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Guidelines and Procedures for

The International Conference of FPCI Chapter UI MUN 2020 Pre-Event

1. The Pre-Event will be held online using Zoom Application platform;

2. Participants must be present in the Zoom Cloud Meetings 10 minutes before the event
3. Participants of the MUN 101 must name their Zoom accounts by the following format:
Name_Institution (e.g. John Appleseed_Universitas Indonesia)
4. Participants who have signed up for the webinar classes and will continue to participate in
the following event must name their Zoom accounts by the following format: Webinar
Class Code_Name_Institution (e.g. 01_John Appleseed_Universitas Indonesia). Please
refer to the following codes:
a. Mapres Made: Making the Most of Undergraduate Studies from Home
i. Code 01: Dizza Aliftsa
ii. Code 02: Shofie A. Natasya.
b. Diplomacy Disclosed: Debunking the Myths of Diplomacy First-Hand
i. Code 03: Kama Sukarno
ii. Code 04: Nara Masista Rakhmatia.
c. Life After Varsity 3.0: Overseeing Studies Overseas
i. Code 05: Askarina Bintari Sumiran
ii. Code 06: Indah Shafira
Please rename yourself according to the format in order for the host to be able to assign
you to your respective break out room for the webinar. Make sure that your class code is
appropriate according to the class that you chose in the registration form and
confirmation e-mail sent by the committee. The committee will cross check whether your
name is on the selected class or not.
5. Participants are highly recommended to wear semi-formal attire for this event;
6. Participants must make sure that their camera is functional before entering the Zoom Cloud
Meeting, in case there is a problem with the camera, please inform our host via the private
chat feature. It also should be noted that participants must keep their camera on during
the event;
7. The host and technician will mute the participants when entering the Zoom Cloud Meeting
to ensure the flow of this event;
8. Participants are allowed to ask the speakers questions by typing in the chat column politely;
9. The moderator will firstly pick the questions asked by the participants before passing it to
the speaker;
10. Participants are expected to pay attention to the speakers during the event.
Rundown of
The International Conference of FPCI Chapter UI MUN 2020 Pre-Event

No. Time* Agenda Media

1. 10:00 - 10:15 WIB Opening

2. 10:15 - 11:45 WIB MUN 101: Introduction to MUN

3. 11:45 - 11.55 WIB Questions and Answers Session

4. 11:55 - 12:45 WIB Break Zoom Cloud Meetings

5. 12:45 - 13:00 WIB Technical Preparations for Webinar

6. 13:00 - 14:30 WIB Webinar

7. 14:30 - 14:45 WIB Closing

*All times are denoted in WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat) or GMT+7.

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