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Chapter III


This chapter includes the research methods, respondents of the study, sampling technique

used, instruments that was used in the study, reliability of the research, data gathering procedure

and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

In carrying out this study on the Attitude towards English language and Academic

performance of grade 7 students, the researchers utilized the descriptive- correlational research

which is appropriate to realize the purpose and objective of this study. According to Aggrawal

(2002), aforementioned method is valuable in proving facts in which scientific judgement maybe

based providing essential knowledge about the nature of objects and persons. It is ardent in

gathering information about prevailing conditions for the purpose of description and

interpretation. This design is appropriate with this study because it helps the researcher to know

the positive and negative outlook of the students to the English. The researchers want to know if

the attitude of the students affect their academic performance. The attitude of the students is

positive towards English. However, the attitude of the students in English affect their academic

Data was obtained through a survey questionnaire while the Academic performance was

based on the grades of Grade 7 students in the English subject specifically to the Second grading

period for the S.Y. 2020-2021

Research Locale

The study was conducted at EMA EMITS College Philippines, this place was selected for

knowing the attitude towards the English language. The researchers decided to conduct the study

here at EMA EMITS College Philippines because of convenience and distance of the school to

the researchers. Since the researchers are also enrolled here in this institution, the researchers

choose the place of implementation because it will give the researchers the needed information

for students.

The researchers attempt to know the attitude of the students towards the second language

and the effect to their academic performance.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study comprised of 137 students at EMA EMITS College

Philippines, School Year 2020-2021. Specifically, the student- respondents came from four of

the sections of Grade 7.

The distribution of the student- respondents was shown in table A.

Table A. Distribution of Students- Respondents

Section Population Sample

SC 50 33

A 54 35

B 52 34

C 54 35

TOTAL 210 137

Sampling Technique Used

The researchers used Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) technique to determine the

number of student-respondents from Grade 7 that was included in the study. To determine the

sample size, they used the Slovin’s Formula and the computation is presented below.

n= 2
1+N e


n= sample size

N= total population

e= margin of error at 5%

n= 2 = 137
After determining the sample size, the sample per section were determined through the

formula shown below.

Section= Group Population x sample size

Total Population

Section SC = 50 x 137 = 33

Section A= 54 x 137 = 35

Section B = 52 x 137 = 34

Section C = 54 x 137 = 35


The researchers used a questionnaire checklist as an instrument in gathering data.

They constructed the rate scale to determine the perception of the student-respondents on the

attitude in learning English language.

To secure the data and information, the researchers got most of the questionnaire from

ESL Printables. But modifications are made to fit the context.

Scaling and Quantification

To describe the student’s attitudes towards English language, a 5-point scale was used.

The numerical value, statistical limit and verbal interpretation were shown below.

Table B. Numerical Scale, Statistical Limit and Verbal Interpretation of Student’s Attitude

Numerical Scale Verbal Interpretation

Statistical Limit

5 4.50 – 5.00 Very High Extent (VHE)

4 3.50 – 4.49 High Extent (HE)

3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Extent (ME)

2 1.50 – 2.49 Low Extent (LO)

1 1.00 – 1.49 Very Low Extent (VLE)

To describe the academic performance of the students, the following scaling was used.

Table C. Grading Scale, Statistical and Description

Grading Scale Description


90-100 89.5-100 Outstanding

85-89 84.5-89.5 Very Satisfactory

80-84 79.5-84.5 Satisfactory

75-79 74.5-79.4 Fairly Satisfactory

Below 74 Below 74.4 Did not Meet Expectation

Validity of the Research Instrument

The primary tool that used in this study was validated in the following manner: a) It was

presented to the thesis adviser and other experts for corrections and suggestions; b) The

questionnaire was presented to the panelists for final evaluation; c). This instrument was

finalized confirming the adviser and the panelists correction and suggestions. The instrument

was considered valid in its content as well as in the format.

Reliability of the Research Instrument

The reliability of the data in the research was determined using the “Test Retest” method.

Ten (10) students of Grade 7 who are not included in the study was asked to answer the

questionnaire over a week interval. Pearson Moment of Correlation was used in the computation

for the reliability coefficient.

Table C. Reliability Result of the Instrument

Variables Correlation Description Interpretation


1. Behavioral Aspect .73 High Relationship Reliable

2. Cognitive Aspect .80 High Relationship Reliable

3. Affective Aspect .56 Moderate Correlation Reliable

Data Gathering Procedure

Permit to conduct the study and to gather the necessary data from the students in EMA

EMITS College Philippines, the request letter was sent to the principal of the high school

department of the said institution. After the approval for the conduct of the study, the request

letter was then presented to teachers involved in each class. Then, the questionnaire was

distributed to the respondents. The questionnaire was given to the assigned teachers, and the

teacher attached the questionnaire to the module of every students. Then, the retrieval of the

questionnaire was made. Finally, the data gathered were collected, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The collected data were treated very carefully, classified and statistically organized

according to the criteria established in the instrument.

