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Quizizz: 25-minute Test Part I Planet Earth

Quizizz: 25-minute Test

Part I
Planet Earth

Name: ________________________ ( ) Class: ____________ Date: ________________

There are 20 multiple-choice questions in total.

Answer ALL questions. Marks: / 20
Time allowed: 25 minutes

1. Which of the following hazard warning labels should be shown on a gas jar containing oxygen?

A. B.

C. D.

2. Which of the following combinations is correct?

excess carbon
carbon dioxide dioxide
Limewater X Y

X Y Colour change from X to Y

A. Calcium oxide Calcium carbonate From milky to colourless
B. Calcium carbonate Calcium hydrogencarbonate From milky to colourless
C. Calcium carbonate Calcium hydroxide From colourless to milky
D. Calcium oxide Calcium hydroxide From colourless to milky

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Quizizz: 25-minute Test Part I Planet Earth

3. Which of the following correctly describes the flame colour produced by the substance in the
flame test?

Substance Flame colour

A. Potassium chloride Golden yellow
B. Sodium oxide Brick-red
C. Calcium nitrate Lilac
D. Copper(II) carbonate Bluish green

4. Which of the following statements concerning the fractional distillation of liquid air is correct?
A. In the process, the components of air are separated according to their difference in
B. Nitrogen is boiled off first because it has the lowest boiling point.
C. In the process of purification of air, the filtered air is cooled to 80C to remove
carbon dioxide and oxygen.
D. In the process of liquefaction of air, the purified air is compressed and cooled
repeatedly to reach 100C.

5. Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the arrangement of particles in a mixture
of an element and a compound?

A. B.

C. D.

6. A gas does not relight a glowing splint, and it has a boiling point of 196C. What is the gas?
A. Oxygen
B. Water vapour
C. Nitrogen
D. Carbon dioxide

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Quizizz: 25-minute Test Part I Planet Earth

7. Below is the set-up for the electrolysis of sea water.

gas X gas Y

sea water

graphite electrode graphite electrode

What hazard warning labels should be shown on the gas jars containing gases X and Y

Gas X Gas Y
A. Oxidizing Corrosive
B. Corrosive Explosive
C. Flammable Toxic
D. Irritant Flammable

8. Which of the following statements concerning nitrogen is correct?

A. It supports burning.
B. It is used to make fertilizers.
C. It is used to fill light bulbs.
D. It boils at 183C.

9. Which of the following correctly describes the sequence of steps used to obtain crystals of
common salt from a mixture of mud and sea water?
A. Distillation, crystallization
B. Crystallization, filtration
C. Filtration, distillation
D. Filtration, crystallization

10. Which of the following processes does NOT produce carbon dioxide?
A. Adding water to quicklime
B. Putting clam shells into dilute hydrochloric acid
C. Extraction of lead from lead(II) oxide by carbon reduction

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D. Heating marble strongly

11. An experimental set-up is shown below.

dilute hydrochloric
acid gas X


Which of the following combinations is correct?

Gas X Burning candle

A. hydrogen burns more brightly
B. hydrogen goes out
C. carbon dioxide burns more brightly
D. carbon dioxide goes out

12. An aqueous solution is tested and the results are shown below.

Test Observation
Flame test Lilac flame is seen.
Adding dilute hydrochloric acid Effervescence occurs.
Silver nitrate test A white precipitate forms.

Which of the following may be found in the aqueous solution?

A. Potassium carbonate
B. Potassium chloride
C. Magnesium chloride
D. Potassium carbonate and magnesium chloride

13. When calcium carbonate is heated strongly, solid P and gas Q are produced. Which of the
following combinations about the properties of P and Q is correct?

A. gives a brick-red flame in the flame test turns limewater milky
B. gives a brick-red flame in the flame test relights a glowing splint
C. gives a lilac flame in the flame test turns limewater milky
D. gives a lilac flame in the flame test relights a glowing splint

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Quizizz: 25-minute Test Part I Planet Earth

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Quizizz: 25-minute Test Part I Planet Earth

14. Which of the following would be observed when a piece of charcoal is burnt in air?
(1) A yellow flame is seen.
(2) A gas is given out.
(3) The piece of charcoal becomes white.
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

15. Which of the following is/are the uses of hydrogen obtained from the chloroalkali industry?
(1) To make soaps
(2) To make margarine
(3) To make ammonia
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

16. Which of the following processes will show a colour change?

(1) Adding water to sodium chloride solution
(2) Adding water to dry cobalt(II) chloride paper
(3) Adding zinc to dilute hydrochloric acid
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

17. Some properties of solid X are listed as follows. Which of the properties are chemical
(1) It conducts electricity.
(2) It gives a colourless gas when it is added to water.
(3) It burns with oxygen.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

