonal imbalance
- Allow nurses to know chem reactions of drugs to human body and mixing said
- Determine how much medicine should be prescribed or given to patients
- Biochem in agri
o Organic matter is formed, transformed and degraded in any living
o Food industry: processing raw materials, plant or animal kind.
- Biochem in nutrition
o Minerals in maintaining health
o Biochem tests food nutrients
- Biochem in pharma
o Change degradation
o How drugs are metabolized by biochem reactions in presence of

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