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To verify the equations related to the calculation of hydrostatic pressure

1. Measure the dimensions B, D of the quadrant end-face and the distance H and L.
2. Ensure that the arm is in equilibrium.
3. Fill water (at any depth) into the system. Ensure that the plane surface is partly submerged.
4. Use the weight to bring back the arm in equilibrium position.
5. Take note of the weight of the mass and the depth of water surface.
6. Increase the water in the system until the plane surface is fully submerged.
7. Repeat step 4 and 5.

Compare the hydrostatic pressure for both fully submerged and partly submerged end- face
(obtained from the experiment) with the equation.
F= ρg x A x hc
where hc = the vertical distance between the centroid of end- face to the top surface of water
A = area of the end- face
Explain the reasons behind the differences.
1. Start the pump. Slightly open the apparatus flow control valve, then open the bench control
valve and allow the system to fill with water.
2. Once the water level in the head tank reaches the overflow tube, adjust the bench control
valve to produce a low overflow rate.
3. Adjust the bench control valve and apparatus flow control valve 1o return the overflow rate
to a slow trickle. Wait for a few minutes for the flow to become steady.
4. Adjust the dye control valve until slow flow with clear dye indication is achieved. Try to
give a clear well defined line. Measure the flow rate. Close the dye control valve.
5. Repeat step 4 for transitional and turbulent flow.

Measure the Reynolds number of the flow observed (for laminar, transitional and turbulent)
To observe and calculate the Reynolds number for laminar, transitional and turbulent pipe flow

A flow can behave in very different ways depending upon which forces predominate within it.
Slow flows are dominated by viscous forces, tend to be well ordered and predictable and are
described as laminar. Dye injected carefully at a point in a laminar pipe flow will be stretched
out by the flow to form a clear well defined line. Increasing the flow rate substantially will alter
the flow behavior dramatically, as the inertia of the fluid (due to its density) becomes more
significant than the viscous forces; this s then a turbulent flow. In turbulent pipe flow, dye
injected at a point is rapidly mixed due to the substantial lateral motion in the flow and the dye
appears chaotic. There is an in-between stage transitional flow, in which a dye stream will
appear to wander around and will show intermittent bursts of mixing, followed by a more
laminar behavior.

The Reynolds number is defined as:

Re= VD / v

Where Re = Reynolds number

V = mean velocity of flow
D = diameter of pipe (for this experiment, D = 0.010 m)
v = kinematic viscosity
Normally if Re < 2000, the flaw is laminar, Re in-between 2000 and 4000 the flow is
transitional and turbulent flow exists when Re > 4000.


To measure the discharge using an orifice meter


An orifice meter is a device to measure discharge in a pipe flow situation. The discharge through an orifice meter
can be calculated as follows:


A = area of cross-section of the orifice

H = difference in the piezometer head between section 1 and 2

Cd = coefficient of discharge of the orifice meter

(for this experiment, the value of Cd is 0.67)

From the energy equation;

For this experiment, the diameter of the pipe (upstream of orifice) is taken as 28.5 mm, while the diameter of
orifice is 18.5 min.


1. Determine the dimensions of pipe equipment.

2. Start the pump. Allow water to flow inside the system.

3. Determine a certain magnitude of discharge. Take note of the piezometer before and after the orifice.

4. Measure the flow of water through the system.

5- Repeat the experiment twice by increasing the value of discharge.


1. Find the discharges through the orifice and compare the discharge obtained from the equation with the
discharge obtained directly from measurement.

2. Draw the hydraulic grade line for the flow through the orifice.


To determine water discharge using Venturi meter


The flow of water through venturi meter for this experiment is given by the equation:


Ad = area of the smallest cross-section of the venture meter

H = difference in the piezometer head between section I and 3

Cd = coefficient of discharge of the venturi meter

(for this experiment, de value of Cd is 0.67)

D1 = 28.4 mm

D2 = Dc = 18.5 mm

D3 = 14.0 mm


l. Determine the dimensions of the equipment.

2. Start the pump. Allow water to flow inside the system.

3. Open the valve to allow water to flow through. Take note of the piezometer head before and after the venture

4. Measure the flow of water through the system

5. Repeat the experiment twice by increasing (or decreasing) the magnitude of flow using the valve.


1. Find the discharges through the venture mater, and compare the discharge obtained from the equation with the
discharge obtained directly from measurement.

2. Compute and draw the hydraulic grade line (HGL) and energy grade line (EGL) of the system


To measure the losses in pipes


Energy of water will be subsequently reduced due to energy losses that occur between the water and the pipe.
Loss that occurs due to fluid friction between the water and the surface of the pipe is called major head loss. The
head loss hL represents the additional height that the fluid needs to be raised by a pump in order to overcome the
fictional lass in the pipe. The loss is caused by viscosity, and is directly related to the wall shear stress.

where f = Darcy- Weisbach friction factor

A fluid in a typical piping system passes through various fittings, valves, bends, albows, tees, inlets, exits,
enlargement and contractions in addition to the pipes. These components interrupt tire smooth flow of the fluid
and cause additional losses because of the flow separation and mixing they induced. Such losses are generally
termed minor losses. To determine minor head loss due to fittings and joints, this general equation is used:

where KL = loss coefficient, depending on the type of fittings


l. Install the piezometer tube before and after the fittings specified (sharp bends)

2. Open the valve to allow water to flow through. Take note of the piezometer head before and after the fittings

3. Measure the flow of water through the system

4. Repeat step 1 to 4 using other fitting (curve bends, T-junction) and pipe


1. Compute the losses in pipes (minor & major losses).

2. For minor losses compute the loss coefficient and compare with the loss coefficient in your text book (chapter

3. For major loss {flow inside the pipe}, determine the factor that are affecting the head loss inside the system.
EXPERIMBNT 6: PITOT STATIC TUBE (Velocity Measurement)


To measure the velocity of water using a pitot static tube


The arrangement of the system is as such:

* The diameter of pipe, D = 20 mm

The theory is as discussed in the laboratory.


l. Determine the flow regime of water in the pipe (ie: laminar, transitional or turbulent)

2. Find the velocity of water that flows inside the pipe and draw the velocity profile-

3. From (2), find the average velocity (vav) of water that flows in the pipe and compare with average velocity
obtained from direct measurement.

4. Compare the discharges obtained from direct measurement, with discharge calculated form (3)

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