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1. It constitutes common language, experiences and beliefs of two communicators.

a. frame b. reference c. common frame of reference d. field of experience

2. It is the process by which an individual transmits stimuli to modify the behavior of another.
a. transmission b. persuasion c. communication d. stimulation

3. In the fullest sense of the word, it is sharing of one’s being.

a. persuasion b. unification c. communication d. perception

4. Communication is effective to the extent that the response matches with the source’s:
a. attitude b. knowledge c. intention d. personality

5. It is any continuous activity

a. event b. viewpoint c. process d. communication

6. Who categorized the information roles and functions as watchman, policy and teacher?
a. D.Berlo b. N.Quebral c. W.Schramm d. none of these

7. This is the forerunner of progress.

a. communication b. agriculture c. S& T advances d. all of these

8. Who described process as a fixed sequence of events?

a. J. Jamias b. W. Schramm c. D. Berlo d. F. Librero

9. When do you say you are an effective communicator?

a. E=P b. S=R c. S≠R d. E≠P

10. This element of the communication process has a purpose for initiating it which is expressed in
the message.
a. source b. effect c. receiver d. channel

11. It refers to the new idea, innovation or technology that is shared for knowledge, understanding,
and acceptance or to be acted upon.
a. message b. ideation c. source d. decision

12. According to Berlo, it is the material in the message that was selected by the source to express
his/her purpose.
a. content b. code c. treatment d. idea

13. Common examples of this factor in one of the basic elements of communication are language and
a. code b. message c. content d. treatment

14. In conflicting messages, people tend to believed more of what they

a. see b. hear c. feel d. taste

15. It is the translation of message into a common language or code suitable for the means of
transmission and the intended receivers.
a. encode b. code c. decode d. codified

16. A part of the message structure which refers to the decision the source makes as how he should
deliver his message.
a. treatment b. code c. content d. message

17. When a person communicates with oneself.

a. intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. persona d. unicommunication

18. To what level of communication does proofreading your own work belong?
a. intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. mass d. introspection

19. This level of communication usually covers heterogeneous audience.

a. mass b. intrapersonal c. interpersonal d. face to face

20. It refers to the perceived believability of the source.

a. credibility b. homophily c. empathy d. competence

21. Commonness between a receiver and a source contributes to more effective communication.
a. credibility b. competence c. empathy d. homophily
22. The average number of words uttered in a minute.
a. 125 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400

23. It is the important factor considered in promotion among US corporations.

a. communication skills b. technical skills c. attitude d. knowledge

24. Translating codes into meaningful ways.

a. decoding b. encoding c. codification d. translation

25. It is the total process which an innovation spreads out among clients until a large number have
adopted it
a. intervention c. diffusion
b. adoption d. evaluation

26. Reason for non-adoption of innovation by the farmers in the 1950s

a. technology does not fit c. ignorance
b. input constraints d. capital

27. The stage of the adoption process wherein the farmers would apply the technology on a large
scale in preference to old methods
a. awareness c. trial
b. interest d. adoption

28. Biophysical environment of the farm includes:

a. tenurial status of farmer c. topography of the farm
b. size of farm d. map of the farm

29. Socio-economic status of farmer includes:

a. membership in organization c. marital status
b. religious affiliation d. all of the above

30. Technology can be defined as

a. body of tools and products c. technologies & processes
b. materials and machine d. all of the above

31. Extension programs based on the people’s ____ so that they will certainly support the program
a. interests and needs c. educational attainment
b. social status d. income

32. This is the evolving planning strategy wherein low level officials of the barangay and members of
the community participate in planning
a. top-down c. spiral planning
b. grassroot planning d. long-term plan

33. All programs/projects must contribute to the foremost development of

a. technology first c. resources first
b. environment first d. people first

34. Some progressive farmers conduct personal experiments, modify the technologies and discover
new process and procedure as such they are considered as
a. cooperator c. para-professional
b. farmer-scientist d. demonstrator

35. A change in the social system where there is little or no intervention from outside resource:
a. directed change c. immanent change
b. intervention d. selective contact chang

36. The focus of agricultural extension is to assist the rural people to

a. help themselves
b. get as much education as possible
c. get rich or be better off
d. use recommended technologies

37. The extension agent can provide rural people with useful and practical knowledge only when
he/she understands rural people’s
a. conditions c. resources
b. needs d. task environment
38. Sustainability results to long term carrying capacity of regions which means that these areas will:
a. Continue to be highly productive
b. Maintain their total agricultural area
c. Exhibit a continuing modernization of agriculture
d. Experience no negative effects on the environment

39. Plans are made to ensure

a. effectiveness & efficiency c. satisfaction
b. productivity & profitability d. all of the above

40. An extension strategy introduced in Africa to break the top-down pattern found in most
development programs
a. Training & Visit. C. Animation Rurale
b. Project Approach d. Participatory Approach