The descriptive statistical tools include:

Frequency Distribution and Percentage. It allows the researcher to have a glance of the

entire data conveniently. It is used to provide the range of the respondent’s grade

Weighted Arithmetic Mean is used to provide the average weighted opinion of the

students in EMA EMITS College Philippines on the attitude towards English of grade 7 students

to their academic performance.

The following formula was applied:



x = arithmetic mean

x = score per item

Σx = sum of all scores


The inferential statistical tool includes:

Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. It determines the degree of

correlation between the independent variable such as behavioral, cognitive, affective aspect

and academic performance

n ( Σxy ) −( Σx ) (Σy)
Formular xy =
√[ nΣ x −( Σx ) ] ¿ ¿ ¿
2 2


n = number of sample

xy = product of x and y

Σxy = the sum of the product of x and y

x = the scores of the first group

y = the scores of the second group

Σx = the sum of the scores of the first group

Σy = the sum of the scores of the second group

Interpretation of correlation value

0.01 to ±0.20 Negligible correlation

±0.21 to ±0.40 Low or slight relationship

±0.41 to ±0.60 Moderate correlation

±0.61 to ±0.80 High relationship

±0.81 to ±0.99 Very high correlation

±1.00 Perfect correlation

Chapter V


The researchers present the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations derived from the analysis and interpretation of data.

Summary of Findings

The following were the findings of the study:

1. Attitude of Grade 7 students towards English language

1.1 Behavioral
The overall mean of 3.72 indicates that students highly manifest positive behavioral
attitude towards English Language.

1.2 Cognitive
The study found that Grade 7 students perceived that their cognitive aspect is in
high extent as evidenced by the obtained mean of 3.74.

1.3 Emotional

Student manifest high emotional attitude based on the overall mean score of 3.83.

2. Academic Performance of Grade 7 Students in English

The Grade 7 students manifested a satisfactory level of performance as reflected from the
general average grade of 83.14.

3. Relationship Between the Attitude Towards English Language and Academic

Performance of Grade 7 students in EMA EMITS College Phillipines

The attitude towards English Language affects the academic performance of Grade 7
students in English.

Based on the findings, the following conclusion were drawn:

1. The respondents believe that their behavioral, cognitive and emotional aspects of
attitudes are positive.
2. The students performance in English are at satisfactory level.
3. There is a correlation between cognitive, affective and academic performance.
Whereas, the behavioral aspect do not affect the academic performance.


Based on the foregoing conclusion, the following recommendation were made:

1. Students may continue to show their positive attitude towards learning English.

2. The students may maintain or even improve their satisfactory performance in


3. The researchers recommend future researchers to conduct a studies pertaining to the

aspects that mentioned in the study.

Related Studies


In the study of Sekharan Nair, et al. (2014) entitled “Malaysian Rural Students
Perception of the Importance of English Language” studied a sample of 150 Upper 6 students
from a population of 775 students from 6 schools in the district of Marang Terengganu. They
also investigated if the students attitude towards English is positive if they receive sufficient
parental encouragement and support in their English language learning. They found that the
students were well aware of the importance of English language and also had a very positive
attitude towards English language learning and receive more than adequate parental
encouragement and support in their English learning.

The previous study focused on the perception of the importance of English language while the

current study focused on the attitude towards English language. In contrast to the study, the

previous study used variables such as locality of school, geographical background and ethnicity.

While the present study used variables such as behavioral, cognitive and affective aspects. The

respondents of the reviewed study are the Upper 6 students while the present study used Grade 7

students as respondents.

Lastly, The researchers in the reviewed study used a English Language performance as

their Dependent variable while the current study used academic performance in the English


As stated by Gajalakshmi (2013) entitled “ High School Students Attitude Towards Learning

English Language” behavioral aspect of attitudes deals with the way students behave and reacts

in particular situation. The results indicates that there is significant difference based in the

gender, locality of the school, type of school, type of management. In fact, success in language

learning can improve the learners identification of themselves with the native speakers of that
language and can also enhance the process of acquisition or adoption of various aspects of

behaviors which characterizes the members of the target language.

The reviewed study focused on the gender, locality of the school, type of school and type

of management as their variables while the current study used behavioral, cognitive and affective

aspect as their variables. The reviewed study used a high school and higher secondary high

school learner as respondents while the current study used grade 7 students as respondents.

