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Question 4

4.1 Plagiarism, in-text referencing and list of reference

Plagiarism is taking word, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them
as your own work. Plagiarism involves academic dishonest activities such as:

 Copyinng and pasting from any source of information without

acknoledging the original author or source.
 Not using references or using incorrect reference.

 Not acknowledging the author even though your work is paraphrased.

In text referencing

In-text referencing refers to the naming of the author in the text written. For
instance Johnson (2021:19) argue that…..

 In-text references or citations are used to acknowledge the work or ideas of

others. They are placed next to the text that you have paraphrased or quoted,
enabling the reader to differentiate between your writing and other people's

List of reference

4.2 Participatory management cycle and its disadvantages

3.3 data collection technique

The data collection method that will be utilised to count people in the province
will be questionairre. Because Questionairre is a valuable instrument to obtain
a broad overview of demographic, infrastrutural and socio-economic data of a
community or area ( Dube, 2019:46). data collection technique of
questionairres occur where a published list of questions to be answered by
every informant.

According to Dube (2019: 46) questionairres should always be tested in a pilot

survey to determine whether the information obtained is accurate and useful
for the purpose designed.

The advantage is that when questionaires are conducted properly, the

reseacher may obtain highly reliable data ( Dube, 2019:44). However,
questionairres have other disadvantages such as dificulty to construct.
Questionairres also require high degree of skills.
4.3 Kind of Assessement

4.5 Participatory approach to project management

The participatory approach to project planning and implementation approach
is an approach that relies on adjunctive and strategic planning on
administrative procedures that facilitate innovation, and on decision-making
process ( Dube, Mthimkule & Zuma, 2019:29) . Participatory project
management have a positive relationship with the sustainability of the project
and leads to the enhancement of the systems development outcomes.

The participatory approach to project planning and implementation approach

consist of succesive stages of experiment, pilot, demonstration and replication
that are used towards project planning (Dube, 219:29). the succesive stages
are also known as the learning process planning mode.

The participatory approach to project planning and implementation approach

is based on the assumption that there is little certainity about which
techniques will work in the long term for a particular country (Dube, 219:29). in
this approach selected techiniques are applied and exposed to regular filed
tests. Afterwards project activities are designed according to what was
learned. Thus resulting in more flexible project planning by modifying and
adapting projects as more knowledge is attained (Dube, 219:30). another
assumption is that learning process approach should be continual dialogue
between project planners, implementors and the residents of the affected
area. The project has the advantage of continuos cycle of action reflection
and adaption (Dube, 2019:30).

Since the participatory approach to project planning and implementation

approach is based on the premise that projects will be small-scale,
incremental and adaptive to make changes (Dube, 2019:30). however, critics
argue that partipatory approach is naive and idealistic. Meaning that it is
imposible to deal with the total scope of development.

5. List of reference

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