41. A combination of means to achieve the program objectives and goals

a. Teaching c. Strategy
b. Planning d. Change

42. This extension approach includes a project management staff, project allowances and better
housing than regular government programs
a. Project extension approach
b. Participatory approach
c. Commodity approach
d. Educational institution approach

43. The main focus of extension is to assist the rural people to:
A. get as much information as possible C. get rich
B. help themselves D. use the recommended practice

44. The effectiveness of extension is best measured through its clientele’s behavioral changes which
A. permanent C. voluntary
B. spontaneous D. concrete

45. Agricultural extension is a system of non-formal education because:

A. it is graded non-formally C. it does not require a curriculum
B. done by people from the university D. It is addressed to the “here and now”

46. Emancipatory extension intends to:

A. free & uplift the poor C. enhance people’s capacity
B. achieve societal objectives D. help people make well-considered choices

47. Philosophy of extension serves as the extension personnel’s:

A. guide to his actions C. criteria for his decisions
B. standards of performance D. gauge for his extension programs

48. The following are objectives of agricultural extension EXCEPT:

A. to act as intermediary between agricultural institutions and target groups
B. to mobilize necessary resources
C. to establish programs that farmers can depend at all times
D. to aid in the adaptation of research results

49. The father of university extension is:

A. James Smith C. James Cove
B. James Stuart D. James Sorenson

50. This infestation of potato blight caused this person to write a letter which became a classic
document in the early history of modern agricultural extension:
A. Earl of Monte Carlo C. Earl of Clarendon
B. Earl of Monaco D. Duke of York

51. The creation of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAEx) was enacted through:
A. RA 680 C. RA 3844
B. RA 640 D. RA 3845

52. The Land Grant colleges in the US where established through the :
A. Morril Act of 1890 C. Land Grant Act
B. Morril Act of 1862 D. Smith-Lever Act

53.The Republic Act 7160 devolved the agricultural extension services of the Department of
Agriculture to the:
A. state colleges and universities C. non-government organizations
B. local government units D. agricultural communities

54.The agency formed out of merging the Bureau of Agricultural Extension, the Philippine
Agricultural Training Council and the Philippine Training Center for Rural Development is the :
A. Farmer’s Training Center C. Agricultural Advisory Centre
B. Agricultural Extension Bureau D. Agricultural Training Institute

55. The term for extension in Austria is:

A. vulgarization C. auflarung
B. forderung D. voorlichting

56. The term for extension for the Dutch people is:
A. voorlichting C. auflarung
B. capacitacion D. penyuluhan

57. If you want to expose a large number of people in various areas to the same information at the
same time, the extension method to use is;
A. individual method C. mass method
B. group method D. interactive method

58. These are opportunities to hold method or result demonstration on a large scale:
A. general meetings C. field days
B. tours & fieldtrips D. brainstorming sessions

59. This method is used when presenting divergent ideas from experts:
A. symposium C. short course
B. panel discussion D. lecture
60. If you want to show how a practice should be done, you must use:
A. result demonstration C. brainstorming
B. method demonstration D. panel discussion

61. It is a group method in extension which encourages quantity of information/ideas rather than
A. lecture C. brainstorming
B. symposium D. panel discussion

62. This individual method in extension teaching provides firsthand information to extension
A. lecture C. farm & home visit
B. method demonstration D. personal letters

63. These are displays that create interest or are used for information sharing that use posters,
pictures, models and specimen.
A. exhibits C. field days
B. puppetry D. campaign

64. The method which could turn to be a pleasure and not an educational activity if not carefully
planned and executed
A. method demonstration C. result demonstration
B. farm & home visit D. field trip

65. An effective medium for campaigns and dramatizing local problems and situations
A. group discussion C. radio broadcast
B. popular theater D. film forum

66. The extension teaching method that uses different methods focusing on a problem and its solution
A. lecture C. meeting
B. primer D. campaign

67. A method used to communicate agricultural information that uses small figures or images of
animals and people that also entertains is
A. play C. graphs
B. puppetry D. film clips

68. The most effective method to find the reaction of people to issues like government programs or
A. general meeting C. broadcast
B. result demo D. primer
69. The following are roles of community organizers EXCEPT:
A. challenge people to act on behalf of their common interest
B. live with the people
C. provide food for the people
D. plan your activities

70. Which of the following is not a purpose of Community Organizing:

A. to enable communities to be aware of their situation
B. work through campaigns
C. solve problems of people in the community
D. develop new relationships out of old ones

71. Which of the following is NOT a guiding principle in community organizing

A. go to the people C. integrated not piecemeal
B. relief not release D. none of these

72. The first step in community organizing is:

A. integration C. site selection
B. pre-entry D. monitoring

73. The periodic assessment to measure progress of extension or development programs.

A. evaluation C. approach
B. monitoring D. community organizing

74. When should the community organizer withdraw from the community?
A. when the community are aware of their situation
B. when community goals set have been achieved
C. when farmers from other areas visit the community
D. all of these