A statistical analysis by Valerica (2013), enitled “ Determinant factors of Students

Attitudes Toward Learning” showed that learners who have positive ways of thinking about
learning and get involved in activities achieve higher academic performance than those who
make minimal efforts in this regard. Thus, students with good results believe that learning
provides satisfaction. They are willing to take on additional task and condemn superficiality in
school tasks. They set specific goals for learning, aiming at acquiring new knowledge and not
just at completing a routine activity, and strive for excellent school performance. Students with
high school performance considering learning in a way towards personal development. This
ensures their personal achievement and success in life.

This study is similar to the present study because it highlights the attitudes of student
towards English language. The variables that used in the reviewed study consist of: way of
thinking about learning, personal involvement, purpose, personal achievement while in the
present study the variables that used are behavioral, cognitive and affective aspects, they differ
on the respondents they included. The cited study gathered data from the College learners, while
the present study included grade 7 learners. The previous study used personal achievement,
student with high school performance and students with low school performance as their
Dependent variables while the present study used academic performance of the students in their
English subject.
Another related study is that of Biyi Zhu and Yaping Zhou (2012) entitled “ A study on
Students Affective Factors in Junior High School English Teaching”, affect is considered as
aspects of emotion, feeling, mood or attitude which condition behaviors in second language
acquisition. Positive affect is good for studying while negative affect will inevitably hinder
learner’s learning process. Based on the results of the research about affects in second language
acquisition, the study finds that junior high school students have the following negative affective
factors such as boredom, anxiety, hopelessness, inhibition and low self confidence in their
English learning. The emotion of the learner is an important factor that affects their cognitive

This study is related to the present study because it also emphasized that positive effect is
good for studying while negative effect will be inevitably hinder learners learning process. Both
studies used grade 7 students as respondents. In contrast to the study, the reviewed study did not
use academic performance as their dependent variable. The reviewed study used boredom,
anxiety and hopelessness as variables while the present study used behavioral, cognitive and
affective aspects as variables in the study.

In addition, a study done by G. Ballane (2019), entitled “ Understanding of Self

confidence in High School Students” the findings affirmed the importance of self- belief to act as
significant predictors of student performance in relation to a specific subject area regardless of
the assessment tool used. Academic performance and self confidence appear to influence one
another. A learner’s performance impacts the self-confidence and vice-versa. This self-
confidence can be enhanced or diminished based on the people who she surrounds herself with.
Furthermore, interest in the academic subject can also impact self-confidence.

This study is relevant to the present study for it also highlight the importance of self
confidence to the learner’s performance. Both studies conducted at a private high school. The
cited studies included highschool respondents. In contrast to the study, the previous study used
academic performance and academic self confidence as their independent variables while the
present study use academic performance as dependent variable. The previous study used self-
belief, self confidence and self efficacy as their variables while the present study used
behavioral, cognitive and affective aspect.

Related Studies


According to the study of Jugo (2020), entitled “ Language Anxiety in Focus: The Case
Of Filipino Undergraduate Teacher Education Learners” with a total of 242 learners from a
Philippine- based learning institution from various teacher education courses including Bachelor
of Secondary Education (BSE), Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE) and Bachelor
of Elementary Education (BEED). The results confirmed that the speaking activity, error
correction and communicating with English speakers are sources of high anxiety of the Filipino
learners, while the writing activity, negative self- perception and non-comprehension are sources
of moderate anxiety. All of the sources of anxiety and simple regression analysis revealed that
foreign language anxiety is a significant predictor of English proficiency.

This study is related to the present study because the cited study determined the language
anxiety of the undergraduate teachers, while the present study focused on the attitude towards
English of grade 7 students. The respondents of the s reviewed study is the first-year college
while the respondents of the recent study is grade seven. The reviewed study used high level of
anxiety as dependent variable while the current study used academic performance as dependent

A study by Nelta Elt (2018) entitled “ Filipino University Students’ Attitudes and
Motivation in Learning English and their Influence on Academic Achievement” that was situated
in a large community of non-native English speakers in the Province of Bulacan, Philippines.
The study shows that students are highly motivated towards learning English since they reflected
an optimistic desire to l

earn English because they expressed positive regard of their English. Overall, most of
the respondents were more positively motivated to learn English as their second language. Data
revealed that a majority of these learner’s degree or level of motivation is determined by the
amount of attention applied towards the academic task. Thus, students display a moderately
positive amount of attention towards their English course. As such, the higher the attention paid
of the study of the course, the higher is their level of motivation to pursue the task.