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18. Which of the following methods can be used to distinguish between potassium carbonate and
copper(II) chloride?
(1) Flame test
(2) Silver nitrate test
(3) Addition of dilute hydrochloric acid
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

19. Which of the following are the advantages of performing microscale experiments?
(1) Reducing the amount of chemicals used
(2) Reducing the amount of chemical waste
(3) More accurate experimental results
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

20. Which of the following statements about iron(II) sulphide are correct?
(1) It is a mixture of iron and sulphur.
(2) It is not attracted by magnet.
(3) It reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid and gives a gas with a smell of bad eggs.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

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1. C
Option (A): flammable
Option (B): corrosive
Option (C): oxidizing
Option (D): explosive
Oxygen supports burning but it is not flammable.

2. B
Carbon dioxide reacts with limewater to form calcium carbonate.
calcium hydroxide + carbon dioxide  calcium carbonate + water
∴X is calcium carbonate.
Excess carbon dioxide reacts with calcium carbonate and water to give calcium
calcium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water  calcium hydrogencarbonate
∴Y is calcium hydrogencarbonate.
Calcium hydrogencarbonate is soluble in water. Thus, the solution turns from milky to

3. D
Potassium chloride gives a lilac flame. Sodium oxide gives a golden yellow flame. Calcium
nitrate gives a brick-red flame.

4. B
Option (A): the components of air are separated according to their difference in boiling points.
Option (C): the filtered air is cooled to –80C to remove carbon dioxide and water vapour in air.
Option (D): the purified air is cooled to –200C.

5. D
Option (A): a mixture of two compounds
Option (B): a mixture of two elements
Option (C): a pure compound

6. C
Oxygen can relight a glowing splint. Water has a boiling point of 100C. Carbon dioxide has a
boiling point of 78.5C.

7. C
In the electrolysis of sea water, hydrogen and chlorine form at the negative electrode and the

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positive electrode respectively. Hydrogen is flammable and chlorine is toxic.

8. B
Oxygen supports burning. Nitrogen is used to make ammonia, which is then used to make
fertilizers. Argon is used to fill light bulbs. Nitrogen boils at –196C.

9. D
Filtration is used to remove the mud. The filtrate collected is sea water. The salt crystals can
then be obtained by crystallization.

10. A
The chemical composition of quicklime is calcium oxide. Calcium hydroxide forms when water
is added to calcium oxide.
calcium oxide + water  calcium hydroxide
Clam shells contain calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid
to form calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water.
calcium carbonate + dilute hydrochloric acid  calcium chloride + carbon dioxide + water
Lead can be extracted from lead(II) oxide by heating it with carbon strongly.
lead(II) oxide + carbon  lead + carbon dioxide
Marble contains calcium carbonate. It decomposes to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when it
is heated strongly.
calcium carbonate  calcium oxide + carbon dioxide

11. D
The calcium carbonate in limestone reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form carbon dioxide
(gas X). Carbon dioxide has a higher density than air, so it falls on the burning candle. It
suppresses burning and makes the candle go out.

12. D
The aqueous solution contains a potassium compound as it gives a lilac flame in the flame test.
It contains a compound of carbonate as it effervesces when reacting with hydrochloric acid.
It contains a compound of chloride as it reacts with acidified silver nitrate solution to give a
white precipitate.

13. A
Calcium carbonate decomposes to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when it is heated strongly.
P is calcium oxide and Q is carbon dioxide.

14. C
(1): The combustion is usually incomplete and hence a yellow flame is observed.
(2): Charcoal burns in air to produce carbon dioxide and fine carbon particles. However,
carbon dioxide is colourless and cannot be observed.

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(3): White unburnt ash is left behind after the combustion.

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15. D
Soaps are made from animal fat or vegetable oil with sodium hydroxide.

16. B
(1): Both water and sodium chloride solution are colourless. They do not react with each other.
(2): Water turns dry cobalt(II) chloride paper from blue to pink.
(3): Zinc dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to form a colourless solution.

17. C
(1): It is a physical property of X because no new substance(s) form(s) when it conducts

18. D
(1): Potassium carbonate gives a lilac flame while copper(II) chloride gives a bluish green
(2): Copper(II) chloride gives a white precipitate while potassium carbonate does not show any
observable change.
(3): Potassium carbonate gives colourless gas bubbles while copper(II) chloride does not show
any sign of effervescence. Besides, potassium carbonate dissolves in dilute hydrochloric
acid to give a colourless solution while copper(II) chloride gives a pale blue solution.

19. A
Results obtained in microscale experiments may not be more accurate than those obtained in
ordinary experiments.

20. C
Iron(II) sulphide is a compound formed between iron and sulphur. It is non-magnetic.

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