75. If you wanted to strengthen a community organization, you need to:

A. build alliance C. identify potential leaders
B. establish criteria D. form core group

76. Disempowered people are usually the:

A. moderate income people C. Moderate and low income people
B. low income people D. elite people

77. A stage in the adoption process wherein the farmer will seek further information about the
a. evaluation c. trial
b. awareness d. interest

78. Diffusion of an innovation takes place if

a. the benefit of the idea are difficult to observe
b. it is possible to try the idea on a small scale first
c. the idea is impossible to adopt
d. the idea does not bring benefit

79. It is the total process which an innovation spreads out among clients until a large number have
adopted it
a. intervention c. diffusion
b. adoption d. evaluation

80. Reason for non-adoption of innovation by the farmers in the 1950s

a. technology does not fit c. ignorance
b. input constraints d. capital

81. A change in the social system where there is little or no intervention from outside resource:
a. directed change c. immanent change
b. intervention d. selective contact change
82. The focus of agricultural extension is to assist the rural people to
A. help themselves
B. get as much education as possible
C. get rich or be better off
D. use recommended technologies

83. The extension agent can provide rural people with useful and practical knowledge only when
he/she understands rural people’s
a. conditions c. resources
b. needs d. task environment

84. The Organic Agriculture Act (RA 10068) was signed into law on:
a. April 4, 2010 c. April 6, 2010
b. April 5, 2010 d. April 7, 2010

85. The following is a program under the administration of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos :
a. Gintong ani 99 c. Masaganang ani 99
b. Masagana 99 d. Ginintuang ani 99

86. The Agripinoy’s theme is:

a. change for the better c. continuity and change
b. sufficiency and change d. advocacy and change

87. Speaking, writing, thinking in communication refer to the ___________ of the sender or source
of the message
a. Encoding skills b. Reviewing skills c. Decoding skills d. Conversational skills

88. The level of commun ication when a person communicates with oneself
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal c. Persona d. Unicommunication

89. Most effective channel in getting people accept and adopt innovations
a. Mass media b. Interpersonal c. Intrapersonal d. Group media
90. This relates mostly to the sender’s lack of communication skills and knowledge of the audience.
a. Encoding deficiency c. Transmitting deficiency
b. Decoding deficiency d. Receiving deficiency

91. Any operation or event whose elements are continually changing, dynamic, interacting, and
a. Cyclical b. Process c. Procedure d. Method

92. Communication process wherein the source influences and is influenced by the receiver
a. Interpersonal b. Transactional c. Intrapersonal d. dimensional

93. Communication barriers present in the environment where communication takes place like rooms
that are too hot, uncomfortable sitting arrangements.
a. Semantic noise c. Socio-psychological barriers
b. Environmental factors d. Socio-cultural barriers

94. This communication barrier occurs when we use, hear or read words with double meanings.
a. Semantic noise c. Socio-psychological barriers
b. Environmental factors d. Socio-cultural barriers

95. Emotional blocks, charisma, stereotyping, first impressions, and absent-mindedness are what
kind of communication barriers?
a. Environmental factors c. Socio-cultural barriers
b. Semantic noise d. Socio-psychological barriers

96. A communication barrier which means viewing a group or culture as superior to all others.

1. Semantic noise c. Socio-psychological barriers

2. Environmental factors d. Ethnocentirsm

97. The information that ________farmers’ attention seems to be the _______ of the innovation.

1. Seeks . . . usefulness
2. Delays . . . uselessness
3. Persuaded . . . effectiveness
4. Attracts . . . effectiveness

98. The more __________ the source, the more _________ the communication effort.
1. Efficient . . . effective
2. Credible . . . effective
3. Effective . . . effective
4. All of the above

99. Shared goal of agricultrual extension and development communication

1. Sustainable agriculture
2. Equity
3. Empowerment
4. Economic development

100. If communication is to succeed, the communication message must meet the needs of the

1. Receiver b. Source or sender c. Program d. Project


1. C 21.A 41.B 61.C 81.B
2. C 22.A 42.B 62.C 82.A
3. C 23.A 43.B 63.A 83.B
4. C 24.A 44.C 64.D 84.C
5. C 25.A 45.D 65.B 85.B
6. C 26.B 46.A 66.D 86.C
7. C 27.C 47.A 67.B 87.A
8. C 28.C 48.C 68.A 88.B
9. A 29.B 49.B 69.C 89.B
10. A 30.B 50.C 70.C 90.A
11. A 31.D 51.A 71.B 91.B
12. A 32.A 52.B 72.B 92.B
13. A 33.B 53.B 73.A 93.B
14. A 34.B 54.D 74.B 94.A
15. A 35.B 55.B 75.A 95.D
16. A 36.C 56.A 76.C 96.D
17. A 37.C 57.C 77.D 97.B
18. A 38.C 58.C 78.C 98.D
19. A 39.C 59.B 79.A 99.A
20. A 40.D 60.B 80.B 100.B

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