The study found out that the students are highly motivated towards learning English
because they expressed positive regard of their English speaking. This study is related to the
present study for it also emphasized the importance of attitude towards English language which
significantly affect their academic performance. However, the cited study was conducted in the
province of Bulacan and it divided according to the age groups, it comprised 306 respondents
while the present study was conducted in secondary level of EMA EMITS College and the
respondents are grade 7 students.

According to the study of Jerome Ouano (2011) entitle “ Motivational Atecedents of

Academic Emotions in Filipino College Students” critical thinking is positively associated with
achievement, but negative emotions ( anger, anxiety, shame, boredom, and hopelessness) were
negatively correlated with achievement. Anxiety and hopelessness were found to completely
mediate the relationship between critical thinking and academic achievement. Attitudinal aspects
are working hand-in hand in order to produce negative or positive attitudes that the learners

In addition, Mambot, Martin and Magsaya (2013) entitled “ Level of Language anxiety
Towards English’ showed that the Filipino learners has a high level of fear of negative
evaluation regarding low self-perceived linguistic competency.

The study revealed that the Filipinos learners has a high level of fear when it comes to the
English language. This study is related to the present study because it shows the negative attitude
of the learners towards the English language. However, there are several differences between the
studies such as the respondents, the cited study included college level while the present study
included grade 7 students. Another thing is the cited study was conducted in College school,
while the present study conducted in Private Junior High School.

At the end, the review of related studies is significant in the study because it gives a clear
connection between the attitudes of the students towards English Language and academic
performance of Grade 7 students. It emphasized that a positive attitude and negative attitudes of
students can affect their academic performance in school. The related studies helps the
researchers to understand the different reasons of students regarding to the English particular in
English learning. It serve as a guide to the researchers to know the attitudes of every students
towards English.

At the end, the review of related literature and related studies are significant in the study because

it gives a clear connection between the attitudes of the student towards English Language and

academic performance of Grade Seven students. It emphasized that a positive attitude and

negative attitudes of students can affect their academic performance in school.


The researcher wishes to extend her sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the persons
who gave supports and unselfishly contributed ideas for the accomplishment of this study.

First of all, to the Heavenly Father who gave her enough wisdom and strength of
body, mind and hear to complete this research.

Secondly, her expression of gratitude is given to her family who had always been
a source of inspiration and for their prayers, financial and moral support, also an appreciation for
her friends, Rose Ann and Shiembel Festin, classmates, to her thesis partner, Phamela Gonzales
and to Ms. Daniel Erika Duenas for her encouragement

To her thesis adviser, Mrs. Mary Day Bayeta , who had always been a fountain of learning and
for her constant assistance and patiently correcting her paper and by helping her to come up with
the best result of this study.

And to the panelists, Dr. Junrey P. Petere, Ms. Rizza Nabus, and Mr. Ryan Florencondia,
for their constructive criticism, comments, and ideas during the defense.

Through the contribution of the above mentioned, this study is made a complete one.


The humble piece of work which symbolizes love, hardship, patience and lots of sacrifices is
dedicated heartily to the my mother and grandparent;

Mrs. Adelaida Fabellon and Mrs. Lorenza Fababeir.

To my sisters;

Rose Ann and Daniel Duenas.

To the persons who gave guides and supports;

Ms. Shiembel Ann Festin and family

Above all, to Almighty God

The giver of life

Jesus Christ

This piece of work is lovingly dedicated



Name: Sadie Fabellon

Gender: Female

Height: 5’2

Date of Birth: April 21, 2000

Birth of Place: Jaena St, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Born Again Christian

Parents: Restituto and Adelaida Fabellon


Tertiary: EMA EMITS College Philippines

M.H. Del Pilar St, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Secondary: Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro

Primary: Juan Morente Senior Memorial Pilot School

1. In few sentence, can you still us what your study is all about?

2. What is your motivation for this study

3. How will this study contribute to the bossy of knowledge?

4. What is the significance of the study?

5. Did you bridge any gap from your study?

6. What limitations did you encounter?

7. What are your findings?

8. What method or Sampling technique did you employ?

9. Why choose this method?

10. Based in your findings what are your recommendation?

11. Based on your findings what areas will you suggest for future researcher?

12. How can your research study be out into practice?

13. How would you summarize your study to a practitioner in a few sentence?

14. What would you change if you were to conduct the study again?

15. What is your measurement instrument?

16. What are your research variables?

17. What do you plan to do with your research project after graduation?

18. What are research questions?

19. What source of data was employed for the study?

20. What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on?

21. How would you relate your finding to existing theories on the study?
22. What recommendations do you have future research?

23. What is the scope of the study?

24. What questions do you have for the committee?

25. Do you have any closing comments?

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