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Quarter 1 – Lesson 1


Practice Task 1
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T

Practice Task 2
1. The quotation makes it philosophical because it talks about the behavioral aspects of
human being. It is about how you see the context and how you will apply it in your
daily lives.

2. I believe that broadening my perspectives can benefit my life. A broad perspective is

defined as the ability to observe a situation from a different angle or point of view,
whereas a life that is fulfilled and happy is defined as life-enhancing. I know that
having a broad viewpoint allows me to bring more truth into my life, which reduces
my ignorance and enriches my life overall. And a life lived in truth and with less
ignorance is truly life-enhancing. So having our perspectives broadened will help
grow us.

Practice Task 3
Socrates indicates by this statement that an unquestioned human life is empty of
meaning and purpose. To become completely human, we must apply our highly
developed intellectual abilities to improve our life above that of simple animals. Because
if we don't think, we're just animals, eating, sleeping, working, and reproducing. Same
goes with our studies; if you want to be successful someday you must gain a diploma
first. It’s like planting a seed and at the end of the day you will gain something that will
benefit you the most.
I learned that Philosophy teaches us critical thinking, close reading, clear writing,
and logical analysis; it utilizes these skills to comprehend the language we use to explain
the world and our role within it. It is also the study of the underlying nature of knowledge,
reality, and existence, particularly as an academic field. Philosophy contributes uniquely
to the development of expressive and communicative powers. It provides some of the
basic tools of self-expression.

I feel that Philosophy is important because it helps us improve our problem-

solving abilities, communication skills, persuasiveness, and writing abilities. The
following is an explanation of how philosophy can help us develop these numerous vital
talents. The study of philosophy improves one's problem-solving abilities. Philosophy
can not only help us enhance our critical thinking skills, but it can also offer us with
understanding of logic, which can also help us improve our critical thinking. People can
clarify their beliefs and be motivated to think about fundamental questions by studying

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B


I commit to apply Philosophy in my daily lives – from my perception of reality, to decision

making, and solving conflicts and problems in different aspects of our lives. Philosophy is
very important to us especially to a student like me. Philosophy makes us ask important
questions, it also aids in critical thinking and reasoning, helps guide the research process. It
may be applied to almost any discipline, it is a good foundation of almost fields and careers,
and Philosophy helps shape your belief.
Quarter 1 – Lesson 2

Practice Task 1
1. CPT
2. CPT
3. CPT
4. CHT
5. PT

Practice Task 2
Plato's allegory of the cave's main premise is to show the nature of the human
person, where genuine reality is hidden and misleading images and information are
perceived as reality. These are photographs of persons and animals being carried by an
unidentified man in the backdrop. Plato demonstrates how readily humans can be fooled
into thinking that what they see and hear is the absolute truth. In Plato's narrative, the
people believe that their entire existence consists of the shadows they perceive on the
cave walls. Plato examines the idea that humanity is hidden away from the facts in a

Philosophy may be able to aid by reconnecting reason and reality. Without the notions of
truth and reason, people cannot recognize what is true. They require the abstract concept in
order to think that one's phenomenal experience is revealing the real truth. You can know the
truth, or you can know reality in some sense, which may cause some of what you say about it to
be factual judgments rather than objective ones, aspect. Reflecting on all of these issues as well
as the important differences involved, can lead to knowledge.


1. A 6. C
2. B 7. A
3. C 8. A
4. A 9. C
5. B 10. C

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