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Name: Elizabeth G.

Namo Date: 01-20-22

Section: 3 – C Score: _______________________

Quiz no.7

This activity requires you to make topic, objective of a study, target, and sampling design.
Topic: “Factors Affecting Mental Health of Students in San Juan National High
School in the Flexible Learning Modality”

State the objectives of the study:

The objective of a study states what is expected to be achieved by the study in

general terms.
“Factors Affecting Mental Health of Students in San Juan National High School in
the Flexible Learning Modality”, a case study, the objective of this study is:
a. To look the current situations and issues face by the student’s in their mental
health during this pandemic crisis.
b. To examine how online learning affect the mental health.
c. To determine the factors that cause mental health problem face by student in
their online learning.

Describe the target participants or population.

The target population of this study will include the students in San-Juan
National High School who’s experiencing in this flexible learning modality. It derived
from the small-scale students of the school, to ensure the fair representation of the
target population. The participation of this study was voluntary and each of the
students include the school to be studied gave consent to the procedure of the
survey and interview. The population of the study are the 50 students in San-Juan
National High School from grade 7 to grade 10. The sample are 33 out of 450
students. The respondents of the study are the students in the said school because
they possess information and experience to give answers enough to the factors
affecting mental health in the flexible learning modality to represent the whole

Choose a sampling design and discuss how the sampling technique is done in the

This case study was made by the selection of students from lower and
higher grade, the grade 7 to grade 10 from which to pick samples, was done both
using purposive sampling and simple random sampling. Minimum sample size of 30
respondents was proportionately selected from the target population to participate
the study. The questions are made to generalize of respondents of researchers
subjects the bases of the information and data gather for the study. Through
gathering the information from the participant, the sets of participant answers are
evaluated and analyzing by the experts and the researchers and following statistical
data methods for the result of study. To identify respondents of the study, the
researchers made use of the Solvin’s formula which is use to calculate the sample
size (n) given the population size (N) and the margin of errors (e). It is a random
sampling technique formula to estimate sampling size.
The sample size is 33.33 which is estimated to thirty-three students SJ-
National High School. In this study, the margin of error is 10% is used that made
the sample size relatively small because the research locale the San-Juan High
School is huge that conducting a survey to a large sample size would be feasible
and would be tedious enough for the conduct and completion of study.

Determine the sample size by computing it using the formula above.

1 + (𝑁 × 𝑒 2 )
n =?
N = 50
e = .10

1 + (𝑁 × 𝑒 2 )
1 + (50 × 0.12 )
1 + (50 × 0.01)
1 + 0.5
𝑛 = 33.3

The sample size (n) is 33.33.

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